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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. I sincerely hope that the phone didn't ring in the middle of one of old Framps talk-box thingy solos. That would be totally inexcusable..........
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1407581716' post='2521966'] do you have a favourite EWF classic, or non classic. ? [/quote] They were a fabulous band. I love all of their stuff and it still sounds a fresh today to me as did way back then and this live version of Sun Goddess is a gem. http://youtu.be/eAx7jNtg_Cc
  3. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1407582117' post='2521974'] I never had the opportunity to see them, but a workmate said they were the best band he has seen live. [/quote] I saw EW&F in the 70s and it was one of the best live shows i've ever seen complete with levitating bass players (Verdine White) and the finale where all of the band get into a massive triangular thing and are hoisted into the air then it all falls apart and hey presto! there's no one in it.
  4. If you've ever been to a Keith Jarrett concert this is the norm....... http://youtu.be/BB9mMABRM0c
  5. [quote name='basscell' timestamp='1407540729' post='2521738'] Always a mystery! Why Family was at least not as successful as ELP? A much inferior conglomeration of 'super musicians'. [/quote] I think that was the problem. When Grech left from the original line-up it was the beginning of the end despite the recruiting of established musicians on the rock scene. There was a time when it seemed you could see Chapman and Whitney play in a pub every night of the week and seeing them at The Kensington many times i couldn't help thinking that these blokes should be playing big venues rather than a backstreet pub in the shadows of Olympia, West London. I'm also surprised that on a bass forum that Ric Grech hasn't been mentioned more (especially in this thread) as he was such an important part of the line-up on those first two classic albums.
  6. [quote name='basscell' timestamp='1407538893' post='2521719'] True, but after such a debut even a few hit and miss albums can be forgiven, if I'm not mistaken, Music in a D. is still the greatest rock debut album. [/quote] Agreed. With such a superb debut like that it was always going to be a hard act to follow.
  7. [quote name='basscell' timestamp='1407538126' post='2521705'] What about [b]Bandstand? [/b]That was a great album. By the way, I saw a few clips of their 2013 reunion, not bad at all. [/quote] Bandstand was a return to form after a few hit and miss albums but with only Chapman and Whitney left from the line-up of that great debut LP of four years previous.
  8. I loved the first two Family albums (Music In A Dolls House & Family Entertainment) from the day of their respective releases in 68 & 69. Great albums and if that wasn't enough they had the great Ric Grech on bass.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407530023' post='2521605'] That is very true. Listened to a lot of avant garde stuff in my time... lots of CAN (at a time when my peers listened to Deep Purple) and other so-called 'underground' stuff. Agree with you about ELO - Pink Floyd to a lesser extent. [/quote] Yes i remember from previous posts that you like a lot of different music and i must admit my tongue was slightly in cheek re Pink Floyd. I do think though that so called difficult music gets easier to listen to the more you listen to it. I got into a lot of avant-garde stuff in the 70s and remember reading an article in a classical music magazine at the time about Xenakis, Cage, Varese and Stockhausen and presumed this would be hard to listen to. When i took the plunge i found it a breeze to listen to and not difficult at all. Looking back a i realise that this was because i was listening to Ornette, Sun Ra, Cecil Taylor etc at the time.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407522456' post='2521514'] Wow, that's... challenging. To be honest it's the kind of Jazz that makes me want to eat my own bum. Quite a lot of Jazz makes me want to eat my own bum. Bum-Jazz, I call it. But when you've listened to the whole of [i]An Evening with Ornette Coleman[/i] on acid, everything changes. [/quote] I've seen Peter Brotzmann on more than a few occasions. I think his and similar music is as challenging as you want it it to be. The problem is that we are brought up for our ears to accept certain types of music. Ornette is my musical hero who i've had the pleasure of seeing live on numerous occasions and i also have all of his official recorded work plus many live recordings. In respect to music being challenging i'd find listening to say Ornette Coleman, Albert Ayler, Sun Ra or even Peter Brotzmann far less challenging than listening to anything by ELO or the tedious Dark Side of the Moon. Both of those would challenge me in not flinging them frisbee style out of my window. Seriously though there is some great and rewarding music out there if you look outside the norm.
  11. Have a listen to his Dad............... http://youtu.be/dbVpx5-XYng
  12. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1407485811' post='2520924'] Yet another great reason for me to avoid FaecesBook. [/quote] Just like forums, some facebook pages are good and some are bad. I've gained a lot of valuable bass related info on a couple of FB groups that i haven't found on here. I don't avoid anything that educates me.
  13. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1407190100' post='2518303'] I'm so annoyed at having no money right now! Watched this bass since day 1 on here and always fancied it... Interested in trades? [/quote] Sorry but no trades as i'm trying to thin down my collection. I can understand why you've always fancied it though as it is a really nice bass that is a lot lighter than any other JB style bass i've ever had.
  14. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1406879270' post='2515474'] Kim Annette Clarke, Defunkt (great Stingray sound on 'Thermonuclear sweat') [/quote] Absolutely!!! I saw Kim Clarke with Defunkt live a few times in the 80s. Great live band and great bass player.
  15. [quote name='Scooby' timestamp='1405325883' post='2500673'] Perhaps I should have said "Smelling farts is good for your health - generally discuss" [/quote] You could have but it would still have been off topic. [quote name='Scooby' timestamp='1405325883' post='2500673'] Does it matter if it is a general discussion concerning an odd piece of research or off the topic of playing bass? [/quote] I suppose it only matters in as much as a lot of people only come on this forum to read the bass related topics. I don't bother much now with off-topic as i don't really care who goes hang-gliding, morris dancing, what car they drive or where they go hiking. I'm really only on here for bass related topics. Having been involved in both professional and semi-pro football for the last few decades some of the football posts in o/t still amuse me but i no longer bother to contribute.
  16. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1405281687' post='2500463'] I would have cut out the middle man & complained directly to the farmer who grew the hops..... [/quote]
  17. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1405271016' post='2500328'] Where's there a Mod? Never there when you need them.... [/quote] Don't upset them or the thread will probably be locked. Oh, hold on..........
  18. I hope you emailed the brewery to complain if you got a duff pint.
  19. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1405205658' post='2499765'] Shouldn't this be in "Off Topic" ? [/quote] Yes.
  20. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1405205768' post='2499767'] I once took a pair of socks back to a butcher for a refund. Got my money back too. [/quote] I bought a pair of socks from a butcher once. They right one was fine but the left one was offal.
  21. It's hard to believe now what impact the Ornette Coleman quartet had on music in the late 50s/early 60s. They were creating their own music (The LP This Is Our Music was named so because it was) revolution and most Jazz critics and fans loathed them and they were ridiculed by many jazz fans and in the music press although this changed and both critics and fans mellowed as the 60s drew on. Charlie Haden was integral part of that Quartet's sound so much so that Coleman's music noticeably changes with his later groups and bass players. Although Coleman didn't ever stand still musically. A fantastic lyrical bass player for sure but he was a true innovator and groundbreaker. Revolutionary music. http://youtu.be/405MdvmBoAU
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