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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='MysticGuitar' timestamp='1341335698' post='1717300'] Unfortunately, it isn't my Hofner, but it's the one I'm learning on, owned by my guy He owns lots of basses. [/quote] Hello and Welcome I hope you've already got your guy to join up here - or have you beat him to it?
  2. You must state an asking price, or the topic will be deleted. Cheers
  3. Guys This is a for sale thread. Please keep the banter on topic, and take chatting about other items to another topic or via PM. I will be pruning this post down tomorrow to get it back onto the topic of selling an amp.
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  5. Can't quite make out the detail from your photos, but the serial number has also been stamped on the bridge - 1990 - 1996 ish IIRC?
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1340359369' post='1703214'] Probably better placed in the Basses For Sale Section [/quote] Indeedellydoodelly!
  7. [quote name='lmcfbass' timestamp='1339191170' post='1685304'] Great amp but that isn´t the Evo III, they come with Compressor and the speaker outputs are both Speakon [/quote] Thanks for pointing that out - It looks like the OP has realised that and has amended his advert
  8. I have to go with the flow here. For any gig like this I'd be looking for a 6kW PA, decent bass bins and with a fully mic'ed up drum kit with someone who knows what they're doing on the PA desk.
  9. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have spoken with Lakland USA who have advised us that they believe these basses for sale are part of a shipment of stolen Lakland basses.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have tried to contact the seller, but have as yet received no satisfactory answer from them.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hamster [/font][/color]
  10. I have spoken with Lakland USA who have advised us that they believe these basses for sale are part of a shipment of stolen Lakland basses. I have tried to contact the seller, but have as yet received no satisfactory answer from them. Hamster
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. I sold a nice pedal to Ed in an easy and straightforward transaction.. Deal with confidence.
  13. Hamster

    Fave guitar solo?

    This I regard as a solo without some singing in it! It blew me away the first time I heard it - and I'm a pretty big Hendrix fan! It's just some kind of undefinable quality that I'm unable to describe that just does it for me - and it always will. For my ears I doubt very much if it will ever be bettered. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVVmsxR67ZE[/media]
  14. I've used DR Sunbeams for years now - excellent. I recently had a different bass that needed tapered stings and I bought a set of Ken Smith nickels. I was really quite impressed by them!
  15. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1339106796' post='1683960'] As some say. Ie is the browser you use to download other browsers. Firefox for windows Safari for osx Chrome for Linux [/quote] ANYTHING except IE seems to work ok!
  16. If you want to volunteer your services/skills to present a seminar/idiots guide to something then please contact silverfoxnik. Jake Newman - Can I put you down for a Dubstep masterclass? - but you must wear a tuxedo. Also - put your suggestions down for something (apart from bacon butties and free beer) that you would find really helpful. None of us are so proud that we think we know everything about every genre/aspect of bass playing. Corporate Supporters: - If you are from a manufacturer/music shop/business that is involved with the low end - then get involved here! BassDay 2012 / NAMM 2012 it is not - but it is a great bunch of people who will spread the word about your product/services in your South East area.
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1339705753' post='1693207'] I'll be there. Need a drummer? [/quote] I'll let Nik answer that one. If Paul can't make it, I have a mate who is 60 seconds away from the school who is a pro rock (UFO) drummer who I can approach.
  18. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1339702666' post='1693109'] I'll need to get a quote on a pre-owned time machine. If I get one at a decent price anyone want a trip back with me? [/quote] Lolz - the perils of posting in your tea breaks!!!
  19. I did this one once for a school - we got the kids to sing the chorus - have a listen - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qga5eONXU_4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qga5eONXU_4[/url]
  20. Nik will be along sometime over the weekend to start to add some detail to the day. I expect we'll be asking for donations to a prize raffle as usual, so start dusting off your Alembics and '58 Fenders to donate!
