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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. On the London Pub Rock scene in the 70s you'd hardly ever see anyone over 35. Nowadays in pubs they are nearly all OVER 35. Seeing someone in a band over 60 wouldn't even raise a comment now. Most of the people i know who have given up playing in bands have now bought motorbikes.
  2. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1408352832' post='2529165'] You can do it on here too, but you have to have an auction in the opposite direction, keep on dropping the price until someone bites. [/quote] I think that what is a big problem of selling on here is exactly that. 'Buyers' on here seem to think that when a bass is listed the price is just a starter and that it will go down and down until it sells. When i sell something the price i list it at the the price i want for it. Not two-thirds or half the listed price. I don't mind dropping a few quid but some offers i've had on here are just silly. In fact i don't even answer them if they are that ridiculous. I've had much better results with fixed price listings on ebay that i have on here.
  3. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1408236194' post='2528327'] ITYF people are asking that now. [/quote] Yes a lot are but it still seems to be popular with a lot of people for some reason.
  4. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1408276884' post='2528499'] The thing about That Ebay is that if you're willing to take a risk and put on a low start price (and aren't terribly bothered by losing a bit of money), you know it'll sell in ten days (or less), so for the cheaper end of the market it's not a bad thing. [/quote] Yes but you don't have to start it at a low price or list for 10 days. There are various methods of listing an item included a fixed price or auction with a reserve.
  5. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1408173732' post='2527745'] Why did everyone feel the need to strip guitars and varnish them back in the '70's? [/quote] Because in the 70s no one wanted to buy a guitar with the paint chipped and worn away. If you part exchanged a really badly worn guitar with a dealer the chances are that they would have it either stripped or refinished before putting it up for sale. It's just fashion. Much the same as the current trend to relic everything. Don't be surprised if in a few decades time people will be asking on forums 'why did they feel the need to relic everything in the 2010s'.
  6. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1408134238' post='2527565'] Heh, heh, sounds like us... [/quote] I'll just get my velvet loon pants ironed and i'm there...........
  7. If i walked into a pub and a smoke machine was being used i'd make a quick exit unless the group playing were a Spinal Tap tribute band and then it would be fine.
  8. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1408124123' post='2527428'] What would you actually do with it though?? [/quote] ...and why is it on a bass forum?
  9. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1408124496' post='2527438'] Like a mark bass traveller? [/quote] ...or a Morris Traveller
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408113055' post='2527275'] Yes there is a thin rod in an open groove at the back of the bass that could function like a truss rod. However since the neck/body is essentially a 40mm square section of rock maple and there's only a single string on it I can't see much point for a truss rod. Certainly I've never needed to adjust it. Regarding the listing, being paranoid I thought it was going to be more of a "why are you listing on eBay when you are better off listing here on Basscahat?" type of thing, to which I would reply - I get a bigger potential market on eBay and AFAIK only one of the basses that I've sold there has gone to someone who was also a member here. [/quote] I've lusted after a Atlansia Stealth 2-string bass for sometime. They make some lovely basses. On the subject of selling basses i've had much more success on ebay than on BC. I've sold a good few 60s and 70s basses on ebay over the years that have even been commented on in this very section of BC. Usually negative of course but they have all sold on ebay. The only basses i've sold on here are the run of the mill stuff as anything out of the ordinary always draws a blank.
  11. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1408120310' post='2527353'] Music only was invented in the 50's wasn't it? [/quote] Yes. 10.29 on the 12th of April 1956 when someone fell on an old mattress less iron bedsted and invented the vibraphone i believe.
  12. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1408099724' post='2527054'] I'm old fashioned. 4 strings... Its a bass! [/quote] There were numerous 4 string guitars around long before anyone thought of making a 4 string bass guitar.
  13. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1408115293' post='2527290'] You could put some bass strings on it though, there are metal 23" scale bass strings out there now due to the recent surge in popularity of the micro bass! You'd get a bit of a workout trying to fret those strings though! [/quote] This is 22.5" scale and really is a bass.
  14. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1408083519' post='2526871'] Is that definitely a bass? It has four strings but it's referred to as a slide guitar (probably hence the high action) and the word bass isn't mentioned anywhere in the title or description! [/quote] Looks like a guitar to me.
  15. Looks like another thread has bitten the dust and not before time.
  16. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1408014663' post='2526240'] That's right and they had to walk twenty miles to school with no shoes and all they had was sugar sandwiches if they were lucky. And the headmaster would beat ya if ya was late and ooooh it would smart, but they were happy and you'd never hear em complainin.....(they decided to wait until they retired and then they started complainin). I didn't know Abe Simpson posted here under the name Betafunk. [/quote] How eloquent. Sorry but i have no idea who Abe Simpson is.
  17. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1408001176' post='2526075'] Siggery? [/quote] Yes. It's lovely. I think that generally people are very traditional in what they buy nowadays and go for a corporate name. I'm sure that a lot of guitars and basses made in the 60s and 70s wouldn't be made today. There aren't many risks taken when designing mainstream items anymore. Look at buildings and cars of the 60s that wouldn't get beyond the design stage today. I know that you and I and a good few others like a quirky or unusual bass but we are in the minority which is good for us but also a pity.
  18. If anyone thinks it's difficult to be in a a band nowadays just spare a thought for anyone who wanted to do that in the early 60s. There wasn't the amount of used equipment around so new was usually the only option and the prices were astronomical compared to today. If you were under 21 you would have to persuade your parents to sign the hire purchase forms which for most was the only way to purchase such an expensive guitar or bass. Often amps were home built affairs because all the money had gone on the instruments. There were plenty of groups around though so despite all the obstacles it didn't put them off. Happy days.
  19. People are easily brainwashed. I have a bass for sale on here that is better than any bass i've seen with an F on the headstock at twice the price. It hasn't sold.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1407955011' post='2525770'] Remember that each hub is different and the problem could well be down to a particular hub for a particular courier. [/quote] Oh i'll remember but things don't go wrong just at the hub. As i said the process for couriers is more or less the same so sometimes it's good sevice and sometimes it's bad. There isn't one good or bad one.
  21. If ever there was a 'sign of the times' thread on here this it it. It has made an old man happy though.
  22. [quote name='ChunkyMunky' timestamp='1407953151' post='2525732'] I am about to go on a hotel gig in Asia and I'm looking for something to use whilst I'm over there. I intend to use my first months pay ($2000USD) to purchase a 5 string. Has anyone had any experience over with our friends in the east? I'd idealistically like to hunt down something like a Sadowsky or another MM Bongo. Any ideas, chaps and chapettes? [/quote] Asia? A very big place is Asia.
  23. The only good courier is the one that gets your item to it's destination delivered and in one piece. I've used them all and they are all excellent, all good and all awful in probably equal measure. They all use roughly the same system of delivery included pick-up, hubs and delivery so sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. All you can do is hope and pray your item will arrive unharmed. As for the faultless courier service, i'm afraid it doesn't exist.
  24. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1407924348' post='2525335'] Any idea of the weight please? Cheers. [/quote] I've weighed it on some bathroom scales and it's about 7.8 pounds. It's a really lightweight bass.
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