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Status Replies posted by LewisK1975

  1. Dear Basschat, I have a problem. I am so happy with all my basses and amps etc that I no longer feel the need to come here and look at things endlessly. How long will this feeling last?

    1. LewisK1975


      I can guarantee it will only last a fleeting moment.  I'm very happy at the moment too, but I know from bitter experience that it doesn't take much for me to be in literal physical pain after seeing something I didn't know I needed to have!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Sold my Music Man Sterling today. Missing that amazing neck already.

    1. LewisK1975


      Ah seller's remorse - Every time I've sold a Yamaha Attitude Bass (I've had 4 of them, definitely should not have sold the last one)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Sold my Squier CV Precision yesterday - I needed to thin the herd......
    But I still miss that lovely instrument. Will I be looking for another in the coming months? lol

    1. LewisK1975


      Every time I look at mine, I think maybe I should sell it, but it's so nice.  Can't bear to part with it, even if I only pick it up occasionally..

  4. Please may I have seven more follows on my (new) YouTube page so I can finally get past 100 subscribers?


    This is my own page, which is rather empty as all of my gear reviews are hosted on the Guitar Interactive Magazine website and YouTube channel @GuitarInteractiveMag

    So, mine is a bit empty. I'm starting from the ground up and need your help :)❤️ 

  5. Andy Baxter has one at present.......... bit pricy though!

    1. LewisK1975


      Cheers Paul - I saw that the other day but it Sold on Reverb to some guy in the US.  Spoke to Andy within an hour of seeing it on Facebook.

  6. For those with something in mind, BassDirect are running 6 months 0% interest on all basses and amps...Welp.

    1. LewisK1975


      Worth noting that it's only for NEW products

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Work and redundancy threats and woes continue. The latest "up to date" meeting is / was supposed to have taken place this month. But that's not going to happen now.
    Continuing to dangle me on a piece of string...... for over 4 and a half years, and counting :(

    1. LewisK1975


      Absolutely sucks mate.  So unfair to you and all others affected.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Expecting redundancy news today..... with real trepidation..... :(

  9. Expecting redundancy news today..... with real trepidation..... :(

    1. LewisK1975


      All the very best of luck Marc.  Hope things work out!

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  10. Got meself an audio interface with a software bundle (Pro Tools/Ableton). Let the bass recording shenaningans commence. Once I've worked out how to use it all...

  11. After more than 4 years of messing around and uncertainty - it's now definite that my job is going. I've got 18 months tops :(
    But at least I've got my bass playing to enjoy - thank heavens I took up the bass again. It's my therapy :)

    1. LewisK1975


      Sorry to read this Marc.  Hope something new comes along for you soon..

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Never bought from Andy Baxter Bass but the 1973 P bass on his site coupled with their Divido monthly payment scheme is sorely tempting me!

    1. LewisK1975


      Andy Baxter is one of my daily/weekly visits on the web, always something to make you drool if it's vintage Fenders you're after! In fact, I'm having a look right now....

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Expensive night of flowers, wine and cooking tea...but ahem,...the wife allowed me to dip into the savings to buy Mr Synchro's lovely MM Classic Sabre on here.....slightly chuffed but will have to sell a few of my others ...in due course, of course :D

  14. Good Day!!!
    Great to be a member!!!  

    I’ve always wanted to play the bass since I first heard “Green Onions” on the radio! At that same time, I used to watch a talk show hosted by comedian, Joey Bishop – in Joey’s band was guitarist, Herb Ellis, AND BASSIST Ray Brown. In one rare moment on that show, Ray Brown backed up a singer on a Fender Bass. The sound from “Green Onions,” that intrigued me, but the accompaniment provided by Ray Brown nailed me to the wall! and from then on I was in awe of the sound of the bass.

    But my parents, however, in their wisdom, explained that if I take up guitar, I can learn chords then I can accompany myself and won’t always need someone else to play along with me to enjoy the instrument. So, I took up guitar and learned chords and eventually learned how chords were built relative to their scales – then, I learned to read music. Now I had the tools that told me why the bass was such an important factor in music.

