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Everything posted by Lw.

  1. Just listened to that Andertons video; weirdly I thought the clean sound on the amp sounded really good but the over-drive stuff sounded woeful - reminded me of those Line6 Spider guitar amps from the early 00's. Strange because I was expecting the clean to be the weak point as Darkglass are more known for their distortion/over-driven sound in pedals. Maybe it was just the settings that guy (not the one playing the bass - I think he's normally a guitarist) was using. I'd still give one a go if I'm in a shop but maybe less likely to rush down & hear one.
  2. [quote name='thegummy' timestamp='1481242510' post='3190995'] How could it shift with 4 bolts in it? [/quote] I can only assume the holes it the body were vastly wider than the screws? But even then I'd have thought if they were screwed tightly enough the friction between the two woods would have been enough to keep them still. If anything I'd have thought you would want a gap between the sides of the neck & the body as if they were tight you'd risk damaging the finish when removing the neck or when the two woods react differently to atmospheric pressures. Bizarre, still no closer to the explanation!
  3. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1481202155' post='3190455'] Sadly mine had a terrible gap around the neck pocket so I returned it with heavy heart. [/quote] Slightly OT but I've seen this written three times on here in the last week, not to mention all the other references in the past; what are peoples problems with neck pockets? You mean it was really roughly cut so it looked bad?
  4. New colours from Fender?! Nah - I get you, that makes it harder. I quite like the new Olive colour but not enough to spend 1500 on a bass that doesn't sound 50% better than the American Standards judging on that video up thread! We'll see - I'll be in the market for a new bass in the new year and I'm currently torn between a P-bass or a Streamer stage-1 (not that they're anything alike - I just fancy both of them really) so I'll definitely give these new fenders a go but these new pick-ups & frets are going to have to be incredible to make me go for one!
  5. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1481200680' post='3190425'] ... I want a new P currently...Fender were a genuine consideration. Now, I'm not interested in them. [/quote] There are still plenty of American Standards new in the shops, now that they've been discounted to a grand they're an absolute bargain - I don't think they can be beaten at that price.
  6. Ok - I know the one you've got now! I really fancy one of the mid-late 80's ones with the wenge neck & one piece bridge - a couple came up on here for bargain prices a couple of years ago but I just didn't have the funds :-(
  7. My first every amp was a Laney HC60 combo - I think that was the model name anyway. Late 90's/early 00's, got it used super cheap & it served me well for a good few years - girlfriend made me take it to the tip in the end, apparently the family of spiders living on the speaker was the final straw :-( Have tried one of those cheapish RB8 (or 9) more recently at a rehearsal studio; not bad for the money, better than the bass amps most other rehearsal spaces provide.
  8. Nice - I do love a streamer, played a few in the past but am yet to own one (one day though)! 91 Streamer - is this the Wenge neck with cherry (?) body or had they changed to mostly maple construction by then? @jazzjames - that very much depends on the year of manufacture, they go from jazz-style thinness right through to full on baseball bat!
  9. I haven't seen many pub level bands bringing spare basses/guitars, extras for different tuning yes but not just spares - how often are you seeing this? If you're seeing this a lot I would have thought it's because people seeming have more disposable income to spend on toys than they did in years gone by rather than the age of the actual musicians. I'd say it's different for wedding/corporate bands though, but I think that's because they're providing a different service & should rightfully come more prepared.
  10. I don't really like gloss necks (or painted necks for that matter), I'm sure it's all mental as my guitar has a gloss neck & has never been sticky but for some reason my head thinks that they are sticky. My favourite neck finish is the one on my Warwick (Ovangkol neck) which feels/looks completely naked, though there must be some kind of finish on there.
  11. Hmm - 4k seems toppy to me for a refin with new electrics, but if you've got the cash & love the sound/feel of the bass then why not I suppose. Personally I'd go for a cheaper relic or wait for a better example of a vintage bass to surface.
  12. I've not played the 212 but the 115 is a nice cab (substantially nicer than the 410 IMO) - I'm not too sold on the isobaric/powersmart design in the 212, seems like a gimmick to me whereas the 115 is just a solid, no messing, good sounding cab.
  13. I'd be buying a Squire P-bass - you should be able to use the amp-sims/compressors on your computer when recording to get the tone the rest of the way there.
  14. Does your guitarist change their EQ mid-way through gigs? Jazz's can have a lovely tone but I've found they can be pushed out of the mix by what the guitarist is doing, this is why P's are often popular because they seem to hold their space more firmly (though sometimes don't sound as nice solo'd).
  15. Barefaced one10 & an MB200 or LWA500 in a cajon bag.
  16. I've tried them together; sounded good & is a perfectly acceptable stack - people have been doing 410+115 for years, it's only moderately recent fashion to match speaker sizes (whilst I do understand the theory, in practice it doesn't really matter). I'd have to agree with MM20 though; out of the Orange cabs, the 115 sounds much nicer to my ears.
  17. Yes it's in the other thread but as you've discovered, quite easy to experience first hand. I wasn't laughing at you, it's just typical Bass Direct! Shame because they do generally know what they're talking about & stock some nice stuff, it's just the delivery that is often off.
  18. Ha - that is a classic Bass Direct story!
  19. Let's not even get started on the number of fish-fingers in a box!
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1478536925' post='3169692'] The dollar was worth 1.50, its now 1.20. It crashed on June 24th. It's got a lot to do with it surely ? [/quote] Not in this post-truth society - "the people" are fed-up of experts telling them things they don't understand, they just want to take the power back :-/ Not that we're talking about that or anything. I just bought the US election into it because I'm going on holiday next week where the currency is kind of USD - so was unsure as to whether either person winning would make the dollar fall or rise. It seems no one knows!
  21. It's almost all down the the thing we're not allowed to talk about - shame really but it's something we're going to have to get used to. Depending on what happens tomorrow that's either going to get even more expensive or you might get lucky & the $ will crash back down again (a bit).
  22. Best at what? What drew you to those brands and not the others?
  23. The current popular choice seems to be two 1x12" cabs - you can take one for small gigs & both for bigger ones. They're mostly light weight & pretty small box-sizes, especially compared to what you'll have used in years gone by. I chose the TKS ones because of the tone but there are plenty of other brands available; Bergantino, Vanderkley, Barefaced, even Ashdown apparently make a good one (I don't like the sound of their heads either, though their cabs have usually been fine). I really like those Orange heads - you can get some cool sounds out of them but they're really not anywhere near as light as you can go now if that's what you're looking for. Almost everyone seems to make a lightweight head now - I have no idea how you'd choose one (I haven't bothered yet - I'm torn between wanting super light class-D & super heavy full-tube!).
  24. I'd give that a play. I'd look ridiculous but I'd give it a go!
  25. GAS is GAS is GAS. The CMD121P is the standard go to combo suggested for hundreds of situations like yours, I think someone just wants to spend some money. Honestly, just turn it down - the whole overkill thing only really applies to tube amps, for SS/class-D the volume knob is all you need.
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