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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. So, there's a few topics about this over on TB but I couldn't find anything over here so I thought I'd ask the question... 60s v 70s Jazz pickup spacing - which do you prefer? Are you a fan of the smoother 60s sound, the more aggressive 70s tone or does that couple of cms not really make much of a difference to you and you think the the difference can be recreated with a quick play of the eq settings?? I've never owned a Jazz, so bonus points for examples of songs or players that you think epitomise that 60s or 70s jazz tone!
  2. That fret board 😍 https://guitarvillage.co.uk/products/fender-player-jazz-bass-buttercream-maple-2
  3. You're not helping! I think once things get back to normal a purchase will be made.........maybe before if I go crazy I think it'll be jazz shaped, but those Ps do look mighty tempting
  4. All of these lovely G&Ls are not helping with GAS 😂
  5. I went to Andertons and tried out the JB Tribute not so long ago and I must have been given a dud. There was pitting in the chrome on the bridge, the binding had flecks through it and the finish on the neck had marks all over it too, it was really disappointing as I've heard great things about the Tribute range. Still, I'm keen to try another one though as this was likely one that had just slipped through the net. The neck was chunkier than I prefer with a jazz in terms of depth - whats the neck like on these? Have to admit that was the only G&L Tribute I've played, but I hear their necks are fairly chunky unless you go for a USA model and have the option to buy from them with different neck profiles. Also, are the pups the same as the USA models? I thought it was only the basses with MFDs (like the L2000) where the Tribute range shared the USA pups?
  6. I've been going down to blues route today too, but more the old Chicago/electric blues side of things. The Son Seals Blues Band is a fantastic album. If anyone fancies a listen then this is the stand out for me..
  7. Good stuff - Morphine are a great band and criminally underrated. I've got spotify blaring out Part Chimp radio, if you're interested in a bit of noisey, post rock riffage then give it a listen. Here's a live sesh of South London's finest themselves as a taster.....
  8. I know what you mean, I have a hankering for the sunburst model with blocks. They're pretty sexy and the frets are the same sort of vintage ones in your precision I think....... The GAS struggle between want and need is real! I wouldn't put a J pup on the P personally, only because I think it's too nice to mod. I picked up a PB70 US just before Christmas and absolutely love it so would be afraid of taking it out of its original state. Having said that, if you've played around with the PJ setup before, know you like it and the addition of a J pup would make you play it more then go for it. A good P is worth keeping though so I wouldn't sell it, you'll need it at some point!
  9. I have a DOD Meatbox that I must've used twice at most. I love the idea of it, but just can't get it to fit into my sound. But I'll keep hold of it... Y'know, just in case I ever end up playing a stadium tour 🙄😂
  10. This! I go in and out of love with precisions, but it's always good to have one around. Plus your mij P is pretty rare so not that easy to pick up again if you change your mind. If it's the PB70 US, it'll be 40mm at the nut and a joy to play too! How about trying to scratch the jazz itch with a classic vibe Squier?
  11. Did anyone here get this? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/184199081421 It's not a US model like claimed, I don't think, but someone got a bargain!
  12. I've always thought of that 5th string as a massive thumb rest 😁
  13. When I used to play with my fingers (I play mostly with a copper or 1mm pick nowadays), I never used to rest my thumb anywhere but had my bass fairly low so it hangs at just above where my hand would naturally rest. I've never felt comfortable anchoring my thumb anywhere to be honest and when playing hard I clang the strings off the fretboard ala Entwistle. However, I started playing in a blue band just before Christmas and have taken a lighter approach to playing as well as having the bass sit higher up my body. I only really noticed this the other day, but I've started to sometimes rest my hand in the dip along the top side of a precision and find that quite comfy.
  14. One quick fix for the body leaning forward is to just tuck the wing behind the strap as it leaves the bridge side button. It's never been a biggie for me though and I've never really noticed it whilst playing. Oh, and pics!!! Ah, Muzz beat me to it
  15. I have an Epiphone Classic Pro and wouldn't say it's that heavy. Having said that, my 2 other basses are a Ric and an ash bodied precision that are on the heavier side of things so it's all relative I guess. Not much of an answer, but I can weigh it tomo when I'm with it. I've never really thought the neck dive was bad on it either, it's nothing a decent suede strap doesn't fix.
  16. Thinking about it, Lemmy's born to lose bass is a nice Ric with a maple board and fenderbirds look good with maple too.... I guess it goes to show that the fret board wood doesn't matter that much as long as it sits nicely with the rest of the bass. Dots Vs blocks is probably a bigger factor for me if I had a choice! 😂
  17. I've only ever owned rosewood and maple boards so can't really comment on pau ferro or Indian laurel. However, I've played a couple of the latter and the dryness does put me off. I know I could lemon oil them, but there's a certain thing getting in the way, namely I can't be arsed. So, if i was buying a modern Fender, I'd probably only look at maple boards and use the tone control to get a deeper sound 😊 I think it mostly comes down to aesthetic for me - a maple boarded Ric or T'bird just looks weird to me, but i do love my maple precision!
  18. To be fair, I've never played one so they could well be a great bass. I just couldn't see myself ever giving one a shot though
  19. I played a 4 string in Andertons on Saturday and it was a lovely bass. It felt great and sounded good too, that preamp is a nice addition and isn't too complex to get your head around. The only reason I didn't pull the trigger is Anderson's customer service is a joke
  20. But it is pretty much just a p bass! 😂 A lovely one at that. I know what you mean though and sort of agree with you. Although I wonder if other manufacturers stick to the j/p designs just because they're the norm and what everyone is used to. If the Musicman Bongo was one of the first bass guitars, would there be loads of Bongo clones about? *Shudders at the thought!
  21. I love an offset design and would love to own an Ovation magnum one day. All of the models are ace, but this is my favourite.... The Lakland Decade is gorgeous too
  22. I'd be up for it too depending on dates
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