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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1385671837' post='2291070'] Nice, I've seen the original pic before. I have a cartoon cat playing upright bass, ripped from the El Toro Please Give Me Something: Roots of the Stray Cats album [url="http://www.raucousrecords.com/products/600px/roots-of-the-stray-cats-cd.jpg"]http://www.raucousre...ray-cats-cd.jpg[/url] and I'm booked in to get F holes on my shoulders this Thursday coming. [/quote] Hope no one really thinks you are a bass with those F holes ......could make a terrible mess if some one decided to strum you lol
  2. Lovely thanks for the info guys really appreciate that
  3. I was reading about strings in another thread and I have decided that I would like to try some now this may be a silly question but are they available in standard gauge 45-105 as I cannot find any online they all seem heavier in general I honestly do not know much about flats as maybe you can tell lol so do I also have to re set up my bass if I put them on? I am guessing yes and what would you guys recommend I have heard fantastic things about Labellas and Thomastiks but I really don't fancy spending £40+ just in case I don't like them I have seen some Fender flats online and they are about £20 a set does anyone have any experience of these? or know of anything that my be good at around that kind of price point? and I mostly play with a pick now so will pick playing ruin a flat wound string really quickly or is it OK to use a pick with this type of string? I am sure I will think of something else to ask lol but thanks in advance anyway guys
  4. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1385645796' post='2290618'] You might want to go all the way to flats and see how you like those first. It's a bit like Goldilocks sampling porridge... [/quote] Yeah or could it be Marmite syndrome? You either love em or hate em?
  5. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1385640768' post='2290504'] It's a tone thing as well as feel, you get a bit more thud and less sparkle then round wound strings gives you, I find there is less noise from the frets to. [/quote] Thanks for that I may try these some time as I like more thump and not so much of a bright "twang" for want of a better word will have a good hard think about this as I am never happy with my strings I have tried lots of brands but none have really clicked with me I am using Picato strings at present and must admit I do like them I always used to use Ernie Ball strings but went off them as I did not think the price matched the quality. It is most likely in my head I am a nightmare always chopping and changing strings lol
  6. Is the advantage of this type of string is just that they are easier on the fingers to play or do they add more thump to your bass?
  7. [quote name='Dusty' timestamp='1385586112' post='2290070'] Can't believe this is still for sale !! It's a beauty [/quote]Sign of the times most people are skint
  8. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1385567155' post='2289733'] Funny this thread should pop back up today... My Retrovibe is ageing really nicely and I wanted to change the scratchplate to better show that fact off. So this afternoon I had a walk to Screwfix for a can of white Plastikote! It needs a sand down and another coat to fix a few problems but other than that I'm really please how it came out Now the question is...do I paint the pick up covers too? [/quote]Looking good I would not bother painting the pup covers you can buy some nice cream or aged white ones on ebay for about 4 quid cheaper than buying the paint unless you still have some
  9. [quote name='turnupthebase' timestamp='1385582088' post='2289989'] YHPM [/quote] WTF are you on about? any way good luck too the seller with the sale of this bass
  10. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1385569320' post='2289775'] I'm following the John Pattitucci online jazz bass course at artistworks.com Nathan West does the electric bass course. There are loads of prerecorded lessons to follow, You send in a video of yourself playing and get a video response from your tutor. It costs about £60 for 3 months. There are sample lessons you can look at first to help you make up your mind. I find it really helpful as a beginner on the upright and other people have commented on how much better I'm getting since I started these lessons. [/quote] That sounds quite good Sarah just wondered are the lessons timed? or can you just go online and use lesson course as much as you want? Thanks in advance
  11. Hi all I have about 50 various bass player/bassist magazines from the 90's that I got from another B.C user and I wanted to keep them in the BC community I would rather let them go in 1 lot But I am prepared to send out a couple of mags at random to anyone who wants them as a I would guess there will be a few BCers wanting them all I ask is that you send me a large stamped addressed envelope (A4ish) to put them in and I will stick them in the post PM me if you want some I dont want any thing for them all I ask is that you chuck a couple of quid in the BC money box if you have the lot and when you no longer want them pass them on to another basschatter who may enjoy them. Cheers
