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Everything posted by dodge_bass

  1. True but it’s a good price and I do have more than one board....
  2. @Quatschmacher Sorry - not been near my desktop - will fire over rhis afternoon will check that album too / thanks!
  3. Sorry. Actually I’m 2nd in line!
  4. Yup - for me mixing it in with an 8ve -1 signal is a total game changer - moves you into a whole new world of synth bass sounds Yes those tunes would all be great for this type of sound / effect!
  5. @Al Krow you could try using 8ve & bitcrusher for playing superstition for example? That sounds pretty good - it’s not quite the sound but it’s not bad and puts the bass firmly into synth / moog territory? What kind of material are you playing?
  6. Thanks - lovely comments. Yes the lofi machine is cheap (and a little noisy) but once it’s in the mix, with 8ve thrown in it just kind of adds to the overall synthy vibe I’ve got the Malekko bitcrusher as well but at nearly £200 the Lofi machine does a similar job at a lot cheaper price!!
  7. Here are two tracks from the Slowlight Quartet (as was). You can probably hear similarities to that 2nd track (dinosaur) it’s just going a bit more electronic....
  8. Hey, Yes I always use the compressor at the end to iron out any spikes / excessive peaks you get from using synth / envelope pedals. I generally use flats and have spent a lot of time working on an even RH technique that along with the natural compression / flattening effect from flats means I don’t need much compression for normal finger style playing. In terms of with / without - well the second track (dinosaur) is simply OC2 without the bit crusher so there’s your answer! Ive got the v1 T16 - pretty disappointed with it due to the volume drop but am saving up for a T47 as that will do the job I reckon and then I don’t need to use a boost pedal with the OC2 (which also looses some volume with just the -1 8ve soloed).
  9. Thanks - yeah I love how it changes the attach and roundness of the sound & forces me to think like a keys player playing bass! Well these two tracks are actually two separate projects! One is a live project with a singer called Beth Macari (just joined about a month ago). the second is a project that came from a jazz quartet I led for a while - we now live in the UK / Finland / Montenegro so the three of us collaborate at distance....
  10. I’ll take the Mooer. Will drop you a PM
  11. Drop me a PM with your email and I'll send it over now!
  12. Right....to keep this topic going here's another one....this time with a Moog inspired bass solo over the outro (3mins ish onwards)...again all thoughts appreciated! This is just an OC2 - all wet signal 1 8ve down. A bit of compression & EQ on the DAW after recording. Its not the finished article just a decent demo at the moment! If it was live I'd use a boost pedal to bring the volume up a bit and of course some compression to keep it fat! Dinosaur demo with SYNTH BASS & solo.mp3
  13. Yeah! What pedals are you using here - nice break at 1min 15. Also...that RH technique - I've never seen anything like that.....how has that developed and does it allow you to create more interesting bass parts / approach playing with a slightly different mindset?
  14. Well...ouch....not what I expected! What a sound - big, round, phat and with a really interesting attack as well that really marks it out as not jut elec bass. Hello trumpet as well 2mins in Interesting that you use the comp at the beginning of the chain...how / why have you settled on that configuration? Lovely groove playing as well. Great stuff.
  15. Thanks - yeah again, another reference point I hadn't considered - no offence taken! Yes - see signal chain below
  16. Great - this thread is getting even more exciting! Just gonna listen now!
  17. Thanks - yes Clean Bandit, there's a reference I hadn't thought about but yes you're right I guess it does have that kind of vibe to it. Signal chain - OC2 -> Mooer bit crusher - > volume boost pedal - > empress compressor. Interestingly it sounds a LOT more bit crushed by itself, in the mix it seems to fatten up a bit (which is great!).
  18. Bought D's Empress compressor - great comms, quick turnaround, well packed and compressor as described. highly recommended! Cheers!
  19. Empress. It’s the only one I’ve used that I can get one with - had various ones but always found them frustrating to use. With the input and output monitoring leds it really helps you keep on top of what it’s doing!
  20. Thanks! You got 2 out of the four pedals Close but no cigar!
  21. And as promised....here's a track - hoping you can easily listen to it - let me know. Not the best live recording ever but you get an overall idea of the track and how the bass sits / works in the track. Suggested talking points (!): 1) What do you reckon to the sound and (I'm not gonna tell you straight off) what do you think I'm using to generate it? 2) What do you think to the actual bass part - does it work with the track / sound & feel more like a synth part? Could it be improved / changed?** **caveat - first gig with these guys and listening back this part (I think) needs some tweaks - at times it is too complex and interferes with vox and (where appropriate) it could with some more variations as well. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.... CLONE Live at Brewdog May 18.mp3
  22. This thread is great! Love reading it, seeing where everyone else is at on their ‘synth’ journey. To that end can I suggest maybe we share some clips / ‘sounds in progress’ for discussion / appraisal? I know I’d love to hear what sounds you guys are creating and how you’re using them live / recorded... I’ll get the ball rolling shortly with a live track from the other week
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