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Everything posted by ped

  1. One of the reasons I don't like sunburst very much is that often you can see the join between two bits of wood, like on the back of this one.
  2. I was listening to ‘Chemistry’ when I saw your post
  3. I mentioned these recently - not as portable, but made with Line6 so potentially something to compete with the Waza on the horizon https://uk.yamaha.com/en/products/musical_instruments/guitars_basses/amps_accessories/yh-wl500/index.html
  4. I have massively mixed experiences with digital effects, but comparing the 're-issue' Mutron III+ (digital) with the original really highlighted how little the distinction matters. Despite what people say online, the reissue is capable if getting as near as identical sounds as the original, although it doesn't do the extreme ends of the peak quite so well. In fact I prefer it in many ways, given the extra flexibility from the micro switches inside meaning the 'down' filter is more usable for me. As we all know, it's far too simplistic to say that digital is worse than analogue because there are so many different levels of both; I've had breathtaking digital tech and some which I actively dislike, same goes for analogue. What's definitely true though is that the perception always favours analogue, and the prices/values reflect that - which can be advantageous or not depending on where you sit on the value chain! I'm wondering if people's experience of digital is mostly via multi effects, which are often a compromise at the cheaper end of the scale both in terms of usability and processing power.
  5. I think they're the most elegant take on the J shape there is!
  6. Same, too many strings and too far away! Mind you, I haven't played the one I've got for quite a while. I'll spend some time with it this weekend.
  7. Cool one here on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204479943392?hash=item2f9bf452e0:g:QBIAAOSwHoRlFkaw The fingerboard has a pearloid edge. I had a Bacchus with this feature which looked pretty cool.
  8. It is indeed, mine's been great (fingers crossed)!
  9. Looks great, will be interesting to hear some bass demos.
  10. This is my gig rig and I’m super happy with it. I’ve never had a better live sound, although this sound is quite different to my previous go-to which was all graphite and slap. With rounds, the mustang has a super Hifi sound with a fantastically even response and tremendous growl.
  11. You’d be able to strip it back to the green layer I think unless it was removed beforehand.
  12. My dad sent me this. Some great players, and super tight and tasty bass. Thought some of you might enjoy!
  13. I think it would depend on how much you lean into the sansamp distortion. Heavy distortion is a bit like compression in some ways.
  14. Thanks, I have just engaged Legacy mode, I think it'll be really useful!
  15. I didnt know about that mode but think it might suit me quite well since I find going ‘down’ patches with a double press a bit tricky. How do I engage that mode? I can then put my favourite ten patches in a bank…
  16. And as I implied, your partiality is your call. I know you'll be right either way and point that out. Bye
  17. I think filters must be among the most subjective effects out there! I notice that the Ampero Mini filter is called the 'Toucher' but the full sized version has one called 'Dynamic Basso' which may be much better. Toucher has a bass ode but it just reacts very weirdly and it doesn't;t feel as if the dynamics are controllable on the instrument, kind of hard to explain.. one thing I have remembered is that the phaser sounds great, but I don't use them much.
  18. This is indeed the case, as with any piece of gear we discuss here. If you'd like to trust the opinions of others without trying it yourself, that's your call, but I'm sure we're all keen for you to confirm for us all one way or another.
  19. I was disappointed with the Hotone Ampere Mini - it sounded really nice for clean sounds and the OD was OK, but the octave and filters were terrible. I know it's the last generation but I have multi effects from several decades before this which are a thousand times better sounding. That said, the interface was great, as was the build and feel.
  20. ped

    Envelope filters

    I am sort of the opposite, and mostly use up mode, however I have started experimenting with the down side. My Bassballs is more of a down filter which has a really slow sweep so it can be very expressive (digging in slightly really changes the note). I have found that some down filters don't do much at the front of the note and sweep to quickly for my taste. However, the Mutron III+ has some internal switches to adjust this and I recently spent some time dealing it in so that all I need to do is flip the switch and it's in the right range.
  21. ped

    Envelope filters

    Yeah there are loads, and it’s great fun trying them. I think the Bass IQ is a great choice and may be all you’ll ever need. I’ve seen pretty much every filter on basschat over the years so buying used you’ll never be short of pedals to try! If I wasn’t going for the EBS I’d probably try the new Nano Qtron. BTW there are two versions of the Mutron, the original Musitronics version (says Musitronics on the bottom left near footswitch) which are crazy expensive because ‘vintage’ but then there’s the Haz Labs ‘reissue’ which can be had for a fair bit less, and I like them both as much as each other, maybe the reissue slightly more in some ways. I bet you’ll love the EBS so let us know how you get on.
  22. Sorry, I missed this - they're from IKEA!
  23. ped

    Envelope filters

    I think I posted this elsewhere but: This is the list of filters I have had (not including those built in to various multi fx): Had and sold: Mini Qtron FX25 (sparkle) MXR M87 3Leaf Wonderlove 3Leaf Proton V4 Meridian Funk-u-lator Mr Black Fwonkbeta Aguilar Filter Twin Chunk Syatems Octavius Squeezer Maxon AF9 Lovetone Meatball Solid Gold FX Supa Funk Currently have: Mutron III Bassballs Green Russian Mutron III+ Qtron Qtron+ Bassballs USA FX25 (light green V1) Xotic Robotalk 2 I think my all time faves and the ones on my board are the Mutron III+ as well as the original and the Green Bassballs. Trouble is there are so many things to take into consideration - the bass you put into the pedal, your dynamics, how you amplify.. some of the pedals I sold ages ago may sound better with my current setup. But I'm definitely happy with the Mutron sound, something about the lack of anything harsh and the usefulness of the range switch.
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