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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. [quote name='Mr Cougar' post='149868' date='Mar 2 2008, 03:42 PM']You're really undermining my bargaining position here Martin![/quote] Sorry Jimmy, but I think you gave it away when you drooled all over it last time you were down there
  2. [quote name='richardd' post='149751' date='Mar 2 2008, 11:07 AM']Hi Mike I will post the price next week if not sold to Mr Couger, by the way did you sell the Sting P Bass Regards Rich[/quote] He's bound to buy it Rich............he was gassing like a man possesed at work on Friday aft.
  3. That truly is beautiful....daren't let my Precision go tho (however the GAS is killing me), it's the nicest one I've had. Good luck with the trade.
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  5. [quote name='Beneath It All' post='149492' date='Mar 1 2008, 03:49 PM']....Gerralife[/quote] Articulate as well I see........ CB - Hope you don't let this experience put you off selling anything else on this forum.
  6. [quote name='Faithless' post='149448' date='Mar 1 2008, 02:21 PM']Is 35'er way different from 34? I mean, is it way harder when trying to "expanse" left hand, especially on first five frets?[/quote] More different than I expected. I thought 'it's only an inch' but it's enough to affect muscle memory (at least for me) and give me a cramp across the back of my hand when playing 4 finger runs at 1st and 3rd positions for extended time.
  7. [quote name='chris_b' post='149288' date='Mar 1 2008, 02:08 AM']I had a problem with the 35" scale until I stopped trying to reach the notes by stretching and started moving my hand to get my fingers to the right place. I wouldn't go back to a 34" scale now.[/quote] Cheers Chris, I'm starting to try this m'self but old habits die hard and all that. Being an old fart most of my playing is below 12th position so I'm persevering with the 5th position on the 5 which helps a bit. Problem is when I g back to 4 (which I do when gigging) it breaks my brain. Gotta admit tho, the 35" does result in a killer tone, sorry to hijack the thread but do any 34" come close?
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  9. Talking with Mr Cougar about this earlier today. On a 4 string I hold the thumb on the pickup or E, with the 5'er I tend to play 'floating thumb', moving the thumb near the string above the one I'm playing - not so much anchoring on it. This seems to help with the 'span' and also helps remind me what string I'm on. Only problem I'm having is the 35" scale on the DJ5 - must look at a 'Ray 5 at some point.
  10. [quote name='Jase' post='149120' date='Feb 29 2008, 06:42 PM']Did a DING!! just last night on my new CIJ 62 fretless, thought I'd adjust the pick up height and......OOPPS! slipped off the screw head and put a little "skid" in the paintwork, didn't go down to the wood though....... may as well relic it now![/quote] Because I'm now so damn anal about dings (I must buy an old knackered bass) if I'm doing any adjustments involving a screwdriver I cover the immediate paintwork with cling film - it's saved me from a few scratches. God I'm sad....
  11. [quote name='Mr Cougar' post='148497' date='Feb 28 2008, 04:46 PM']Well of course I do, that's the bloody problem, you now own my dream bass....Satan. [/quote] You expecting a good appraisal or something...............think they'd have to make me up to Captain Planet before I could control your level of GAS spending
  12. [quote name='bassbloke' post='147959' date='Feb 27 2008, 05:07 PM']Are you actually interested in buying this bass? If not, do the rest of us a favour and shut the f*ck up.[/quote] Too far....................
  13. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='146720' date='Feb 25 2008, 04:41 PM'][b]Thanks, Mart! It certainly has taken a while to find a good one! BTW, Sound Control have bought up the last batches of S1 basses & they're selling them at £699. Jump in while they're there![/b][/quote] Not bad price but I think I'd have a crack with a Lakky JO4 or DJ4 before I bought another Fender Jazz! Gotta admit the quality of the Skylines is good (if a bit clinical).
  14. [quote name='Phil Oakey' post='146564' date='Feb 25 2008, 01:31 PM']Anyway must dash - I've got a wig fitting this afternoon.[/quote] Must really frustrate you having to buy a full wig and throw half of it away...
  15. Assumed as much Jimmy. But you never know - he might have had a bit of time on his hands ^_^
  16. [quote name='Phil Oakey' post='146062' date='Feb 24 2008, 04:16 PM']I'm not that old. (52) And my parents were married when I was born for what it's worth...[/quote] As a fellow 'Sheffielder' (well Rotherham) I have to know whether this is a wind up..... P.S. Thanks for the 'Golden age of the future' album - takes me back to pleasant times
  17. Nice Bass Rich. I also had a long 'hate' relationship with MIA Fender. Always felt they were lightweight compared with MM and a bit overpriced. However second hand they make a good deal. The S1 2004 Precision I've got is a keeper and has replaced my Thumb BO4 as my main gigging bass, mainly because it's got that old-school vibe and balances much better (doesn't compare for slap/pop tho lol).
  18. Nick, Warwicks are different and take a bit of getting used to. I happily use my Thumb alongside the fender because it is different. The sound is more hifi and growly and so is more suited to different stuff. Having said that ive used mine for Eagles thru to Led Zep so its pretty versatile. The neck ain't for everyone but its not as bad as many make out. In short have a try it doesn't hurt to look.
  19. [quote name='bassfunk' post='145039' date='Feb 22 2008, 01:48 PM']I bought a Warwick LX4 as my first 'serious' bass while I was studying music. The first college gig came up and a girl who was playing bass in one of the songs asked to borrow it, without thinking about the large spangly belt buckle she was wearing! Buckle rash is an understatement! I was gutted. Since then I've insited anyone playing my bass remove their belt. I get some funny looks until I show them the back of the Warwick.[/quote] Yup. I had a guy spit out his dummy at a jam night when I asked him to remove his belt when he asked to borrow my (then) brand new Sterling. I don't like dingage but I prefer it if it's my fault.
  20. Not sure if many things sound like a Warwick, I hate the neck ache that my Thumb BO4 gives me on a long gig and the occassional hand cramp on fast passages but I love the sound. Of all the jazzes I've played I think the Lakkie DJ5 I currently have gets closest to the Warwick growl on a passive finger style. If you're prepared to go active then IMHO it's the Sterling you want sir
  21. Can't believe you haven't sold this yet Nick - It's the architypal Fender - everyone has to own one at some point. Have a bump.
  22. I'm so pleased I can't afford this and that it isn't black.
  23. Hey Rob, sorry I didn't get back t'ya. Nice bass - sorry just not what I was looking for (more a graphite man m'self - despite only having woodies at the mo). Anyhow, bump for a fellow Rotherhamite - looks a nice bass and deserves to bring in the readies.
  24. Nick.........you need treatment! if I had the cash I'd have it to pair up the R/W neck twin.
  25. Pick up a 2005-7 S1 Precision and save yourself a couple hundred £ - IMHO the new standards don't look like such a leap forward, if you want something P like and better get a Glaub :ph34r: . The S1 ain't as bad as all that - if it bothers you that much just change the pot, or like I do leave it switched out. Just because it's there it doesn't mean you have to use it.
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