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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Who is bringing what living post - please add and update as you go: 1. Hamster - Fender Hotrod P/J, Bareface Compact, Auralex Gramma Pad, SFX Thumpinator; either Markbass 800 Tube or Ampeg PF500 Portaflex
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1339783395' post='1694408'] What about Raffle Prizes?? [/quote] Yes - there will be a raffle. All proceeds to charity (in fact every single penny of profit of every SE Bash has always been donated to charity ) In previous bash's the raffle has taken a long time to conduct as we've sold a strip of 5 tickets for £1 and people have bought a £5's worth. It is also usual to put your 2nd/3rd/4th prize bag in the hat so that everyone wins something. To make proceedings a little quicker - and depending on the prize table, I may sell the tickets at £1 each to speed things along so we can get down the pub quicker!! So can I ask everyone to dig out that little gadget/expensive bass which you don't need any more and start off a raffle donation living post? - Just reply to the last post and update with your donation. Please follow the format so we know who's donating what. I'll start the ball rolling: 1. 2 x 1m Excellent quality speaker cables - Jack - Speakon (2p) - Hamster
  3. You must state your valuation of your bass. Thanks [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183234-rule-changes-to-marketplace-36-hour-bumping-rule-and-trade-valuations/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183234-rule-changes-to-marketplace-36-hour-bumping-rule-and-trade-valuations/[/url]
  4. I've used DR Sunbeams for several years and have sworn by them. I've just bought my first set of TI Jazz rounds to put on my P/J. Fabulous is all I can say.
  5. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1344712202' post='1768327'] Seems you are right Skank - I've just had a severe reprimand from HQ, threatening me with suspension for insulting the gods. ....I don't know any mods personally and I've had no interaction with any apart from a couple of times, when I've found them arrogant and sarcastic. [/quote] Even though you make your remarks publicly - I choose to make mine in private. Check your PM's.
  6. Yep - same on windows 7 / Chrome. I'll tell our resident spannerman.
  7. I sold a nice Fender Jazz bass to Thomas - a communicative and enthusiastic buyer and a straightforward hassle free sale. Cheers
  8. In the first 2 days, I spent around 9 hours just seeing what it could do. First day was rock, second day was Motown. New strings tomorrow - then we do it all again! Nick - Don't come to my house - you WILL want to buy it!!
  9. Y'awl know what GAS is like - especially when trying to rationalise! I had a very nice P bass - [sharedmedia=core:attachments:23070] and a very nice J - [sharedmedia=core:attachments:113724] Now I have a P/J ! She really is something else to play. The neck is just sublime on this one, everything I've heard about these is true - and then some. Build quality is superb, it's not heavy and it thumps with the P pickup and growls with the J. I'm in serious love - this is a keeper! [attachment=114411:DSCF4072.JPG] [attachment=114415:DSCF4075.JPG] [attachment=114416:DSCF4079.JPG]
  10. I bought a very sweet bass from Tim. A thoroughly nice and helpful chap and a smooth deal - Cheers! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160181-fender-pj-usa-precision-luverly-but-on-sold-ta/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160181-fender-pj-usa-precision-luverly-but-on-sold-ta/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
  11. [quote name='funkypenguin' timestamp='1343347634' post='1749467'] When is this bug likely to be fixed OOI? is there any way round it?? [/quote] There is no fix available, however the .ipb files can be opened and read with the Adobe reader program. Just download one of the .ipb files and right click it, - open with, - Adobe reader and tick the box, "always use this program to open this type of file" Problem solved
  12. I've been asked to 'Police' the issue of potential copyright infringement of Rickenbacker designs and trademarks. Kiwi has made our position clear. We will respect the wishes of the copyright owner in these cases. Despite this notice being made as public as possible, it seems that some members - new & established have not read it, or have read it and chosen to ignore it. To make the position of the owners of Basschat clear, please take notice that ANY infringement of copyright against Rickenbacker - such as displaying any form of representation of the copyrighted trademarks or designs (which are clearly detailed in the communications from John Hall attached to the pinned topic in the bass guitar section of the marketplace and are pictorially represented below); and/or any reference, either by the topic starter or by any person posting in that topic;[list=1] [*]To any advertised goods being in any way a Rickenbacker product when they are not a genuine product originally manufactured by Rickenbacker or under licence from them; [*]To any such advertised goods bearing any resemblance to any copyrighted design or trademark owned by Rickenbacker; [/list] Will result in:[list] [*]The advert or post being deleted without notice. [*]The offending topic starter or poster will receive a warning and will be banned from that section of the forum where the advert or comment was posted for 14 days. [*][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]After the 14 day ban, the topic starter or poster will be allowed access to that forum again[/font][/color] IF a clear understanding is received by the Moderation team by the topic starter/poster that they will not act in the same or similar way again, and that they fully understand the property rights being owned and exerted by Rickenbacker. [*]If the same person then goes on to commit any other infringement against the designs or copyrights owned by Rickenbacker, they will be banned from the whole forum permanently. [/list] The copyrighted designs and trademarks are as follows: [sharedmedia=core:attachments:114141] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:114142]
