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Everything posted by 4000

  1. I don't understand why liking gear has to be at the expense of focusing on the music. One of the things I usd to love about vinyl LPs in the 70s was the stuff they came with,; great artwork, fold out covers, posters, stickers etc etc (Floyd spring to mind). Yes, the most important thing was ultimately the music, but the rest of it enhanced the experience and served to set the mood, if you wish. Why can't you have both?
  2. [quote name='Linus27' post='731910' date='Feb 1 2010, 04:53 PM']I've never understood or heard this Jazz growl. To me a Jazz is smooth and warm. Not growly. A Precision is aggresive and clanky and my Warwick growls but no Jazz I have owned growls. Maybe I am missing something.[/quote] I tend to agree. Jaco's sound is more burp than growl to me.
  3. 4000

    Fodera basses

    [quote name='Faithless' post='730960' date='Jan 31 2010, 06:56 PM']I don't dig the comparison of Fodera and Sadowsky - yep, they're both based in NYC - that's probably the only similarity.. Sadowsky is pretty much all Fender-based, whereas Fodera has quite unique and non-traditional design style and sound. I love the looks of Foderas, but I can't get with their sound [i]yet[/i]. But, then again, all I've heard yet was Matthew Garrison (soulless sound, but that's maybe because his music to me seems so soulless..) and Janek Gwizdala - his sound was pretty lovely sometimes..[/quote] I happen to love Matt and his sound (and his music, which personally I find anything but soulless). Not keen on Victor's sound though. My favourite boutiques are probably the top-end Alembics with Sei Bass there or thereabouts; I haven't liked the Foderas I've tried as much as the Seis on average, but everyone is different, and I have to say I've never used a Fodera live. Its ultimately such a personal thing though and every single instrument differs so much.
  4. [quote name='jakesbass' post='731135' date='Jan 31 2010, 10:06 PM']I recently discovered that I'm not really that into basses in the way that some people here are. I don't think any less of someone for their particular interest but I just wondered what category the majority of folk here would occupy. As I get older I am more just into the music.... I tried to make this a poll but am failing... help[/quote] You've got an Alembic. Not much worth lusting after now. Seriously, I think these days I'm probably becoming more interested in the instrument itself, as a piece of functional art. If I had somewhere to do it I'd probably try building, but we haven't even got a garage or a decent shed (and there is no way the missus would let me loose in the house!). FWIW playing has always come second to writing for me.
  5. [quote name='andy67' post='730891' date='Jan 31 2010, 06:15 PM']Hi, It is and yes the original is anodised. She is amazing and has the best neck I have ever played! cheers andy[/quote] Yes, I loved the neck on the red one I played.
  6. [quote name='HoweDy' post='730058' date='Jan 30 2010, 07:57 PM']yes but i thought his parents may have thought, maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to buy him such an expensive bass until he has become more experienced and started playing more, and he already gets lessons[/quote] My first bass when I was 17 years old was a brand Rickenbacker 4001. My dad put a great deal of the money towards it; he's been a musician all his life and his attitude was that a quality instrument will stand you in good stead. Bear in mind this was 1980 and there were no real quality "cheapies" available at the time. That bass made me want to pick it up and play it, and FWIW I'm still playing Ricks now so it was an excellent choice for me, although that one was sadly stolen (serial number TC915 if anyone has it!).
  7. Didn't realise they did these in black, I've only seen Fiesta Red and something that's looks like a greyish version of Olympic White. if this is the same as the Fiesta Red version I played recently in the Gallery it'll be a corker; that was possibly my favourite P that I've ever played, and I've played a lot. I take it the original guard is an anodised one?
  8. Don't know how I missed this. Terrible news and my condolences to all who knew him.
  9. [quote name='urb' post='730287' date='Jan 31 2010, 08:20 AM']Hi Shaun so glad you guys enjoyed the Sei bass feature, it was a real pleasure to do, but I am gutted about the caption mistake especially as it clearly says in the article that Jon is the other luthier in the shop not Alex... and as for the spelling mistake on the cover, that's just a bit crap as well, shame really as it's a great issue overall. I do the proof reading at Jazzwise, but not at BGM. Oh well. Mike[/quote] Hi Mike Great article regardless, thought you did a great job. The only bad thing about reading about Seis is it makes me want another!
  10. [quote name='Doddy' post='729992' date='Jan 30 2010, 06:52 PM']Good to see Tony Grey and especially Chris Wood featured,but I could do without another cover story on John Paul Jones.[/quote] I agree with the first two but as JPJ is one of my all-time favourites I'm very happy reading about what he's been up to. Great to see Mike's article on Martin in there (really enjoyed that), even if they did mis-spell Martin's name on the cover (it's Petersen with an E!) and even more strangely misnamed John as Alex in the photo caption, none of which I'm sure has anything to do with Mike.
  11. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='728405' date='Jan 29 2010, 08:52 AM']The body looks a bit like one of the Alembic shapes now, can't remember which one though. That's a LOT of work for someone to take on, with a questionable outcome![/quote] Alembic Epic.
  12. [quote name='silddx' post='727154' date='Jan 28 2010, 12:19 AM']Then you have the hand of Cranfield Man, old egg.[/quote] I have absolutely no idea what that means. You do know they vary hugely I take it? From wafer thin to P-Bass chunky? Not everyone's cup of tea regardless, but what is? With the exception of the B-Quad 4, its necks that taper from tiny to huge that I really hate.
  13. [quote name='Bassassin' post='726723' date='Jan 27 2010, 07:16 PM']It is a Rickenbacker 4003. Not a 4001, because it doesn't have a skunk stripe, and not a copy, because it has the correct short-shaft Schaller tuners. You can just about see the "Rickenbacker" logos on the tuners - compare it to this big version of the pic Marvin posted:[/quote] Beat me to it.
  14. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='721326' date='Jan 22 2010, 03:46 PM']So, given that the nut width on a Ric isn't outrageous, the string spacing at the bridge must be pretty tight, or at least much less than the Fender-standard 19mm. Do you know what it is in mm?[/quote] Mine ('72 & '73) are both about 16mm IIRC. FWIW I don't find Jazz necks thin at all (although they do vary immensely). Thin nuts yes, but I don't spend a lot of time down there. I actually find them pretty bulky.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='727918' date='Jan 28 2010, 06:15 PM']It looks more playable than a normal Ric.[/quote] To you, maybe.
  16. 4000

