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  1. [quote name='JTUK' post='741156' date='Feb 10 2010, 04:21 PM']best advice on here, IMV Try and fix the problem rather than dally around with light this and that. Of course, it depends how shot is shot, but unless your back is disintegrating then back exercises and a regime would be money better spent, I think. I think you can be surprised how a few routines can help out in this regard. I've been through a few.[/quote] A lighter bass is always a good idea in the long term. However some of us sadly don't have the option.
  2. In classical, blues, latin or jazz circles this wouldn't even be an argument....
  3. [quote name='redstriper' post='739609' date='Feb 9 2010, 12:32 AM']I just realised - that's me you're talking about! I have tried (and mistakenly bought) a number of basses that just don't have my tone and I can't get on with them, no matter how playable, comfortable or pretty they are. Rather than try to get my tone via outboard eq and fx, I'd rather have a bass that does my sound naturally - simple solutions are always best. I want playability, comfort, tone and looks and I want them all rather than choosing one over another. Oh, I want it to be as cheap as possible too...........[/quote] Can't really argue with that! (Although doubtless someone will... )
  4. [quote name='Wolverinebass' post='739500' date='Feb 8 2010, 10:32 PM']I'm sure that there are people on this forum who could stylistically give something more to the Who than Pino ever will. To me it's a safe, boring and utterly wrong choice probably instigated by Roger who can now tell Pino to "turn down" as the bass player is now the hired help as opposed to an equal.[/quote] Sadly I have to agree that this is probably true. Pino is a very good player, but I wish they'd got someone more flamboyant. Surely that's what the Who was all about? They do however have the right to keep playing if they so wish; I think they've earned that. If people don't like it, don't watch them. I don't really watch anything by them these days and I wouldn't go to a gig again (saw them twice with JAE), but I absolutely respect their right to keep playing.
  5. [quote name='JTUK' post='739430' date='Feb 8 2010, 09:28 PM']I am never going to like The Who as I couldn't stand Entwhitsle or Moon... but, nobody can capture their 'feel' because nobody would really want to play all of the place...with dodgy timing and everything.[/quote] FWIW I haven't watched the performance in question, but although I'll admit that I'm not really interested in them without John, I don't see how a dodgy performance somehow means that [i]all[/i] their performances must be dodgy. Maybe they had a bad day. Maybe the sound was crap. Anyone ever played a gig where the sound was crap? Rhetorical question BTW, just in case. To all those who say they should give up, I hope people are saying the same about you when you're they're age (if not preferably before).
  6. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='739004' date='Feb 8 2010, 03:32 PM']Maybe we should set something up at a Bass Bash - get a load of boutique basses and blind test them somehow. We could get a player to play x number of basses behind a screen; same amp, same settings, same leads etc and see whether listeners can 'hear' a boutique bass? Or get 30 players to play the same 6 basses or so but blindfolded to see if they can 'feel' an objectively 'better quality' instrument?[/quote] As I've always said, it's about what works for the individual. That could just as easily be a cheapy as something pricey. My favourite bass cost me £490 and I prefer the sound to anything else I've played. However my second favourite would be my old Alembic, which cost me £3.5k. All that proves is I like them both and that price doesn't come into it (although maybe US made with twin trussrods and through-necks does!).
  7. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='739057' date='Feb 8 2010, 04:12 PM']That would explain Duffy.....[/quote]
  8. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='738728' date='Feb 8 2010, 09:41 AM']The Status Streamline was made for your back problems - Only a shade over six pounds and such a massive & clear sound. Ergonomically perfect as well as still using a 34" scale. 32" with bendwell is available as well. Used ones come up around the £1000 mark. [/quote] I'd really love to try a Streamline in the band as it may be the answer to many of my problems too. My main issue is that I've had 4 Statii in the past and haven't really got on with them sonically; I play with a pick and no matter what I did I couldn't get rid of that "bak" sound (without making them sound muddy and indistinct). Maybe a parametric would help. Loved the necks though (although the original Status shape causes me absolute agony when playing; no idea why). I've actually toyed with ordering a Streamline but don't want to risk it not working, and of course playing one out of context is no use really.
  9. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='738887' date='Feb 8 2010, 01:07 PM']+ 1000 B[/quote] +2000. FWIW although I think Pino's a great player, I don't like him in the Who at all, far too safe a player. But then replacing the Ox is an impossible job IMO.