  13. I've been asked to 'Police' the issue of potential copyright infringement of Rickenbacker designs and trademarks. Kiwi has made our position clear. We will respect the wishes of the copyright owner in these cases. Despite this notice being made as public as possible, it seems that some members - new & established have not read it, or have read it and chosen to ignore it. To make the position of the owners of Basschat clear, please take notice that ANY infringement of copyright against Rickenbacker - such as displaying any form of representation of the copyrighted trademarks or designs (which are clearly detailed in the communications from John Hall attached to the first post of this topic, and are pictorially represented below); and/or any reference, either by the topic starter or by any person posting in that topic;[list=1] [*]To any advertised goods being in any way a Rickenbacker product when they are not a genuine product originally manufactured by Rickenbacker or under licence from them; [*]To any such advertised goods bearing any resemblance to any copyrighted design or trademark owned by Rickenbacker; [/list] Will result in:[list] [*]The advert or post being deleted without notice. [*]The offending topic starter or poster will receive a warning and will be banned from that section of the forum where the advert or comment was posted for 14 days. [*]After the 14 day ban, the topic starter or poster will be allowed access to that forum again IF a clear understanding is received by the Moderation team by the topic starter/poster that they will not act in the same or similar way again, and that they fully understand the property rights being owned and exerted by Rickenbacker. [*]If the same person then goes on to commit any other infringement against the designs or copyrights owned by Rickenbacker, they will be banned from the whole forum permanently. [/list] The copyrighted designs and trademarks are as follows: [attachment=114141:Rickenbacker Headstock.jpg] [attachment=114142:Rickenbacker Trademarks.jpg] [attachment=135198:body.jpg]
  14. IIRC this is a well known bug that will hopefully be fixed in a future patch.
  15. [u]No more than one bump per 24 hours please[/u] or the teapot will fall off the top of the basschat server
  16. One of Nick's old basses went home to him today - a nice one too. And while he was here he snagged a Wizard thumper too! A pleasure as always Nick
  17. I have to let this one go as I hardly play it. It's a shame because it's a really nice example of a standard Jazz bass. Black body, black/white/black pickguard and a really nice maple neck. One of the nicest Jazz necks I've had my mitts around, very smooth and fast and a pleasure to play. She weighs in at about 9 1/2 lbs and has got a brand new set of DR Sunbeam strings on her. I can't find any nicks or dings on her, with just a few pick marks on the pickguard, so condition is about 9 3/4 out of 10. IMHO this is one of the best colour body/neck combinations I'm asking for £300, and NO TRADES please. I'll ship the bass anywhere packed and fully insured at additional cost. [attachment=113722:DSCF4011.JPG] [attachment=113723:DSCF4013.JPG] [attachment=113724:DSCF4014.JPG]
  18. [quote name='StraightSix' timestamp='1342048981' post='1728910'] It would be good - even TB does it [/quote] TB is based on different forum software
  19. Here's the Off Topic splinter group meeting when the Grimsby Constabulary had to call in offshore reinforcements:
  20. I'll have browse through the invision forums to see if there is: 1. the demand for a tweak; 2. any hope of an invision code monkey producing it, which I think in real terms probably means 'don't hold your breath'
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1341912991' post='1725915'] Yeah, but I prefer the 'usual' approach you find on most forums (and BC before the migration) - i.e. you get a single notification when there's a reply. My inbox is creaking under the weight of people congratulating me on my various witticisms.* [size=2]*not really. it is rammed, though.[/size] [/quote] It was my understanding that you can set your choice via the user CP to choose the regularity of notifications?: Or is this not working? [attachment=112865:Settings.jpg]
  22. Mike - I just looked at your settings which show your notifications are set to 'immediate' instead of daily or weekly digest?
  23. I had a WT550 and it's an excellent amp. Well built, I never had any problems whatsoever with it but I know there were a few reports of problems with the WT800. I thought the EQ on it was the best I've ever used and if you want warmth, it has it in creamy bucketloads. They are heavy buggers though, and that's the only reason I went to Markbass. I still miss my WT550.
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