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Everything posted by tonyf

  1. tonyf


    After ordering LATE! on Wednesday night from Absolute Music, it arrived today. Great service. Can't wait to try it. [attachment=90827:gramma_pad.JPG]
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1317924838' post='1396397'] [url="http://www.ebs.bass.se/2009/manuals/reidmar250.pdf"]..here's a link to the manual, too.[/url] [/quote] Ta WoT!
  3. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1317912115' post='1396141'] In the OTB's defence. If you're not cutting through a little nudge on the master volume seems to be all you need.... [/quote] Tonally, people have likened it to a one-trick pony but my, my, what a great trick. I really regret getting rid of mine before I'd even used it live. Silly really. T
  4. "Estimated to start shipping from Sweden in November, and might be viewed at Bass Day UK in Manchester" is the reply from their FaceBook page. Something extra for the Christmas list then.....
  5. tonyf


    [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1317911643' post='1396119'] I love the boom you get with wooden stages. [/quote] Boom! shake-shake-shake the room? Tic-tic-tic-tic boom?
  6. [quote name='BigJim' timestamp='1317909902' post='1396084']Calm down luv! [/quote] Oh lordy Jim, not to worry mate. Really didn't realise I sounded a bit hysterical like. Reading it back though, it's obvious that I've forgotten the smileys ;-) I've dropped an email to Mark at Bass Direct to see if he's any idea when they'll land on these here shores. I'll email the EBS bods too. T
  7. [url="http://www.ebs.bass.se/2009/reidmar250.htm"]http://www.ebs.bass.se/2009/reidmar250.htm[/url] Ummmmmmm. Me likey....
  8. [quote name='BigJim' timestamp='1317908055' post='1396052'] Only 250 watts though! [/quote] In all the years I had my HD-350, there was never a moment when I thought "it's only 350w and I wish I had more volume". Maybe the Reidmar isn't designed to take out windows and has enough volume for most small to medium gigs that the majority of us do. Perhaps the plan is to see how it goes with the output and then maybe produce a souped up version if there's demand (like Orange did with the OTB 1000). To me, first impressions already are that it's got that trade-mark articulate EBS tone but in a much smaller package. Sounds great. Lots of top end, lovely tight punchy mids and enough bottom end for me. TBH, I'd be very interested trying one out as it could potentially give me back the unique EBS tone I used to love from my previous rig before I had to downsize to the TC Classic and RS cabs I've got now. T
  9. I've no idea why it's taken me so long but I pulled the trigger last night and ordered myself an Auralex Gramma Pad. Not exactly a glamour purchase as it doesn't involve strings, wood or amplification but I'm strangely excited about trying it out and finding what all the talk is about at the next few gigs. For 40 odd quid, you can't really go wrong. T
  10. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1317641609' post='1392535'] Had to fiddle with the EQ again to match the room. It's feels ultra sensitive compared to other amps I've used. This is a good thing. Fairly easy to get it right. [/quote] This is what I've found with mine. I use it absolutely flat or maybe a little in the lower or upper mids. Really not much though. The EQ points are REALLY sensitive. Again, as you say, not a bad thing. I never gigged with my OTB but rehearsed it a few times, enough to realise now that IMHO the TC is SOOOOOOOO much more flexible tonally that the OTB. T
  11. + another for Colin Moulding from XTC and Mark Bedders. Dozens of great pop basslines between them. Dick Nolans playing with It Bites too. Joe Puerta's playing with Bruce Hornsby and The Range. Some wonderfully inventive and tasteful playing. My top pick, pop pickers? Sir Gentleman....aka Horace Panter. Maybe it's my age but favourite band with my favourite bassist. T
  12. I'd have had it if it had one more string. Or fretless. Or one less string. Or was passive. Or a maple neck.
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  16. That looks epic! Some jammy sod is gonna get a fabulous bass there....
  17. Take em both. Gig bags are cheap and you'll soon have some lacky to carry em round as you're all "rich and famous". lol
  18. tonyf

    multi effects.