  12. Christ almighty what a sh---r may be the seller has bad eyesight and he just thinks it looks immaculate?
  13. I think we should even ban the use of the word Rickenbacker as it always causes problems it is the spawn of Satan I tells ya lol
  14. [quote name='Buzzardist' timestamp='1385488962' post='2288906'] Cash price drop Now £1500. Thats £250 off [/quote]WOW that is some serious price drop mate GLWTS
  15. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1385485865' post='2288840'] One pole per string, like a P version of the J pickups you get on a Big Al??? [/quote] I dunno has to be something like that cant think of anything else it could be
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1385485057' post='2288821'] New immigration controls..? Seriously though, this is yet another disappointing thread title. [/quote] Think yourself lucky imagine how disappointed you would of been if I had called the thread "leather clad vixens" Hmmm lol
  17. Well I have never seen anything like these before bet they have a monster rock tone but why only 2 "poles"? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Custom-handwound-pickup-for-Pbass-guitar-/141117885352"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Custom-handwound-pickup-for-Pbass-guitar-/141117885352[/url]
  18. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1385482773' post='2288775'] I think what he means is that if you put a bit more effort into selling your bass it might not still be here. Maybe have a look at other people's for sale ads? The market is very tough at the moment for sellers, and if you aren't prepared to go that extra mile it is even harder to get sales or even interest. Just a bit of constructive criticism [/quote]+1 especially as it is a 2200 quid bass people want to find out about it before they even think about parting with that much dosh anyway GLWTS
  19. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1385476416' post='2288674'] It was in response to spacey's post prior to yours, however, it could be pertinent to your "not worth £400-500" comment. The issue is that there is no option for a "decent brand" used instrument of that particular type of guitar, if your after that particular type of instrument. You can get branded copies of Gibsons, Fenders, G&L's, Warwick's, MusicMan, and many of the other bass guitar manufacturer's. But because of a decision made by Rickenbacker, those of us, who want to play a Ric, but don't have the Ric budget, have to "make do" with either a different brand/style of instrument (which can be a waste of money when you don't get on with something), or buy the "best alternative" (to use the correct economic term) to the product that you would like. The days of used Ric's selling for £350 are long, long, long gone. And yes, I severely regret missing out on that early 70's, checker bound 4001 that I could have bought for £350 from a dealership. And it also seems that the days of sub-£1000 used 4003's is long gone as well. I haven't seen one go for less than £1200 in the last couple of years (including my old 2005). Which I believe also goes someway in backing up the argument for Rickenbacker to produce a budget line of instruments, following the Epiphone/Squier model of building "copies" of their own guitars overseas where the labour costs are lower, and still produce and sell the higher end guitars. If they manage it correctly, it's a "win win" for both the company and the consumer. [/quote] I did say IMHO I would not pay that kind of money for one and I wouldnt, as I say it is horses for courses I have some expensive basses but my go too is a £200 bass I have no problem with any bass that anybody has or uses whether it costs 10 grand or 10p if the person likes that is all that matters is it not?
  20. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1385473035' post='2288603'] If you'd tried one, you wouldn't be saying any of that. I owned a 4003 for 6-7 years. I now own a Rickenfaker which, IMO, is certainly a far, far better instrument than you claim it is. It certainly doesn't feel like a £150 instrument or a £300 instrument for that matter, it feels far better than that. Yes, there are a few "chancers" out there that ask a far higher price for the instruments that they're trying to sell, but that always has happened, and always will happen when you have a quality instrument, regardless of the fact that may be emulating another. I had a Gibson Les Paul for a while, but sold it because the Tokai Love Rock I bought as a "spare" was simply a better instrument by far, even though a) it wasn't a Gibson Les Paul and b} it was half as expensive as a Gibson Les Paul. You simply have to look at the reviews that brands like Vintage and Fret King are getting to see that lower price doesn't mean lower quality. Tesco Finest or Tesco Everyday Value? [/quote] Which is what I said it is up to the individual and for the record I have played a Rockinbetter and I was no where near blown away if you like it thats great I am in no way knocking the instrument you have so I am a bit confused as to why you are coming across as defensive and a bit sarcastic? if I have misread your reply I apologise
  21. I guess it is just up to the individual what they like and don't like personally I have seen these Rockinbetter copy's go for 4 or 500 quid which is ridiculous IMHO I would not pay that for one myself I would rather get a decent brand used instrument but hey that's just me each to there own.
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