    32" or 34"

    My Alembic Stanley Clarke was 30" scale and probably had my favourite slap tone of all the basses I've owned. It was a total flyer too. It all depends on what type of slap tone you like really. Marcus, Les, Larry, Mark King etc etc? All very different. In fact MK has different slap tones depending on what bass he's using.
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='726516' date='Jan 27 2010, 04:27 PM']That, my friend, is an absolute beauty! They are the most hideous instruments to play but the most beautiful to look at.[/quote] I find them lovely to play too. A typical Jazz however; no thanks.
  18. That left hand thing is weird. It could be as Sarah states, but as you've used the same strings before on other basses with no effect it's a bit baffling. I'd maybe try a setup with different strings (try stainless) for a start.
  19. At the risk of stating the obvious I'm sure the bass isn't the issue with regards to the blistering, although the setup may be. As you've used the strings on your other basses with no problems it sounds like an action issue. Get the bass set up asap. As for the other ergonomic issues, if it's not comfortable, don't use it. That's one of the reasons I generally can't use basses with forearm contours (and ironically find Ricks really comfortable). The bass that absolutely kills me is the classic Status shape. FWIW, Ricks have different neck sizes depending on year, so it looks like you unfortunately got one of the big ones and it doesn't suit you.
  20. [quote name='Matty' post='724565' date='Jan 25 2010, 09:14 PM']Wasn't someone selling that on here a while ago? Edit: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20168&hl=randy"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20168&hl=randy[/url][/quote] Many thanks for the link. None the wiser where it is now though sadly.
  21. Very much alive thank goodness, and maybe not quite as iconic as some mentioned here, but does anyone know where Randy Hope Taylor's Modulus 4 went? BTW, I think I've seen most of Lemmy's basses live; first saw them in 1980 and he was using his original Hawkwind bass (see the Ace of Spades video) and the white with black trim one IIRC.
  22. Wow, I'm really surprised you're selling that. What are you using nowadays instead?
  23. [quote name='BassCat' post='722136' date='Jan 23 2010, 01:18 PM']I would not pay £659 for a MIM Fender! Unless it had a TV in it or something.[/quote] The best Fender I've ever played (with the possibly exception of a couple of 62/63s) was a MIM. I've never played a US one that has come near it for me.
  24. I don't know whether this helps or hinders but I've owned (I think) 9 Rickenbackers, all made of the same tonewoods, the majority with the same hardware and electronics (I've also done some experiments swapping pickups from bass to bass) and they all sounded different both acoustically and plugged in, with the amplified sound reflecting the unamplified sound pretty accurately.
  25. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='721713' date='Jan 22 2010, 10:21 PM']He's been an influence on me for as long as I've played bass. Love his playing to bits, a seriously under rated disco bassist who deserves to be up there with Bernard Edwards.[/quote] +1. Genius. One of my all-time faves (the band wasn't bad either ). Oh and yes, he did the string arrangements too.
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