  21. New Bash - New Thread! - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179031-south-east-bass-bash-no6-surrey-saturday-29th-september-2012/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179031-south-east-bass-bash-no6-surrey-saturday-29th-september-2012/[/url]
  22. Date: [b]Saturday 29 September 2012[/b] Time: [b]10am - 5pm[/b] Venue: [b]Jubilee High School, Surrey, School Lane, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 1TE[/b] Venue link: [url="http://www.jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk/"][color=#0f72da]Jubilee High School Website[/color][/url] [url="http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=504208&y=164434&z=0&sv=KT15+1TE&st=2&pc=KT15+1TE&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf"][color=#0f72da]MAP LINK[/color][/url] Okay, so here's the Register of attendees so far: [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Hamster - Fender Hotrod P/J, Bareface Compact, Auralex Gramma Pad, SFX Thumpinator; either Markbass 800 Tube or Ampeg PF500 Portaflex 2. BigBeatNut - Rob Allen Deep 5, Status Electro, Lakland 55-02 Fretless, Markbass CMD121P, a selection of SFX micro pedals 3. Stingray5 - Musicman StingRay5 and Stingray fretless, Tune TWB-6, Trace Elliot BLX-80 combo, Boss GT-6B fx, Gramma Pad, (+ raffle bits & freebies). 4 OBBM - undecided on basses but Schroeder cab(s) and mini-rack Mk2 (+raffle bits) 5. Charic (tentative) - ACG Finn 4 (Drop C tuning), Yamaha RBX6JM, Modded Fender MIM, TC RH450, 2 x TC RS210, Line6 DL4 (delay pedal), Behringer Chorus Pedal 6. Happy Jack - Ampeg Baby Bass and (just for OBBM) at last I'll bring along a Hofner Verithin. If there's enough (any) interest, I could also bring along a Fishman Fusion pedal plus a rig to play through. 7. Macdaddy - custom shuker or custom Iceni Zoot or Hamer Blitz + raffle bits 8. Billyapple - Gibson Thunderbird, Un-Finished Wishbass Lobe, Matamp GT200 Head, Matamp 212 Cab, DHA VT1 Eq 9. Walman - (assuming it'll all fit in the smaller car I got last year as I was cutting down on gear ) Wal Pro1/Custom hybrid, 2 x G&L L2500 US, Tanglewater ClassicJ, Roland PK5 bass pedals w DSI MoPho synth, GenzBenz Streamliner 6, BF Super12T - alternatively a poll on which to bring may be required 10. OliverBlackman- going to bring the Tokai as it seems in a recent thread not many have experienced the 80's Jazz sounds. 11. Shockwave - Gibson RD and Gibson Grabber or Fender P-J Antigua. 12. dc2009 (tentative) - Warwick Corvette $$ 5 Special Edition, Lakland Skyline 55-01. Sansamp, SYB-5, Q-tron+, BSY600. Anything more will need a lift! 13. Eude (tentative) - ACG Finn SC Classic BO 5 string 33" Scale, ACG Finn SC Classic BO 6 String 33" Scale, Ibanez Promethean 5110C & EAD Foundation 112 3-way Prototype. 14.Bloodaxe (tentative) - Aria SB-1000 Frankenfretless, Ibanez Promethean 5110C [might add the SB-900 & Bloody ZZB Custom to this if anyone's driving from E or SE postcodes & I can blag a lift] 15. 51m0n - the usual guff (Roscoe, Berg, MB blah blah, if in doubt check my sig) + a very tentative PluxTheDuck & related kit 16. Urb - Sei bass plus laptop (maybe) and my fingers 17. Seashell - Fender Precision (MIM) and Ibanez SRX500. No rig! 18. Merton - multiscale 5 prototype, other things maybe, like Mikey's sleeping bag 19. Russ - Sei Bass 5-string fretted singlecut, Sei Bass 5-string fretless J, Ampeg SVT-7, Markbass 106H 20. Silverfoxnik - Roscoe Beck 5, Schecter Diamond P 5, BC Rich Eagle, Hughes & Kettner Bassbase 600 head, SWR Triad, Boss ME-50B 21.Bassmanady-Yamaha BB 2005,Yamaha BB605 22. Hen Barn - Status Kingbass 23. 6feet7 - matching pair 1999 Fender Hotrod Precision & Jazz basses, GUS G3 Retro Active 24.Barneyg42 -Status S2 classic 5 headless, Status series 1 five, NGC Nanyo Bass Collection fretted and fretless,MXR pre into Crown poweramp into Acme low B and Barefaced Compact 25. Ashwood1985 - Streamer $$ 5, Thumb BO4, Silver Series Jazz Squire, maybe SR1000 FL, Roland D-Bass 210 combo, Sansamp BDDI, EBS Unichorus and IQ, maybe Bassmurf 26. ped - Vigier Passion, S2 1988, Roland V-bass, arse hair clippers 27.TheGreek - the unsellable Overwater J4, possibly my custom headless, GK backline 110 28. Sibob - Barefaced Compacts, Markbass LMII, Genz Benz Streamliner 900 (probably for sale), '71 Precision, '03 or '73 Jazz. Effects? 29.JHK-(99% sure) GB Spitfire five,TRB6P,TRB5P,MM Stingray five fretless,probably a little bit of EDEN gear. 30. Fat Rich - 70s P and J basses, 5 String Status S2, Hartke XL410[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]31. Tom Kent - Fodera Emperor 5 Standard, Fender Jazz (and maybe some others.. awaiting confirmation); Krampera KVB800 w/ B1T & B1B.. I'll see what pedals I can dig out.[/color][/font] 32. Si600 - Aria Pro II 5 String, Peterson Stomp Classic and TC Nova Dynamics.
  23. Sometimes I hate myself for doing cheap tricks like that............... But if the gentleman wants to pop back to this page and say hello properly I might change it back............... maybe
  24. It's always a judgement call about closing a thread, and I'm not saying my judgement is always spot on (I once bought an Ashdown cab ffs!) The thread in question was about gear not selling, so several pages of Tim jokes was far enough off-topic for it to take a rather late bath. The 'staff' are always grateful for threads/posts being reported as we spend enough time here as it is without having to read every post every day. Some reported threads we let run for a while as the forumites and Bajistas are quite a good bunch of chaps and chapesses and can usually sort things out without much bloodletting - so a big [b]Thank You[/b] - to you all, it makes modding much easier! Got to dash now as I'm half-way through waxing Dood's legs and he does like a matching pair.
  25. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1339519558' post='1689825'] that's what i was going to suggest. pretty cheap too (used), arond £50. [/quote] I was amazed when I first used mine - how the hell does it do what it does? - It gives a big FAT yet spacious sound. Mines never been off my board since the day I bought it.
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