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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1405205658' post='2499765'] Shouldn't this be in "Off Topic" ? [/quote] Yes.
  2. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1405205768' post='2499767'] I once took a pair of socks back to a butcher for a refund. Got my money back too. [/quote] I bought a pair of socks from a butcher once. They right one was fine but the left one was offal.
  3. It's hard to believe now what impact the Ornette Coleman quartet had on music in the late 50s/early 60s. They were creating their own music (The LP This Is Our Music was named so because it was) revolution and most Jazz critics and fans loathed them and they were ridiculed by many jazz fans and in the music press although this changed and both critics and fans mellowed as the 60s drew on. Charlie Haden was integral part of that Quartet's sound so much so that Coleman's music noticeably changes with his later groups and bass players. Although Coleman didn't ever stand still musically. A fantastic lyrical bass player for sure but he was a true innovator and groundbreaker. Revolutionary music. http://youtu.be/405MdvmBoAU
  4. This is one of the best Charlie Haden interviews i've read. Interesting stuff on his time with Ornette Coleman including playing alongside Ornette's 9 year-old son Denardo on drums and his thoughts on Scott LaFaro with Ornette. http://dothemath.typepad.com/dtm/interview-with-charlie-haden.html
  5. Yes sad news indeed. R.I.P. Charlie
  6. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1405108084' post='2498960'] You think that have a nice weekend xx [/quote] Before you go i'd like to sincerely thank you for one of the most amusing threads ever on Basschat. I really hope that you've learnt something from all of this. Here's hoping.
  7. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1405069095' post='2498441'] Mind you it has taught me a valuable lesson keep any packaging and only buy Rotosounds or Ernie Balls lol [/quote] I'll repeat this for the [u]third[/u] time..........you do NOT need the original packaging to return an item that is faulty and unfit for purpose.
  8. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1405068327' post='2498428'] +1. A lot of people criticising Warwick's attitude on here but we don't know what their actual response was. [/quote] +1
  9. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1405061793' post='2498340'] I would of sent the strings back minus the packaging as I stated [/quote] I still don't understand why you don't simply return the strings to the retailer you bought them from. As has previously been said if the goods are unfit for purpose you do not need the original packaging to return them. The seller should also pay your return postage costs.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405029441' post='2498208'] +1. Good customer service is all-important. It's not rocket surgery. [/quote] +1. The advice given by Warwick to return the strings to the retailer is correct so it sounds like decent customer service to me.
  11. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1405029497' post='2498210'] Unfortunately, the customer is not [i]always [/i]right. Fairness works both ways. Anyway, there's still time to send a similar email to Thomann and see what they have to say about it - he's their customer after all. [/quote] +1
  12. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1405024523' post='2498120'] Your contract is with the seller, not the brand owner, and that should be the first step in the complaints procedure. Escalate if necessary, by all means, but it's only fair to give the seller the opportunity to fix things first. [/quote] Totally agree. Your contact is with the seller not the brand owner, distributor or manufacturer. Warwick sound as if they have done everything right in this instance. They have suggested returning the strings to the retailer which is correct. I'm not sure what else they are meant to do.
  13. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1405023329' post='2498091'] I contacted Warwick through their Forum and Florin contacted the CEO on our behalf - the outcome was they were [i]not in a position to help out[/i] with the event and declined to make any donations - a company that charges over £2,000 for basses can't even afford to give a grass roots event with their target audience a few sets of strings which cost them what?? £10?? I was disgusted TBH. [/quote] Different companies have different policies. I've found in the past that some companies will go beyond the call of duty and supply items for charity auctions etc but some companies will not give a single thing however small as it is company policy. That's just the way it goes.
  14. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1405018235' post='2498023'] Like a fool I had thrown the packaging away so could not return them [/quote] If goods are 'unfit for purpose' the buyer has no obligation whatsoever to send the item or items back in the original packing. If an item is unfit for purpose then send it back and get a refund. End of.
  15. Where does 'do 90s basses count as vintage' come into all this?
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404855087' post='2496478'] D'oh, missed it. I could have done with a laugh. [/quote] Don't worry if you missed it as it appears regularly on ebay.
