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Everything posted by spectoremg

  1. Well said The Badderer, that's exactly the system I've used previously: compromise and make life easy. This guy tried to tell me today that it made life easy for the singer - really? In Phil Lynott's range?
  2. Yes they're mixing a lot of detuned and not. I think the whole of 'Appetite for Destruction' was done that way wasn't it?
  3. I'm talking about a semitone shift to make it a bloody sight easier to play? Everybody seems to play Superstition in E (from Eb).
  4. I've been in bands where a female's had to sing man songs and we've shifted the key miles to accommodate - no problem with that, but I'm talking about for example 'Sweet Child...' - does anyone actually do that in Db?!
  5. Lining up a rehearsal next week. Just contacted the guitarist about tunings and they're doing tons of stuff in the original (blacknote) keys, ie Don't Believe A Word in Ab/G# and other stuff that at some point go down to that beautiful open E (if you take a bit of trouble and retune them)! Seething in the south!
  6. Sorry this probably isn't what you're looking for but 'Goodnight Tonight's' bassline is joyous!
  7. Doing an audition on Wednesday evening; Don't Believe A Word, Alright Now, Sex On Fire. It'll be just like old times sigh.
  8. Do CC keep records of who they bought gear off? ID and stuff?
  9. +1 for the comment about CC being dodgy - and possession is a criminal offence I think?
  10. Probably one of my all time favourite albums. Great songs, musicians, playing and production.
  11. Interesting comment about Jaco's underwhelming live sound with WR. I read somewhere that those Acoustic bins were VERY location dependant.
  12. +1 for good drummers being like rocking horse sh$t - they're all in good bands. There are a lot of 'people who hang around with musicians' out there.
  13. Great songs but you'll get blank looks from the pub crowd.
  14. Oh dear - 'influenced by etc' I wonder what their 'original' stuff is gonna sound like
  15. Yeah 'prog' in inverted commas! I thought Gillan was a better singer too.
  16. Quick one guys, Is this gauge good for a Spector Euro4 nut? Ta
  17. I saw this a while ago. I hate seeing him from this period though, he was really on the slide in his personal life.
  18. Hey KevB, if you were born in Birmingham around 56 years ago we may have been!
  19. +1 for all the good stuff said about Paice and Glover. Ian Paice is one of my favourite drummers - rhythm to spare. Made in Japan was one of the first 'prog' albums I ever heard. Let's face it, if you're in a band with Ritchie Blackmore and Jon Lord you'd better be good!
  20. The finish is f&%king awesome! While I have your attention... I'm looking for a string change (and yes I'm aware there's a recent string thread been started up). For no particular reason I've used Elites Stadium 105 guage for years. I play finger style mostly off the front pickup with middling treble and the bass on 11! Seriously I only have the bass on nine and a half. Oh and something with black binding would be nice.
  21. Many thanks for the advice and the link guys.
  22. I've previously used the GB-7 and I'm thinking the M4 Shaller replacement is the one I need?
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