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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. I wouldn't have a worry with either of those playing a pub gig. My last band I gigged mostly with a TC 250w 1x12 combo and never ran out of power. Changed later to a TC450W head and speakers for carrying reasons. Currently playing with an ashdown 100w head and 2 1x12 speakers and wouldn't play without earplugs (or in ears, same things, better sound). Best idea go and try one. What are you currently playing with, where will you be playing?
  2. Yeh, doesn't make sense that does it! I mean if you play with a plectrum you will get a lot more 'jangle' in your sound, depending on you play, so it will sound a lot more obviously 8 stringish. With fingers I find it easier to pick individual strings (rather then as pairs).
  3. I would say yes, for full harmonics, the plectrum is the way to go, but don't overlook that fingers do work on an 8 string to bring something to the party as well
  4. And for me: 1. Interesting but still not sold on it 2. Happy with either, plectrum good for attack but I love the sound of fingers and often end up using that 3. noted, although given a nordstrand vs a duncan, i would go for the nordstrand 4. The only reason for me to have a passive is that I haven't yet put a preamp in it. 5. Yep.
  5. For all the differences (and it is much nicer than my dean), they do all share that same bridge!
  6. I know it isn't, as I said, most of my basses aren't neck through, including my 'main' basses, the 1605 & 5005 ibanezes and the Maruszczyk, but it doesn't take that impression out of my head.
  7. Me too. Surprising I have so few, considering I always viewed a neck through as properly made and a bolt on as the cheap version!
  8. Well, they seem to do it fine so maybe it is an obvious role. With an amp review with slap I tend to scrub through the video looking to see if there is any non slap, or go and find one that is there. I am still not convinced that amp sound demos are much good on youtube unless you have good monitor speakers or flat headphones. I did see one the other day with white noise and frequency responses of a few speakers, that was a useful thing.
  9. That seems about the best reason, to get you out of a rut
  10. Having watched the andertons video last night, I quite like it again, although the 6 unit and 3 buttons still seem a bit restrictive. But then, it is quite a bit of money and I don't think it actually gives me anything I don't currently have, so it might be another basschat led GAS thing
  11. Yeh, I get that and I am not arguing with you about whether you should apply for the gig, I am just saying the expression 'to bring something to the party' has got nothing to do with any actual party. The expression "What can you bring to the party" is exactly the same as "How can you help us in this situation". I would say maybe it is an englishism, rather than an americanism, but I am pretty sure it was common when I lived in SF as well.
  12. Glasses so dark she has to tell him where the stage is!
  13. Why so? Bringing something to the party is a very old expression. I use it, my grandparents used it. It is 'normal english'
  14. That isn't that unusual for people who have english as a first language.
  15. I used an XR16, then a X18 for a few years. I used it without an external router for a year or so without any issues, even though common logic is you use it with an external router. Then one event its performance wasn't good, so I got a cheap external router, about the size of a plug, never had any problems since, although to be fair I wouldn't worry if I forgot the router either (although I wouldn't as it lives in the same case).
  16. So is the spectradrive similar to the front end of a TC amp? I am currently using my Ashdown CTM100, and I love the sound, but I do miss the versatility of my TC450 so something like that could be pretty handy on a board
  17. The passive saves about £100 on their normal prices.
  18. Well, I guess its not hard to see why they wanted the old bass player back
  19. Playing stinky poo songs in pubs to non discerning audience, yep, sign me up any day of the week. All of my current instruments have been paid for doing that, and playing music for people to dance to and have an enjoyable time, I am happy with that. I can play all my stuff that no-one wants to listen to in my room or with friends, though thankfully not jazz.
  20. All of my XLR cables are coloured, so they don't 'blend in with other peoples' cables! It does mean though that as for some reason I provide all the cables that people take the cable they view as theirs (drummer always gets the yellow one, guitarist the red one, noone touches the blue one as its mine). Then there are the florescent orange ones, they are purely for things relating to the mixer. Mine are all from ebay using proper cable and proper connectors.
  21. Yeh, I had the same - its irritating as now I have to have both of the cables, but just what you put up with.
  22. Well, yes, I play pubs and the bass is normally not out of the PA, although I use DI all the time as it goes to the mixer for IEM and sometimes recording. From the amp though, as the amp is part of my sound. Maybe if I had a helix, I wouldn't need the amp to be part of my sound, but I don't. But if I did and I had a helix stomp instead of a full helix (which seems unlikely), I would just use a different cable. As it is I use a X18 (rather than an XR18) mixer, so I have quite a few TRS to XLR leads, as that is what they did on the X18. Everytime i have plugged into someone elses pa, which has mostly been on the back of a truck or on those occasions with a house PA, I have gone from my amp. Indeed you would. As you would if your bass failed, or your cable failed, or your helix failed, or one of the wires on your pedalboard failed, or your DI box failed, or the mixer or pa failed, or the speakers failed. ie: with the tens of things that could fail between your fingers and the speaker, why specifically is the amp failing a major concern? I have never had an amp fail mid gig, so I wondered why this one case was a reason to not use an amp? Well, I have done quite a few weddings and I guess I have been one of those rare souls whos amp never failed
  23. Bit of a result, one that we really weren't looking forward to in a not particularly popular pub at the bottom of town. Expecting it to be dead and not particularly fun. Turned out to be exactly the opposite - very busy and everyone was up and dancing. At the end they asked us to play on but we are trying to trim the sets down to a reasonable time and everyone was baying for another encore, but we had done a couple, and leave them wanting more. Good night had by all, and not one, but two blokes afterwards came up and said they liked my bass playing. So I guess I am not as scary looking as blue. And one woman asked why we hadn't played pink floyd for a while, which is good as that is one I sing.
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