  10. [quote name='tom1946' post='738668' date='Feb 8 2010, 06:28 AM']Thanks. Some very interesting options being put forward here, is balance really that vital to comfort? Please remember I've only been playing for about a year so I know very little hence the need for advice. That Traben sounds interesting....[/quote] Absolutely. My Alembic SC Deluxe balanced like a plate of chips going round a corner at high speed and it actually tore a muscle in my neck. I had all sorts of physical problems with that bass (a shame because in all other ways it was awesome), all caused by the awful balance. My Triple Omega however, despite being heavier, caused me less problems. However there is always a point (particularly if you have chronic back problems) where no amount of perfect balance can make up for a too-heavy bass. In the end that's why I got rid of the Triple O; it was simply too heavy.
  11. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='737664' date='Feb 6 2010, 09:59 PM']thing is, I'm the opposite, I have never been happier since I stopped messing with the bass, hence 1 pup and no tone control. We all may take different paths but so long as they lead us to the right destination. Or at least take us where we want to go.[/quote] +1! On my 2 main basses I have 2 volumes and 2 tones and you know what? I never use them. The bass is on, full stop. Everything else is done at the amp. However I also loved my Alembic with its filters. Whatever works for the individual in any given instance. I agree that if I can't get it sounding right it doesn't leave the shop though, unless I'm aware of specific shortcomings in the amp/cab.
  12. [quote name='Buzz' post='737467' date='Feb 6 2010, 06:11 PM']For devil's advocate, I'd just like to point out the interview was done in '02 and Mr X's experience is from when he worked at a music store, seemingly in the early 90's. It's entirely possible that Gibson have improved QC and are more consistant since that time. Fender's managed it recently with the '08 (and later) models getting their praises sung for being the best USA Standards overall in a very long time.[/quote] +1. Most of the stuff I've read about Gibsons these days suggests the very same.
  13. [quote name='Sibob' post='737337' date='Feb 6 2010, 03:52 PM']Ok so, I love the sound of Jazz's and Precisions...(oh I hope Bilbo doesn't read this bit ), but for me, they work in two different settings....this is specifically for me, I realise that everyone is different. So, variety for variety sake would be me using my Jazz in a setting that wouldn't suit the Precision, then at the next gig with same band, at the expense of the situation/music, I use the Precision just to add some 'spice to my life'. Do you see what I mean? Si[/quote] But occasionally that can be quite interesting to do just to reset your parameters. It often doesn't work but if you don't try you don't find out. Of course I have the luxury if being the band leader. Regardless, that wasn't what I meant. I was referring more to enjoying the myriad experiences of life; not all variety will be good, but at least it's there to try.
  14. [quote name='silddx' post='737314' date='Feb 6 2010, 03:36 PM']This is a fascinating interview with a MrX who knows an awful lot of stuff about how to choose a Les Paul, how rare a good one is, and how poor Gibson QC can be. I learned a lot about choosing a bass from this even though basses get no mention. That's why I put it here instead of Off Topic, but Mods, please move it if you see fit. [url="http://www.dinosaurrockguitar.com/new/node/240"]http://www.dinosaurrockguitar.com/new/node/240[/url][/quote] With one or two exceptions, that's how I always buy guitars or basses and always have done. I couple of years back I took my Epiphone LP Custom Plus into a shop with a view to moving it on to get a Gibson or top-end Tokai. I played all the ones in the shop, and although some of them played better than my Epi (it was never a player really), it sounded thicker, fatter and more complex than any of them. Sadly I had to sell it last year and I'm still looking for a valid replacement. I have to say though, a bass or guitar that sounds wonderful in one situation can sound terrible in another (and will sound different with each different player) so the thing about sonics isn't completely cut and dried, especially given that different people like different tones anyway. Some people might actually need or prefer that huge bottom/strident top thing.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='737273' date='Feb 6 2010, 03:01 PM']Variety is fabulous, it's simply another of life's indulgences.[/quote] Which is why I so love buffets.
  16. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='735610' date='Feb 4 2010, 10:48 PM']Try recording the Stingray again with clean strings and some bass boost and a touch of treble boost - You'll hear a massive difference. All of the clips sound quite "clacky" - Were you playing with a plectrum or something? Rich.[/quote] I liked the Stingray tone best by far. I also like clacky...but you knew that right? Interesting thread and it just goes to illustrate how people have very different opinions about what a "good" sound is, which should always be born in mind when someone says "bass x sounds great", or "bass y sounds awful".