    In 1980 I was offered a gig as a bass player with a band of friends who ran a bar around the corner from where I lived. I took this as a “Sign,” so I bought a used P-Bass and a bass amp and never looked back.

    In subsequent years I’ve worked throughout the Chicago Area, Midwest and Internationally in various Rock & Roll, Jazz and Blues bands (Musical Resume available upon request)

    Duck Dunn was always my gold standard as far as bass sound even though I learned years later that Duck didn’t play bass on “Green Onions.”

    I now play a Fender Vintage 62 P-Bass Reissue and a 2017 Fender American Professional P-Bass along with a  Fender Rumble 500 V3 2x10 amp. I use D’Adarrio EXL170 strings and have for at least 30 years.

    I try to make myself a part of the mix, locking in with the drummer’s kick.

    I have just recently relocated to Wisconsin Rapids and am privileged to participate in many musical projects in the area.

    I plan on playing bass for many years. It’s what I feel I was put on earth to do. Playing Bass puts me in a place that is timeless, stress-free and as close to the spiritual center of the universe than I could otherwise imagine.

    Your friend “From The Left of Middle C”

    Tom Susala



    1. LewisK1975


      Welcome, and be prepared to develop GAS (Gear acquisition syndrome), an affliction felt by many who frequent this forum!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Visitors to BC over the years may well have seem me bang on about what I suppose is still a favourite 'tonally coloured' speaker cabinet, the Hartke 4.5XL. I've had about 6 of those 45Kg beasts over the years. Too heavy for my poor back now. Imagine my excitement when I find I can have 600 different IR's of this famous cabinet to play with on Helix and my DAW???!!!!! Could I have 'Dan's 90's Tone' back again??? Watch this space! (My back says thank you) 

    1. LewisK1975


      IR = Impulse response, essentially they are intended for use as a replacement/improvement for a speaker simulator.  So imagine you want the sound of a marshall 4x12 in the albert hall, there's probably an IR for that.  Or in Dan's case, the sound of a Hartke 4.5XL in 600 different types of room.  At least, that's how I understand what they are!! 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. Great gig on Saturday night, only tempered by the fact that by the time I got home my favourite kebab emporium was closed. Gutted, I really fancied one of their large chicken/doner combos. Went to bed with a rumbly tumbly and thoughts of what might have been. Cue the nano-violins.

    1. LewisK1975


      Brutal, that's happened to me before.  You did the right thing though, straight to bed rather than whatever's in the fridge and some flat coke! 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Just sold my first 'proper' bass (Warwick Streamer Std). A little emotional but he's been overlooked for the past 8+ years. A parting photo of it's current replacements show my tastes haven't changed at all in 18 years!


    1. LewisK1975


      Sold off a few 'overlooked' Basses myself recently.  Still have a few I really should sell, but can't quite bring myself to at the moment....

  18. 1991 Warwick SS1 delivered today.  Can I wait till the 25th?

    1. LewisK1975


      Surely you need open it to check it over? ^_^......

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. It's a HELIX kinda day

    1. LewisK1975


      Enjoy! Been having lots of fun with mine (and obviously getting my sound right)....Be warned though, you will most likely disappear into a a HELIX vortex, coming out approx 6hrs later....

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. Played through the rehearsal spaces ancient Peavey TKO 1x15 combo last night.  With my flats loaded P bass and a DHA Bass Drive pre-amp it sounded bloody wonderful!!

    1. LewisK1975


      Every time I hear one of those 'Tour' series heads, I always think they sound great.  But y'know, it's a Peavey, can't use that. 9_9

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  21. Helix inbound!

    1. LewisK1975


      Not Jealous at all.  Nope, not one bit.  Really, I'm not.  Not me.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  22. Once fees come into play, would it be cheaper to buy a bridge at £80 in the UK, or buy the same thing for $40 + $10 shipping from the States?

    1. LewisK1975


      IIRC you don't pay import duty on items of that price, so definitely the US option..judging by the responses below, much like Jon Snow, I know nothing!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. By poular demand ^_^ I have put up a couple of kits for sale. #black friday my arse!


  24. For the love of God folks, update your profile with your location...

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