  17. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1404920790' post='2497019'] I still find the Carol Kaye input inconceivable back as early as 1964 but if someone has further info then fine. [/quote] You may well be correct and have no reason to doubt that but that's not was replying to. Your quote which i was replying to is in post #65.
  18. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1404921784' post='2497028'] I also go as far as Led Zep 4. The first and second ELO albums are about as far from MOR pop as is possible - I was a fan back then largely because of exposure to them through friends (all of whom could be described in hindsight as prog fans - that term wasn't invented back then) - as a group of mates we were all into Camel, Greenslade, Egg, Hatfield and the North, Yes etc etc and ELO were very much part of that era's rock music - saw them live in about 1971 or 2 and they were great - even doing a phenomenal version of Roll Over Beethoven. They became more of a crossover band later in the 70s with strings of chart hits like Mr Blue Sky. But to call them MOR is like calling Level 42 MOR on the basis they had chart hits of a more pop-py nature than their albums!!. [/quote] Level 42 are MOR aren't they?
  19. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' timestamp='1404900133' post='2496750'] As always Music & Musicians show Multi-Culturalism & Love for fellow mankind! But Carol Kaye admits She has never been to Detroit!!! B [/quote] Yes but as i'm sure you know she could have and no one would have raised even one eyebrow even in 1964.
  20. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1404863257' post='2496578'] Back on topic - I find it extremely hard to picture Carol Kaye breezing into the Motown studio to do I Can't Help Myself - we are talking 1964 and boiling race relations and US culture of the time. [/quote] If you find it hard to picture then may i suggest that you read a little on the history of Motown and what was happening in Detroit at that time. Many white musicians, arrangers, writers and performers were at Motown in the 60s. There are a couple of good books and a DVD that give a good idea of what was happening in Detroit both musically and politically in the 60s. By 1967 and the time of the riots there were singers like Chris Clark, singer, producer and writer R Dean Taylor, session players Bob Babbitt and Dennis Coffey and the songwriting team Lori Burton and Pamela Sawyer (from Romford, Essex) just to name a few at Motown. Also the Detroit Symphony Orchestra played on numerous recordings and even released two LPs under the name of the Same Remo Golden Strings with the Funk Brothers. http://youtu.be/g7fCiGjm9Ec
  21. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1404863257' post='2496578'] I couldn't disagree with you more apart from the view on Led Zeppelin - but they were surely gods of rock music/modified blues rock until Led Zeppelin 5? Boney M were totally dreadful and formulaic Euro Pop - their strings sound really was the bottom of the barrel. But how dare you dis ELO - they were superb and highly regarded at the time - a true crossover act between rock music lovers and pop chart music!!! One of the most exciting live acts I ever saw! [/quote] I have no idea what Led Zeppelin 5 is as i only go up to Led Zeppelin IV. It's all downhill for me after that. I can't help but think of ELO as middle of the road pop bought by kids and housewives in the 70s. Nothing wrong with a bit of MOR pop but hardly the cutting edge of rock and was certainly not highly regarded by me or anyone i knew. On saying that i wouldn't expect anyone to like what i like (but then again i couldn't care less if they didn't).
  22. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1404821890' post='2495990'] Fair point. Not that I've yet actually meant that seen the program. I was meaning it on a more general observation level. [/quote] Yes i know what you mean it is generally the case. Another thing that annoys me is that people (usually who weren't there) say 'In the 60s' as if it was all the same throughout the decade but as we both know there was massive change between 1960 and 1969 the likes of which we haven't seen since. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1404821890' post='2495990'] On a more constructive note... Have a look at this, if you've not yet seen it. It's the full movie of the story of The Temptations. It's probably peppered with Holywoodesch untruths and rewrites of reality, but it's good entertainment. [/quote] Yes i watched that some time ago and was slightly apprehensive before but as you said and i totally agree it really is entertaining.
  23. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1404817339' post='2495918'] Just fab! Bet you wouldn't be able to do a vid like that nowadays. [/quote] Great isn't it. If you haven't already it's worth checking out session guitarist Dennis Coffey's website. He goes back to the Ric-Tic days and has some great stories of those days at Motown and being a Detroit session musician. http://denniscoffeysite.com/
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