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Everything posted by ubit

  1. Of course it's playing by ear. You haven't learned the piece, played it off the cuff, nailed it. Good for you !
  2. I have heard the line 6 is a great piece of kit but was wondering, is it worth going for the G 50 or is the G30 good enough?
  3. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1413404302' post='2578026'] Dare you [/quote] Yeah, I'm real flash like that, I just don't care
  4. I used to like Kiss. They were never the best musicians but to say they never had any decent songs is very unfair and comes from folk who don't know their material. I mean these guys were huge in the 70's, 80's and to a certain extent are still a big name. They could not have done this with just looking good alone. They did have some strong songs, again, not always the best musically, but catchy songs are very often 3 or 4 chords anyway. These guys have been there and done it, so you have to applaud them for that. I just wish Gene would keep his rather large mouth shut at times!
  5. Again, it's all down to your taste . I mean, if you like soul music, then flats are gonna speak to you more than rounds and likewise, if your into metal, it's rounds . Why does this subject always elicit so much debate? Personally, I'm a round wound kind of guy. I have delved into the world of flats, but always return to the welcome twang of nice new rounds. I do keep one P bass strung with flats, but have never gigged it. It's just for mucking about with in the house.
  6. Times are changing because a few years ago, pubs used to put on bands that attracted a crowd, certainly in my area, but nowadays you are not the main attraction. Kids come in for a few on their way to the disco or night club and if we are lucky, we will get busy spells, but to think we are what's brought them in is a bit conceited. Some bands, ourselves included, do have a few people who will make an effort, but it's not what it used to be for pub cover bands.
  7. As long as people listen to rock and bands continue to play rock, how the hell can it be dead? Rock will go on in different formats, but it's still as recognisable to a 70's child as it is to today's yoofs!
  8. Black sabbaths newest album is really good, so I'm not sure where that leaves this point . My own take on it is, yeah there's no more absolute giants out there at the moment, but there's still lots of really talented , good bands coming out all the time. Bands like Deftones are, to me, already legendary, but that's subjective, but then again, isn't everything? Some other bands may well, given time, become huge rock acts in their own right. The thing is, I like rock and I find plenty of good new music, as well as older stuff to listen to, so genes talking through his rearward orifice
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1410190566' post='2546958'] The Foo Fighters owe their entire popularity to Nirvana. [/quote] So what's your point? He was saying no major bands came out since, what was it 1985?
  10. He says there's no more major acts anymore but he's forgetting Foo Fighters, who are a major stadium band now as are the Chilli's . There's plenty other rock acts that have not had enough time to become legendary. I always liked Kiss and Gene, but he's becoming a bit of a knob with these outbursts and statements!
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1410101477' post='2546089'] Fixing a price between the other bands is rather close to a 'cartel', isn't it..? Is there no notion of competition between bands going on..? [/quote] I see what you mean but we all used to see it as a live and let live kind of arrangement. We all used to play the same bars and venues and thought it healthy for there to be a choice of bands. Everyone kind of scratched each other's back. There also used to be a kind of understanding that even though we were playing covers, we would try and avoid ripping off each other's set, especially with more obscure good numbers. This band don't worry about that either and I have to stop our guitarist putting music up on Facebook as you can bet your next wage, they will be playing it before we get a chance!
  12. If you play guitar and join basschat, you are basically f***ed! You are going to develop gas whether you like it or not. As soon as someone mentions some other bass or amp or speaker that is better than any other, your interest is piqued. From that moment on, you will try to tell yourself you don't want it and certainly don't need it, but it's already in there , eating away at your mind and slowly, ever so slowly, it becomes all consuming until there is no point in having all the previous gear you own because it's just not good enough anymore. That new amp sounds so much better than mine. I'm sure my sound would develop better if I owned that bass. Never mind that I could spend time practising to get better. That speaker would make me better, so I'm gonna spend all day searching YouTube or GAK for the elusive link to make my chain all conquering ! Is there any cure? I doubt it. I think I'm doomed to the eternal hell that is GAS !
  13. We only get £300 for a pub gig but there's a band who have started undercutting everyone else and playing for £150 which is annoying every other band who have always had an unwritten rule to charge similarly. I suppose it's up to them but we feel that it's kind if cheating to get more gigs
  14. The PA uses your bass head as a power amp? I'd look at changing that if I was you
  15. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1409850480' post='2543976'] Having everything through the PA has no bearing on how loud the band is. [/quote] Exactly!
  16. My point proved last night. Went to see a band playing in the usual place we play. PA was used just for vocals. Some songs all we were hearing was guitar as we were on his side. Bass was being lost for some of the songs. We put everything through the PA but do not turn it up to excessive levels but a perfect mix is being sent down both sides of the bar
  17. I seen white snake with the classic lineup in the 80's and it's one of my greatest memories. What a band!
  18. We do three sets of roughly an hour each with a half hour break after set one then about fifteen minutes after second set. We start at 10 ish and finish about 1.30 . I too have a problem with taking breaks just when it's getting busy and you end up losing folk cos the bar doesn't put music on . Our guitarist annoys me cos he has to have his breaks for a fag and I'm standing listening to every bugger laying off cost they've just come in and want some music
  19. It's all down to taste, innit? I mean we can't all like the same sound because we all like different kinds of music and find different sounds fit different songs better. I have tried flats and while they are fine for our traditional material , I don't like them for our more modern songs and am quite content with dialling down the tone if I need a more retro sound . I just happen to like the sound of rounds, especially stainless and especially when they are brand new
  20. It's all probably just the mix because a poor singer does not necessarily mean a poor band. I've seen guys who had not very good voices but boy, they knew how to be a frontman. That can be really important. I sing for our band and have been told that I've got a good voice, but I'm the first to admit, I'm the worlds worst front man. I like to just get on with it and do the next song right away! Look at Jimi Hendrix or Bob Dylan. sh*te singers but it didn't do them any harm!
  21. I hate flats. They sound good to me for about two hours after putting them on, then just sound dull and not what I want at all.I like rounds because you can dial down your tone or use foam and get the flat sound if you want.
  22. I thought it was really good. Not so hot on the singist. I agree, he's trying too hard and doesn't have that great a voice but maybe if he didn't try to be so gravelly, it would sound better. If I was to walk in to a bar a see these, I would stay! Good luck mate, I'm sure you will enjoy playing with this lot .
  23. Apparently he made an arse of himself after robin Williams death as he said something along the lines of , I can't be bothered with people that have addictions. He was inundated with hate mail and his lawyer had to release a well worded retraction So whatever else you say about Gene, he is a bit of a knob!
  24. The stakes are high now, the bar has been set and lots of other analogies meaning I'm gonna have to step up next birthday!
  25. Nice looking bass mate, have a free bump on me
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