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Everything posted by Lw.

  1. Ordinarily I'd go with the all through the PA side of the argument, but really that's only appropriate in music venues rather than pubs. If by pub-gig you mean playing in a standard pub that puts on the occasional music night, you shouldn't be pushing your amps very hard at all as the noise levels will be all wrong. Amps with vocals through the PA should be fine as the space isn't big enough to warrant using amps as stage monitors & sending it all through the PA. I suppose it's all about keeping within the context of the venue & the space available for me.
  2. The label or management interest ones make me laugh every time. Though as someone that's currently trawling gumtree for a new band, there seem to just be a never ending line of time wasters...
  3. I guess I'm in the minority but I quite liked that, including the vocals! They sound quite fun - I saw a similar sounding band at The London Blues Festival that for some reason was in Reading during the summer, the only difference was they had two female singers in addition to the big shouty man and they went down a storm.
  4. Gah that is such a crazy price! I have literally no money but I wish I did. I bet this bass sounds killer!
  5. [quote name='budget bassist' timestamp='1409145722' post='2536795'] It's an ashdown MAG 210, so about 30kg? They're not light. [/quote] I've recently done a similar thing (downsizing the stack) but the thing I downsized to was one of these, it's the lightest bass cab I've ever lifted - perspective is everything I guess. I'd echo what others have said though; maybe buy a used 1*12 now then you can always get another one down the line for if you're doing bigger gigs (though if they're that big you could just use the monitors).
  6. Aren't you asking for two different sounds here? Jaco's sound is pure passive jazz being played really hard (other than the soft bits obv) but "super-jazzes" in my mind are Sadowsky, overwater etc... which are mostly active. The active circuitry will give you more options for other sounds, but I'm very happy using a passive jazz & they can do quite a few different sounds without the EQ then you can always use your other gear to change the sound...
  7. It's strange that you can't hear the difference; my Warwick sounds good passive (no EQ, true passive) but when you click it into active it become noticeably clearer in sound with no gain in volume. Might just be different for different brands. I wouldn't say either active or passive is better, I think you need different tools for different jobs.
  8. Yeah that's pretty good. He is getting a nice tone out of it - tempted to put round-wounds on my jazz after hear how bright his sounds!
  9. Tell them where to shove it - there're plenty of venues in London you can play that do not employ this kind of rubbish, I'd say it's a sign of places to be avoided. I've done it a couple of times in the past when I was younger & didn't know any better - never again.
  10. "They're young" would be my initial response. People soon learn if you have words with them. The question is; have you just shown them this behavior is fine by not throwing a hissy fit? From the way you've described it & the fact none of them bought their own kit (which is of course crazy) I'd say it sounds like they'd been told the kit was provided but then the provider dropped out which is why you were called in at late notice.
  11. I'd think twice before selling the streamer, even if you're not using it a lot now it's good to have a real quality bass tucked away for emergencies. You can pick up a P easily in any large town but if you're playing a different venue/doing a different sound in a band, it can be harder to find Warwick that you already understand. I hardly ever play my German Warwick anymore but I won't be selling it, you just never know when you'll need that growl.
  12. Yeah I did do a Gumtree ad - one good sounding band replied (they're looking on here too) but I couldn't go with them for other reasons, the rest of the responses were either completely inappropriate bands or weirdos. Maybe I'll do another one on there but add in the specific bands I like rather than just naming the genres.
  13. Another big fan of Haim & their bassist here, seen them a couple of times at festivals now & they're always great performers. I can only assume she practices her bass face, she's got ssoooo many in her locker.
  14. Still looking. Maybe I should state some of the bands I listen to most often so you get the idea of things I like (as said before though, it's quite a range): Pixies, Warpaint, Jimi Hendrix, Biffy Clyro, RHCP, La Dispute, Touche Amore, Nirvana etc... Though I do listen to most other genres too. Do people expect recordings of my playing? What format is usual (ie a simple mp3 of me noodling around or some kind of play along or youtube video)?
  15. Are these the ones that come in light blue with matching headstock too? If so - I played on one for a while when I was looking for a jazz. Playability was great, style looks spot on if you're after the vintage feel. Build quality is essentially the same across the us range. I was priced out of it though (bought mine second hand). In my opinion you're paying 400 extra for an American standard with a vintage skin on it, up to you if you think they're worth that. You won't be disappointed with the current range of us fenders though, they're quality.
  16. ^^ I played a couple of the classic 60's jazzes when I was looking; strangely the cheaper one was actually really good, the "lacquer" one whilst looking good on paper was actually rubbish in the flesh.
  17. Comparing a Warwick neck to a Fenders is nearly impossible, they're not similar at all. My German Corvette has an asymmetric neck, so it's chunkier behind the low strings then thin behind the high ones. I really like it but I can't think of a single thing it has in common with my Jazz's neck. I would definitely get out there & try a few in shops before you delve into the second hand market.
  18. A contentious issue that regularly receives a fair bit of discussion; I played a lot of Jazzes when deciding which model I wanted for the budget I had - I went for a used American Standard in the end, couldn't be happier with it. I played lots of Mexican ones though & they were perfectly good basses, absolutely nothing wrong with them. Some of the Squires are good too. I think you can sometimes hear/feel where the price difference has come from but if you just move onto the next one it'll probably be fine. I would suggest playing a load of them & buying the one that sounds & feels right for you, regardless of the branding/made in sticker.
  19. ^^ That dolphin is gorgeous! Here's a quick pic of my bass family: [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/greeb0uk/media/IMG_20140809_110945_zpsjzgzaohs.jpg.html"][/url]
  20. Even though you'll probably end up putting a similar dent in the finish during use I'd say a dent that's hard enough to crack the finish by the jack socket & the blemish by the neck are definitely reasons to call the shop. I'm not so bothered about the gap.
  21. I can't comment the the P's specifically but I have a post '12 american standard jazz and definitely agree about the build quality & playability of these basses. They're just really well put together & the new pick-ups do sound incredibly nice. I shopped around for a long time deciding which Jazz to buy & the American Standards out performed everything I tried (even the much more expensive Fenders). Saying this I didn't try the "super" basses (sadowsky, sandberg etc...) out there as they were out of my realistic price range. I would say they probably are worth the money as they last a lifetime. If you can't find a decent one in used condition, the new ones will serve you fine but if you can buy 2nd hand I would as you can always sell it again in the future for roughly the same amount.
  22. Sorted thanks. [s]Getting fed up of playing on my own so want to get back into a band. Ideally I'm looking for an originals band of the semi-committed variety; I can probably do one gig & two practices a week max (or similar). I'm open to most genres; rock, blues, grunge, post-hardcore - anything along those lines. About me; been playing for 10+ years & was in a regular gigging metal band years ago. Have also dabbled in a jazz combo and an acoustic due. I'm in my late twenties and have a career so not looking to be a young-rock star, just want to play music with others & enjoy some gigs. Live in Reading but work in London so either is easy for me. Please get in touch if you've got anything that might be of interest...[/s]
  23. The body on the Warwick Aliens basses looks huge which makes me think it would be loud (not actually played one though). I can just about keep up with an acoustic guitar that's really going for it on my Fender but that's really pushing it. Maybe get one of those really small amps to go with the acoustic bass, then you won't have to play as hard...
  24. The guys in Wunjo's are great to deal with, they're just round the corner from my office so have to deal with my face pressed against the window quite often. Never noticed too many amps in there though, must have been distracted by other things. Need to go to GG in Epsom soon - not been yet & it looks like it could be a good day out!
  25. ^ Well there is that yes - I've never been particularly blown away by Warwick strings despite buying a few sets.
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