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Everything posted by Painy

  1. Well I think you were very lucky to have gotten away with that! If I was the proprietor of a musical instrument retail establishment there is no way I would have tolerated morris dancing on the premises I can tell you!
  2. 448 mm long , 90mm deep , 55mm high ( at the highest point ) Apparently it's pretty much how Ritchie Kotzen originally came up with the idea. He built his main existing pedals into a single, crude enclosure that was easier to take onto a flight with him.
  3. I was toying with the idea of re-housing my BDI21 in a more sturdy case when I spotted this on eBay and it got me thinking. If I was to build my own Flyrig in one of these by re-housing existing pedals into it what would it look like? I reckon I'd have my snark pedal tuner at the front, then a Spectracomp (tiny and versatile), my MXR M80 for the Pre-amp section with a bit of grit, my EBS Octabass and then finally my Joyo Roll boost at the end for a simple Clean volume boost. I've not bothered to work out if they would all fit properly as it's only for a bit of fun but what (commercially available) pedals would you put in yours?
  4. Looks to me like a supreme level of skilled craftsmanship and incredible attention to detail was needed to create that instrument. Shame really then that to me it also looks bleedin orrible! A bit like if you'd gotten Leonardo Davinci to paint you a picture of a Ann Widdecombe in a string bikini.
  5. The very lovely Yolanda Charles. Pete Vuckovic (3 Colours Red) Mark Hoppus. Peter Steele. This chap is also a fairly decent bass player too by all accounts:
  6. Just received the Hookers Green Bass Machine which I bought from Bas. Very cool little pedal and Bas was genuinely an absolute pleasure to deal with throughout. Thanks buddy!
  7. This though I just don't understand at all.
  8. The headstock shape is generally a big part of what identifies the brand (it's where the logo is normally located too) so needs to be as individual as possible (assuming it's not actually trying to look as much as possible like another brand without actually getting sued for it). There are only so many shapes that are practical in terms of holding the tuners in a suitable position before you have to start adding weird sticky-out bits purely in order to be different.
  9. I don't have the necessary culinary skill to produce Michelin star worthy snail porridge. With enough proper training and enough practice it's conceivable though that I could produce it to that standard eventually. However the thought of eating snail porridge actually makes me feel a bit nauseous regardless of the amount of skill that making it would demonstrate so I don't think I'll bother. In fact I think the time would probably be much better spent getting the hang of cooking a wide variety of simpler but also more palatable and nutritionally balanced meals. Bobby Vega on the other hand is awesome AND musical!
  10. If only it were that it's far away but you can see how tiny it is from the curly lead plugged into it. This guy really is rocking out and head banging in his leather trousers while playing through an amp the size of a box of Swan Vestas.
  11. Painy

    Behringer BDI21

    I got one off here a couple of weeks ago and I've been really impressed too. I'm actually thinking of getting a couple more and running all 3 alongside each other on my board. I use 3 different basses at gigs so I would be able to set the eq and volume for each bass for when I'm switching between them. Kinda like a poor man's Programmable Bass Driver.
  12. Yeah I do worry if it might be a step too far. On the other hand I do like the idea of spending a couple of pounds extra on a set of flats to begin with but then making them a family heirloom to be passed down to future generations .
  13. That would be great if you can. Thanks Dave
  14. I'm just wondering if anyone here uses flats on a Thunderbird? It's actually a 2013 Gibson EB5 that I'm thinking of putting flats on but it sounds very much like a T-Bird which I figured are a bit more commonplace so thought I'd be more likely to get a response. Basically my sound is normally very bright and aggressive (fresh Dunlop Steel Superbrights on a precision and a jazz) but I got this because I wanted a contrasting sound and it is naturally much darker. I put my normal Superbrights on it initially but the bass doesn't really seem to produce the zingy highs anyway so I'm wondering if I should just embrace the dark side altogether with this bass and chuck some flats on it so I get a more complete contrast with my other basses. I just wondered how other people had got on if they'd tried it?
  15. You'd think the ready supply of Werther's Originals would have been incentive enough for them to keep him on. Kids these days don't know they're born!
  16. As much as I really want to get one of these eventually, I'm not likely to have the funds available in the immediate future (and next months pedal expenditure is already allocated to @Al Krow ). I think I'm more likely to be looking for a used one in the Marketplace around May time once one of you lot has decided they don't like it after all .
  17. After 7 months of searching for a new singer (and finding one singer that turned out to be something of a red herring along the way) we finally found someone a couple of weeks ago and I've just arrived home from his first gig. Bit of a thrown together set with basically whatever songs of ours he already knew, a few that he'd learnt and then a few that we learnt that he's done before and we'd only had one rehearsal but it was actually a pretty good gig with only a couple of very minor mistakes. Really looking forward to sorting out a proper set now that we've got that first gig under our belts.
  18. If the amount of water spilt onto the bathroom floor whilst bathing is an accurate depiction of weight then my kids must each be somewhere around the weight of an adult humpback whale.
  19. Brian May would undoubtedly concur.
  20. Or indeed if it weighs the same as other objects that can float on water such as very small rocks.....
  21. This may not be an entirely accurate method. It has been postulated that the soul has it's own small but measurable mass which has been observed on occasion to manifest itself in a slight weight loss at the instant of an individual passing away. Based on the principle that most people would be likely to cease to live should their neck become detached from the rest of their body, it seems reasonable to extrapolate from this that a bass with the neck removed would at that point have no soul and would therefore weigh slightly less than when it was a complete instrument. Now I know what you're thinking - once the bass is reassembled you will have an accurate measurement of the weight of the bass - albeit as it is now sans soul rather than its original weight. However, as it is demonstrably perfectly possible to play James Brown songs on a bass that has had it's neck removed and reattached, I would speculate that the soul of the bass is able to reenter the instrument upon reassembly thereby returning to its pre-measurement weight and rendering this method marginally inaccurate. Of course I may be over thinking it.....
  22. So they had a guy who played a Fender that doesn't look like a Fender and then replaced him with a guy that plays what looks like a Fender but isn't a Fender. Funny old world.
  23. Painy


    I have a little 10w Hiwatt hurricane practice combo. Even taking into account having realistic expectations of a tiny combo from a cheap starter pack I can concur that it is indeed completely poo! I generally just use it as a headphone amp as the speaker sounds like its going to completely disintegrate unless the bass control is all the way down.
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