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Everything posted by tonyf

  1. Just checked out the Larry vid. He is the man. Sublime..... T
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1321362064' post='1438179'] Unless Im reading it wrong he was not happy at all, in fact "sick of " the TC head and swapped it for a Randy Jackson [/quote] Well spotted that man. I should really learn to read ALL THE ACTUAL WORDS rather than the one's I THINK are all the actual words T
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1321356096' post='1438089'] The other option that no one has come up with is sell your EBS cab & get an 8 ohm version. [/quote] As far as I know, EBS cabs only come in 4ohm versions. Calling Mr EBS_Freak.... T
  4. My TC rig replaced an EBS one earlier in the year. I'd gigged with the EBS stuff for the best part of 10 years. In terms of getting something to run at 2ohms, if you want to go down the route of two 4ohm Proline cabs, I'd go for a HD350 or TD650/660 (if funds allow). I know Panthairsoft is selling his HD350 for a muchly super price. Personally I'd go for that as it's a fantastic head, tone to die for and a HUGE output for the wattage rating. I'd never in all the years I had mine ever struggled with volume. If you're happy with the TC head and are lusting after the tone produced by the that and the Proline cabs, are you sure that the single 4 ohm cab wouldn't be a solution? Having used one for years, they're SERIOUSLY loud and have SERIOUS headroom. Even using a single Proline 410 cab, I'd be surprised if you're struggling for volume driving it with a RH450/RH750. However, as chris_b pointed out, if you're playing anything bigger than a pub gig, you're DI'd so having a snarling behemoth of a rig is a bit irrelivent (IMHO of course) T
  5. Genius....he makes it look so simple.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF-XDf_jf5w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF-XDf_jf5w[/url]
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1321165003' post='1435973'] His intro to this tune just about sums him up, i think his style required an Active, nine volt battery driven right hand technique. [/quote] Just fantastic. Check this out too. Great playing..... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijuUPJeaeXQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijuUPJeaeXQ[/url] T
  7. Bloody loads of them. In one of my bands, we do "Long Train Running". Never works live, complete indifference from the audience. "Hard to Handle" too. Works great if you're the Black Crowes. Not so well if you're us. Especially if the guitar player insists on playing it wrong. I could go on.... T
  8. Mines from one of my very first gigs in my teens when I was playing g*itar. Young and inexperienced woz I, a right young'un. The band was a typically sh*t heavy rock thing, a mixture of originals and a few covers. I had a nightmare of a gig, the guitar I had at the time had a licenced floyd rose which wasn't great at holding tuning. I really had no idea about how to set it up, being a bit of a "tweak it and hope" merchant. After 45 minutes of torment with the solitary disinterested man + dog wanting to get on with his pie and pasty in peace, I hit the last note of the last song, disgustedly threw the guitar onto the stand and stormed out to go sulk in the pub garden. Unfortunately, it wasn't the last song and the rest of the band were still standing in the pub waiting to play another couple of tunes... T
  9. Have recently made a couple of "pimps" to the Funker Derision. Firstly, added a J pickup to turn it into a PJ. I really missed the flexibility of the second pickup and I tend to favour the bridge pickup usually. The modification is detailed here... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/158289-p-into-a-pj/"]http://basschat.co.u...89-p-into-a-pj/[/url] Last night, I changed the cream pearloid scratchplate for a red tortoiseshell one. That colour was always the intended one but the cream pearloid was delivered by mistake so I stuck that on when I was building it. Was a bit of a faff undoing all the controls and then fitting them back onto the new plate. Also managed to short the cap on the tone control against the cavity shielding leading to an output problem. More faff unscrewing it and sorting it out. Also removed the blockmarker stickers, going back to the black dot fret markers on the maple board. The "faux pearloid" block markers looked great on the bling version of the bass but the dots look more refined with the tort plate. T [attachment=92919:P Tort 1.JPG][attachment=92920:P Tort 2.JPG]
  10. [quote name='algmusic' timestamp='1320846435' post='1432175'] Monster cab for a tiny price.. This should go quick [/quote] +1 Fantastic cabinet. Yeah, it's not light but golly, just an amazing bit of kit. Miss mine... T
  11. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1320604528' post='1428892'] Hmmmm, I've had a problem getting a sound I like with my TC classic 450 and BC 212. So much so that I've considered going back to an Ashdown rig. Maybe I should try a gramma pad? [/quote] Worth giving the Gramma Pad a go. If it doesn't pan out, you'll probably find loads of people biting your arm off when you sell it on. In terms of my RS212 (I know yours is the BC212), I know that on it's own, it's not as immediate in the midrange but it does go lower so I really notice the difference when I use both the RS210 and RS212 together. Sounds obvious really but for me, the 210 does the mids and tops better than the 212 which does the lower mids and bottom much better. T
