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Everything posted by FinnDave

  1. Sorry to hear the project's reached the end of its natural life. As for new directions, I recommend looking in your kitchen , I found our new singer lurking there and she is taking our band in directions we had never dared dream of.
  2. What is it about Thunderbirds? I have always thought of them as stunning looking basses, but every time I play one I am disappointed. Yet still I look at them and lust after them.
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1395248064' post='2400213'] Also, there is no such thing as a "good" sausage... [/quote] I suggest you make your way to Bampton, Oxfordshire, and try some sausages from Strainge butchers. Definitely a good sausage, and not in the least bit strange, though the village itself is a little odd.
  4. Lighter fluid is the best thing for removing the goo left behind by self adhesive labels, velcro, etc.
  5. I use my own gear at almost every gig. As others have posted, only time I use a supplied backline is at festivals, and prefer not to do that if there is time to change the gear. Never played through organizer supplied gear that is anywhere near as good a sound as my Ashdown/Barefaced rig.
  6. Third time at a favourite pub in Faringdon this evening. Played the first set as The Wirebirds and the second with Jenny Haan on vocals. She was in great voice and the audience loved her, one chap had come all the way from Milton Keynes with a complete set of Babe Ruth albums for her to sign!
  7. One of the nastiest attempts at 'relicing' I have seen. I can't imagine why anybody would pay £155 for a piece of junk like that.
  8. Supporting Focus, that's quite a gig to get, well done! First album I ever bought was Focus at the Rainbow.
  9. The Wirebirds are playing at The Swan in Faringdon (between Oxford and Swindon) this Saturday night. This will our second gig since being joined by Jenny Haan (Babe Ruth Band). At the moment, Jenny is singing on more songs each gig, this time she will be fronting us for a complete set. She's pretty much recovered from the heavy cold that she has had for the last week or two; she was in great form at last night's rehearsal. You won't often get a chance to hear a singer of her standard and reputation in the intimate atmosphere of a small pub, but tomorrow is one such opportunity. Then again, so is next week...and the week after!
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1394662210' post='2393904'] I think we should all go for a drink first, anyway. [/quote] Another one? I suppose I could manage.
  11. If you are rehearsing and playing gigs, a cheap bass can prove less reliable than an expensive one. I often have to tighten various screws on the Squier, whereas the Fender never needs that. It also stays in tune better.
  12. I have a back up bass at gigs in case of string breakage or other failure. Back in the 80s I had a P bass that would occasionally cut out, so I always have a spare, tuned and ready to go, at the side of the stage. Just in case.
  13. I guess Wednesday would do in a pinch, but it would be suboptimal.
  14. I have a US Standard Precision as my #1 bass at the moment, and a VM Squier Precision as back up. I often pick up the Squier at home if I want to try something out, and can definitely feel the difference between it and the Fender. Less smooth, less...something. Both basses have D'Addario flats, both set up the same, but they still don't feel the same. I play better on the Fender, I am sure of that. (And I know my pic shows me with a Jazz, I still have that, just in a P bass phase at the moment!)
  15. The best time to form a band is on a Thursday afternoon.
  16. I used to like Smiths, but these days I don't buy magazines any more. I understand they were branching out into potato crisps at one time, though.
  17. Another type 1, just plug in the P bass and play. Adjust amp eq to suit venue,adjust tone control on bass for some numbers. Never felt the need for effects pedals, and as I watch one of guitarists continually try to gt his to work, I am glad I don't use them.
  18. Borrow a bargepole, then refuse to touch the ads with it. No point in getting into a whole heap of grief, plenty of straight sellers around.
  19. The point is not to win...the winning nation hosts the following year's competition, it costs a fortune. It's a booby prize!
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1393856355' post='2385052'] This was more-or-less required listening in 75/76. That first number still rustles the hairs on the back of me neck ... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWTcTNwiT60[/media] [/quote] Her voice still does that me, listening now to a recording Saturday's gig.
  21. Mike travelled all the way to West Oxfordshire to buy my Westone Thunder 1. Straightforward deal, and good to meet another member from here. Hope you made it back through the floods, Mike!
  22. Just listened to my recording from last night, sound quality was not good, combination of a booming hollow stage and house PA not quite up to the job, but that voice comes through clearly....makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up every time she goes for those high notes. Most of the audience had no idea who she was, and were clearly stunned to hear a voice of that quality in their pub!
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