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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1404663167' post='2494507'] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aH4DAa-B_c [/quote] Tropicalia
  2. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1404663008' post='2494506'] They are what they are and all play a much wider scope than pure pop. Bossa, Samba, Samba Reggae blah, blah, blah. Given the nature of trhe query, I think this level of detail is premature. They were included in the list because they come under the umbrella of Latin Music (and are all featured in encyclopedias of Latin Music accordingly). [/quote] They may all come under the the term Latin Music but to me Latin Grooves is more Tito Puente, Ruben Blades, Cachao etc than say Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento or Gal Costa. Specialist records shops (when they existed) would have had the former under Latin but the latter under Brazilian (or now MPB). I don't think that many DJs specializing in Latin Grooves would play too much Luiz Gonzaga or Choro, Balao and Forro. I know it's only a musical term but then i suppose Cliff Richard, Abba and Mantovani are just World Music when you come to think of it.
  3. [quote name='DrBike' timestamp='1403610168' post='2484380'] Has Pino fallen on hard times? [/quote] I walked past his house a couple of days ago and it doesn't look like he has.
  4. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1404502770' post='2493356'] Cool! Then I'm happy to inform you that you succeeded [/quote] I'm happy that you found it valuable enough to need to reply.
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1404207351' post='2490203'] And we have a winner in the "pointless post of the year" category! [/quote] ...and possibly a runner-up.
  6. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1404175411' post='2490070'] Erm... Thank you for your valuable insight. [/quote] Erm... It wasn't really meant to be that valuable.
  7. [quote name='zvirus' timestamp='1404455694' post='2492717'] Made up my mind and went for.... VINTAGE V74MRJP FRETLESS... Its on its way to me now... Many people claiming its far better bass than F Squier VM Fretless , buying Squier I leave the shop and just lost £100 in value(!) [/quote] Squiers are no different to most other basses. As soon as you take any new bass out of a shop it's lost a large percentage of it's value.
  8. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1404424797' post='2492624'] I thought the "Latin (American) Music" term just described any Spanish and Portuguese language genres. Then geography wise you then get into the localised styles, Tango, Merengue, Salsa, Bachata, Bossa, etc etc, and of course all the various Cuban Rhythms. [/quote] When the term world music (whatever that is) got trendy in the 80s Latin Music was mainly considered as Salsa, Cuban, Ruben Blades, Tito Puente etc. Brazilian music was a different genre altogether. I suppose all these terms are made up by the music industry, music journalists or record shops. A bit like Freakbeat records which no one ever called Freakbeat when it was released in the 60s!!!
  9. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1404466791' post='2492832'] I wish I did. Id like to try one. I get bored of the usual aray of Fender. Yamaha and Ibanez [/quote] I agree that that's the usual ones they stock but all of the guitar shops around my way that stock Tanglewood have at least a couple of Overwater by Tanglewood basses.
  10. I wonder if you can get a sticker that says: 'No Expensive Bass Guitars Are Left In This Vehicle Overnight' That should do the trick.
  11. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1404378032' post='2491981'] I rarely see an Overwater in music shops which means they don't sell - which there'll be reason for. [/quote] I see plenty of Overwaters in the music shops around where i live.
  12. Funky Latin Grooves? Do you mean Banda, Bolero, Bossa Nova, Choro, Compas, Duranguense, Frevo, Forro, Guaracha, Lambada, Merengue, Music Popular Brasiliera, Nuevo Cancion, Salsa, Samba, Son, Tango or Nuevo Tango plus numerous others? Latin covers a massive amount of musical genres.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404422987' post='2492598'] Rubbish! - You've contributed to at least five threads today to my certain knowledge and you were in the 'Fender Decal' thread only last Wednesday telling us how you don't bother with BC much any more! Thhppp!! [size=4] [/size] That's like me saying I don't get on here as often as I used to! Which I don't, actually... [/quote] Sorry but i have no knowledge of the 'Fender Decal' thread although it does sound enthralling. Sadly i had to water the garden that evening otherwise i would have given it my undivided attention. I don't come on here anywhere near as much as i used to but it still has it's moments.
  14. I don't think of Joao Bosco, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Djavan, Luis Bonfa as what i would describe simply as Latin music. All are in the MPB ( Musica Popular Brasiliera) section of my music collection which is a whole seperate genre to me.
  15. I love Glasto. It's lovely and quiet around where i live when it's on. Even if we are only hipster free for weekend it's still a wonderful thing.
  16. I was trying to think why i haven't bothered with BC for a couple of months..............
  17. Just substitute Bass Guitar for Car, House, Clothes. Why would anyone buy a car that does 200mph and 10mpg or a house that has 5 more bedrooms than needed or expensive designer clothes?
  18. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1404316750' post='2491546'] There's a trick that some people do on ebay. You find an item on amazon, and then list it on ebay for a higher price. If anyone doesn't check prices and buys from ebay, then you buy the item from amazon and have it sent to the buyer. [/quote] People have been doing this sort of thing for years and not just with Amazon. There are sellers that list thousands of items at higher prices than can be found elsewhere then they source the item once someone buys it.
  19. [quote name='humapuma' timestamp='1404208943' post='2490234'] BetaFunk: I try not to think of Jaco when playing fretless as he was a total one-off. Now that really is good advice! [/quote]
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1404248610' post='2490854'] Rothko has or maybe had 2 bassists. [/quote] Thanks ambient but this was a trio that i'd never heard of with two Bass VIs.
  21. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1404240572' post='2490753'] Sorry. [/quote] No worries, at least you've bumped it to the top again. You are forgiven..........and yes o.k. the Spinal Tap bit was funny.
  22. I've liked Tom Jenkinson's music from the very first Squarepusher LP and although i have the Solo Bass cd i much prefer his electronic stuff. Mind you i even tire rather quickly of someone like Victor Wooten and all that twiddly-diddly stuff.
  23. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1404235691' post='2490676'] Not the answer you're looking for but does this help? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN42uzNFVmQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=iN42uzNFVmQ[/url] [/quote] No and not sure why you think it might. Oh well.
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