    If you're after just effects rather than cab/amp simulation, look at the Line6 M5/M9/M13. They're amazing sounding stomp box modellers which offer fairly powerful tweakability but near idiot proof simplicity. True bypass when not in use so you maintain your tone. Having owned and used a GT6B, a Bass POD XT Live and numerous stomp pedals over the years, I've gotta say my M13 is the best sounding, most flexible and easy to use multi-fx so far for me. [url="http://uk.line6.com/products/stompboxpedals/"]http://uk.line6.com/products/stompboxpedals/[/url] T
  19. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='1324222' date='Aug 2 2011, 01:37 PM'][url="http://www.exit45.com/VaxIV"]http://www.exit45.com/VaxIV[/url] Just in case anyones interested, this is a great site about someone who transferred the guts.[/quote] Just spent most of my lunch looking at that. Just amazing.
  20. Took the Funker Derision bass to rehearsal last night. Sounded absolutely fantastic. Just like a Precision. I'm so pleased. Still got some snagging to do though. The scratchplate feels a bit unsubstantial around the jack socket (hey, surprise, it's a cheapo single ply one and there's a screw missing where the plate doesn't line up) so I may need to go back to the original plan of using a ply one. More importantly, it still needs a serious setup. I briefly tweaked it to get it ball park playable but it's a bit "agricultural" at the moment. Will have another play tonight. However, just tweaks. Will rehearse with it again on Thursday and then make a call on whether or not to gig with it on Saturday and record on Sunday. T
  21. I've just got back from rehearsal where I've used my recently purchased Classic 450 with my RS210 (I've also got a RS212). Sounded massive with two loud guitars and a pretty loud drummer. Think Moos3h maybe right, perhaps it's just that the Classic 450 doesn't "work" with the Ashdown cab. Nothing wrong there, lots of gear doesn't sound that good with lots of other gear. Guess that's part of the fun. Regarding the "hi-fi" sound of the TC head, TBH I've found that far from my mind as I'm getting used to mine. I downsized from an EBS rig to my Classic 450 and the two cabs. I've found that the TC's reasonably articulate if that's what you want but it's hardly what I had with the EBS gear. In a good way. The Classic 450 feels a lot more "old skool" now. The TC cabs really do sound great with the head. I know it's more expense but they really do match each other and I'm glad I went down the route of matching the heads and the cabs and can recommend them wholeheartedly. T
  22. [quote name='bartelby' post='1307525' date='Jul 18 2011, 10:22 AM']I'm currently refinishing an old Dean bass. Hoping for it to be purple sparkle in the end. It's been a bit of a pain in the arse, with the metal flake layer reacting with the base coats. So I have to sand it back a bit and redo the base coats. But I have found out that one of my mates has recently acquired a proper spray booth and a proper metal flake spray gun. He told me to get the bass ready and give him a bell and I can use his stuff to do the flake properly. As I now have access to proper equipment I may sand back to the wood do a decent job.[/quote] That was what I discovered when I was researching the sparkle finish. Think you can buy large metal flakes if you're mixing your own paint and using "proper" spray guns with varying nozzles but because rattle cans have much smaller outlets (and nozzles), there's a limit to the size of flake you can buy off the shelf. Sorry to hear you've had a nightmare with the basecoat. When researching the painting, it was such an eye opener looking paint types and how they can react with each other if you get it wrong. T
  23. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1307563' date='Jul 18 2011, 10:51 AM']Nice screwdriver . Seriously though great job well done.[/quote] I love it. It was an impulse buy ages ago whilst standing in the queue at B&Q but we've been inseparable since! T
  24. [quote name='bartelby' post='1307500' date='Jul 18 2011, 10:04 AM']Very nice. But I still think you shold have gone sparkly...[/quote] <DEEP SIGH> I was thinking the same thing. Shoulda stuck to my guns and done it but I bottled it, thinking it was a bit too tricky to get a large enough flake spray in a can. Hey ho.
  25. Then, after the bridge was on, the final assembly jobs and then stringing it up. [attachment=84992:100_1212.jpg] Gave it a rough (VERY ROUGH!!) setup and it's sounding surprisingly good. Well chuffed so far but it needs a bit of work.... [attachment=84992:100_1212.jpg] [attachment=84994:100_1216.jpg] The obligatory sofa pictures.... [attachment=84995:100_1217.jpg] [attachment=84996:100_1220.jpg] [attachment=84997:100_1225.jpg] [attachment=84998:100_1227.jpg]
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