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Everything posted by ricksterphil

  1. Sandberg basses are lovely - really well put together and great sound GLWTS
  2. Nice rig. I'm interested but will have to see if I can move some of my gear on first. GLWTS
  3. I have one of these in sunburst. Fabulous build quality and a great thump from the pick up. Easy to control your tone from the guitar knobs as you get treble, mid and bass controls GLWTS
  4. I will be making said mod shortly and will let you know the results. Thanks for all the input guys
  5. Ok thanks folkz I've already got the upgrade speaker as it happens so I'm going to fit it and see if there's an improvement. If not, there may well be a speaker for sale....bought it off here anyhow Didn't want to go the extra cab route and have to lug it around + we play small venues - standingnexttodrummerbassinBillWhymanposition - sort of thing, so there often isn't room for extra gear
  6. I have a Genz Benz 500 1x15 running at 8ohms 300w. By adding an extra speaker cab it will run at 4ohm and 500w I want to upgrade the standard speaker with a 600w 4 ohm job Will the amp automatically detect the 4 ohm setting or do I need to put a dummy speaking in the remote speaker out?
  7. I'll take it My son lives in Wimbledon so I'll get him to collect if that's ok PMd
  8. There's one for sale in other musically related stuff
  9. Polytune clip is the best clip on tuner I've used - very accurate I sometimes have problems with it picking up low e but I just tune on the 12th fret harmonic Only play 4 string so no experience of low B On a guitar, the polytune is so much more accurate than the Snark type it almost feels like a new guitar
  10. These are great basses....I have Jazz variant...can't fault it
  11. I've been wondering about compression so picked up this thread for a look-see. Think I might have a dabble......haven't bought a new pedal for....ooh...at least 6 months It may end up in the Ricksterphil pedal graveyard (a drawer in the wardrobe in my practice room) or not - who knows I will report back in the fullness of time (or when I can be arsed)
  12. I don't suppose you'd trade for a mint Sandberg Basic 4? Fabulous bass but the neck is too wide for me...much prefer Jazz bass necks?
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