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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. I looked into getting some recently but they seemed a lot more just for having a bit of colour
  2. Why would anyone care about that? We don't have a problem singing love machine.
  3. I always get concerned about it but have been really lucky with those sort of events
  4. I have a stupid amount of stuff, 8 basses (down from 10), probably 10 guitars (I genuinely don’t know exactly even where they are), 4 keyboards, 3 sound module, gr55, few sound boards etc. Sometimes I feel guilt about it but all of my later stuff is paid with gig money and all the other stuff paid for with giving up smoking money. And then I think, well, why should I feel guilty as it isn’t hurting anyone.
  5. My squier 4 sounds nice, although the Gibson did sound better and it was cheaper (new) than the squier!
  6. Genuinely? Wow, you must live in a fantastic place.
  7. I sold my EB5 as I couldn't get on with the string spacing, but it sounded fantastic.
  8. I have no idea, although recently I have managed to get back under 10. I have however, gigged all but two of them this year.
  9. Funnily enough I saw some of those on aliexpress yesterday, only £200 - can’t be that good
  10. A weekend of two gigs. The first night, a normally fairly busy pub was very busy and everyone having a great time, but it is always good. The one tonight, weren't expecting good things. It is a members club and it has traditionally been very flat, and not only that but they have a license for sport and there was some people hitting each other on telly - so we had to play the first half until the hitting started, then continue after it finished, but he hasn't got that late a license. I don't know if it is the hitting on telly but the place was really busy and also quite a few people danced, so probably the best night i have had down there in two bands times. The fight started late and didn't end before his music license, so turned out that we got £300 for 1hr and 20 (we rarely play less than 2 hours), and everyone was happy!
  11. Why not? Most of our gigs are just regular pubs, just do money for nothing as a sound check and stand out the front to get it sounding right. If you don't do that how can you tell if it sounds bad unless you have someone else that can do it for you? In previous groups it was eaiser, my wife came to all our gigs and she would just say what was wrong, but she doesn't come to the current bands gigs.
  12. When we are setting up, I go right out the front and listen (as I am wireless), makes things easier.
  13. I have asked the guitarist several times to pour petrol over his orange combo and set fire to it. Still hasn't happened!
  14. I think the thread you are looking for is that way --->
  15. That is one area where there is no cultural difference. Tonight I think I will play my checkered iceman bass!
  16. You go for whatever you find more comfortable. I am surprised if you have small hands you find the fender easier as the string spacing is quite big, but there are no rules on what is best for everyone. However, one thing to be aware of is that playing something new creates an interest which means it can seem better when it is just more interesting!
  17. That is a rather nice looking bridge too. And I would say, quite a nice pattern on that bass. But what is the brown thing around the strap lock? Is it a filter from a cigarette?
  18. I certainly would. But to be fair, it would have done that for a lot less!
  19. You can and I have. It sounds good and saves me having to move it out of the way of the speakers!
  20. Excellent - I think one of those is probably going to be at the end of the new bass then, goes from 15 to 20, plenty of room to experiment to what actually is the best size..
  21. I don't understand why he didn't use ear plugs. Had he not noticed that an orchestra was loud before this? I would have thought that your hearing was your own concern, and if you are at the level of playing with an orchestra maybe you should have taken it seriously. I am sure there were other people in that orchestra still.
  22. The GV36 has shown me another thing that I didn't know, not only is the spacing at the bridge end important, so is the spacing on the nut end. The GV36 is wider than I would like there. Is there something like a Schaller 2000 but for a 5 string? I couldn't find one. I decided to build a bass, or give it a try as I wanted something that didn't seem to exist. So was wondering what to do with the bridge. I figured monorails would be the obvious choice so I could get it down to 15 or 16mm, but a bridge that was adjustable would be good too
  23. Traded my dingwall for an ibanez. Not the fan fretted one, a premium. Best deal I made.
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