  12. [quote name='Stroopy121' timestamp='1320673690' post='1429715'] If these are still going at the end of the month I'll take em. [size=1]unless the wife doesn't let me....[/size] xx [/quote] I'm sure the wife will. Because she loves you and wants to see you happy T
  13. [b]SOLD!!!![/b] For sale is a pair of Lindy Fralin Jazz pickups taken out of my Lakland Skyline Jo Osborn DPLE. The bass originally had these fitted to a East J-Retro preamp when I brought it but these made way for a pair of EMGs and a simple Vol/Vol/Tone. The Lindy's sounded absolutely stunning in the bass but it's not my tone as I've got EMG's in everything else I own. £80 posted. [attachment=92717:lindy fralin 1.JPG] [attachment=92718:Lindy Fralin 2.JPG]
  14. Brought an Auralex Gramma pad a few weeks ago and did my first gig last night. Done the same venue a few times before and it made a noticeable difference. Recently migrated from a EBS to a TC Classic450/RS210/RS212 rig and I've gotta admit, the jury was still out after struggling to dial in a sound over the past few gigs. Last night was so different. Plugged in, a few minor tweaks and bang, lo and behold a tighter, more focused and punchy sound. Loads of bottom end still there but it was so much more defined and controlled. I'm a happy camper. If you'd had told me how much a difference the Gramma Pad could make, I'd not have believed you. Always been weary of "snake oil" but this is the real deal IMHO. I'd struggle to think of anything sub-£50 which has made such a huge improvement to my sound. T
  15. That's the way to do it..... Tight as a gnat's chuff! T
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1320405284' post='1426333'] ...You may not like the technology they use on the TC amps to produce this 'pushed tube compression feel' ...[/quote] I think you've misunderstood, Gareth, I didn't compain about the technology at all. Personally, I couldn't give a flying foo about how the amp produced the sound, as long as it does and it sounds good and it's loud enough to get above the din that the rest of those other eejiots in the band are making Guess when you know in your heart when you've finally found something that really works for you. I mean, my Classic450 has been a revelation, it's a great product. I think TC have created great amps in the Classic450 and RH450. My Classic450 sounds REALLY good when cranked and I've had enough quality valve amps (Ampeg Pro II and a Trace V8) to know. However, as good as it is, I just fancy moving back to the tone I had with my EBS kit but with a much smaller footprint than the HD350 or TD650/660. T
  17. Brought Neil's tort p scratchplate. Great to speak to, quick dispatch, top fella. Deal with confidence! T
  18. Brought a Hipshot detuner off Mike. Top comms, prompt dispatch and a gent to deal with. Thanks Mike! T
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1320360162' post='1425993']I heard this at Frankfurt - it did sound awesome. Had the typical EBS tone although not having tried it out in the field, I can't say how it copes in gigging situations yet. Defo watching this one...[/quote] When I get mine, pop down the A38 for a listen
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1320340072' post='1425606'] They look lovely. 250w might not seem like much, but it's 14w more than the TC RH450. *ducks behind rock* [/quote] <HANDBAGS> I'm seriously thinking of getting one of these when they appear on our shores. My last but one amp was a EBS HD-350 which I replaced with a TC Classic450 in order to downsize. However, really missing the tone of the EBS head. At the mo, in terms of volume, the Classic450 is more than enough for me, (at those 238 watts ;-) so the 250w of the Reidmar isn't something that I'm not that worried about. As long as I can get the EBS tone that I had before in a more portable head, I'll be a happy boy.
  21. The Spector's the one. Close second is my Yamaha Nathan East which I've had since Adam was a lad but I don't play that live that much now. The Spector sounds and plays amazingly every time I use it. T
  22. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1320243302' post='1424222'] It's great to see Tony getting a signature bass. He is one of my absolute favourite players and I always think of him as the most talented UK bassist around, alongside Mark King. His lines are just incredible. I'm going to see Big Country live in February, which is great as they are one of my favourite bands. Absolutely awesome. Tony is the man. [/quote] +1 Tony's a great player. Always loved Big Country. He's one of those bassists who's got such a signature style and sound. One of those "do exactly what the song needs" players. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OycvimPi6Jg[/media] Check the wholly appropriate bass solo at 4:34. That's the way to do it. Think I'm wearing my kilt at the gig on Saturday.... T
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1320243480' post='1424226'] And she acted as well, notably in Happy Days, and Minder. [/quote] Write the theme tune, sing the theme tune, play a really bad bass solo on the theme tune?
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