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Everything posted by spectoremg

  1. A classic! And incidentally, for every Made in Japan lover there's a Machine Head purist. Yawn.
  2. Playing a bass with a plectrum? You'll be telling me people are hitting the strings with their thumbs next
  3. Have I seen some cabs with a series option on the backplate?
  4. I have a lot of respect for famous Wal players (Geddy included), cos they don't do endorsements! OK so the record company have had to stump up but you still don't get a freebie. Serious bass lust in this thread, Wals and Kubickis!
  5. Did they do all the stuff they were involved with, Let's Dance etc like at Glasto 2 years ago?
  6. Apologies for duplicating any previous questions but: 4ohm cab + 4ohm cab driven by a single 4ohm amp. How do I do it?
  7. A new track? Surely Nile meant a lot of old Chic stuff cobbled together? Off to the Daily Annoyances thread to say how 'Just Sayin' is up there with 'wassup' for irritating trendy (not) things to say.
  8. I thought for years there wasn't any cleaning gear allowed in rehearsal rooms? A lot of them are unnecessarily sh£thole-like.
  9. Clearly the lack of Rick content on here has led to a lot of good old British Rick Repression! Ricks look cool? Give me a break. If you presented one for your grade 1 woodwork exam you'd be outside the head's office for slacking off. And as for punters saying they look cool; most punters wouldn't know a bass from a Tracey Emin unmade bed!
  10. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W70XkdHSQPA"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W70XkdHSQPA[/url] Found this whilst browsing a while back. Love his attitude to the 'slap void!'
  11. I have low standards which I consistently fail to live up to. I CAN however play the entire U2 back catalogue
  12. spectoremg

    Tony Levin

    [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j23Ul6YKQX8"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j23Ul6YKQX8[/url] Anyone know what the effect he uses at 3.37 is? Ta
  13. This news makes me very sad but he has one great legacy - every bass player of an age has tried THAT bass part! RIP Andy, everything is Alright Now.
  14. Nice attitude re playing style.
  15. I think your bass is a very personal thing and having someone else's name printed on it wouldn't work for me. Also I think that Warwick is fugging ugly, and by the look of it is a Warwick shaped P? Also pt.II, I'm not sure who the biggest endorsement whore is, Clayton or King? Do I recall MK liking Fender for as long as it took his signature to dry way back?
  16. Summer of '69... oh dear...
  17. I think Led Zep have made a lot of out of court settlements; quite a few of their song credits have changed over the years. There's an extensive series of vids on Ytube about their alleged plagiarism. In the first place I'm intrigued that it's the Marvin Gay estate. If I'd only known it was them I'd have thought they were after Ed Sheeran for the similarities between Thinking Out Loud and Let's Get It On.
  18. Dunno mate but ta for the post, it reminded me what an iconic bass they are. Glad they're still around.
  19. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/250449-most-covered-classic-rock-song/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/250449-most-covered-classic-rock-song/[/url] If you're playing those songs you need to check this out
  20. I disagree with the above, you'd be surprised how many bands want to trot this old crap out at gigs. Lazy.
  21. The saddest thing is that the powers that be still think we should enter this Eastern European voting lock-out. (or maybe that I give a sh%t is the saddest thing)
  22. Point of order, Kate Bush is certainly NOT a genius! Maybe time for another thread, 'Kate Bush - Genius or Pretentious Luvvy' Joni Mitchell is a genius - La Bush ain't in the same league.
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