  17. [quote name='Sibob' post='737238' date='Feb 6 2010, 02:32 PM']But variety for varieties sake is pointless!? It has to be relevant given the musical context!. But even that doesn't detract from having a good tone as a basis and adding to it as neceesary. Surely no one says "Oh it doesn't matter if my core sound is crap to my own ears, because all the bands I play in need loads of EQ and Pedals!?". Si[/quote] Why is it pointless (and I'm not just talking about music)? What has to be relevant given the musical context? Everyone will have different opinions of what is relevant given the musical context, hence the myriad tones/styles that are out there. I may be being dim but I'm not sure what point you're making. I think in terms of core tone (for a given instrument) I completely agree with you (maybe you misunderstood [i]my[/i] point); I certainly can't use what I think is a crap sound (and I almost never use pedals, although I do eq heavily). On a personal level my dilemma is I'm simultaneously looking for several unique sonic identities at the same time.
  18. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='737233' date='Feb 6 2010, 02:26 PM']Bored? I think "lonely" is the word you're looking for. [/quote] Depends how happy you are in your own company.
  19. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='736223' date='Feb 5 2010, 02:29 PM']As I said elsewhere, I can't tell the difference between basses (ie gear) on recordings - players, yes, but not gear. I don't know a Musicman from a Wal from an Alembic from a Fender from a Status.[/quote] Bilbo, I really do find this difficult to believe coming from you. Theres no way you're telling me that someone who obviously has a discerning ear (even where we disagree on the specifics) can't tell the difference between a "typical" MM sound, P Bass etc. Yes, you can blur the lines between basses but generally speaking (unless highly effected and eq-d) some of them have pretty identifiable sounds. You're really telling me you can't tell the difference between, for instance, Mark King playing a Status, a Jaydee and an Alembic? It all just sounds like Mark King? Foxton sounds the same on a P or a Rick? If so, I wish I had your ears as it would save me immeasurable grief when listening to music! With regards to the overall thread, all I can speak from is experience. I've never been able to replicate the sound I get from my old Rick with any other bass (even other Ricks), no matter how I eq, use effects etc etc. Of course most other people wouldn't be able to tell the difference (although our long-suffering guitarist would agree with me ) , but I can and that's all that matters to me. If anyone can show me a way of making a (for instance) modern 7lb or less perfectly balanced instrument respond in exactly the same way (and by this I don't mean on just one note but to respond the way every single note on the fretboard responds and to sing out more as I move up the neck) I will be on it like a shot. I'm not saying it isn't possible but I've never found how to do it. One other thing that I find a little strange which has been touched on; GAS is only bad if it takes you beyond your means or is a source of constant frustration. Although I don't really agree with Sliddx on the overall topic I certainly agree that I'd be bored wearing the same underpants for ever. In my case at least, variety truly is the spice of life. I was speaking to a friend recently who was telling me he always goes on holiday to the same place, every single year. For me, I suspect that would cease to be a holiday by the third year at the very latest.
  20. The P I've liked the most is the MIM 50s Classic. Of course you may not feel the same.
  21. [quote name='SteveO' post='735999' date='Feb 5 2010, 11:52 AM']I don't think the assumption that its an indication of animal cruelty is a particularly fair one either . I don't really care about my basses as long as they remain in good working order, but I would and have spent a fortune on taking care of my cat when most 'normal' owners may have opted for euthanasia. [/quote] Good man. I've just done similar. Some things are far, far more important than any bass will ever be.
  22. [quote name='JackLondon' post='735957' date='Feb 5 2010, 11:29 AM']You do have a point. Someone who doesn't look after their gear shouldn't have it no matter how hard they've worked to get it![/quote] Yeah right. Go tell that to a certain guitarist from the Who. For many it's just a tool. In addition, on a personal level the more I try and mollycoddle a bass the more likely I am to walk into a wall with it. FWIW I used to hit my basses on stage. And no, I would never hit a person or animal. I'm getting really sick of these "I think such-and such is rubbish, is everyone with me?" threads.
  23. Absolutely fabulous ergonomically. I've played quite a few of them and really liked them all. I played an SR506 in the Gallery a while back and it was arguably my third favourite bass in the shop (the other 2 were Seis, one was mine and one was Mike Flynn's!). All for £500! The neck was a dream and the body contouring lovely, and it was light too. Even sonically I thought it was great, although I haven't used one in anger. I often wonder why I don't just buy a couple (fretted and fretless?) and use them instead of more boutique stuff and have a damn good holiday (or 3) with the difference .
  24. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='732088' date='Feb 1 2010, 07:22 PM']I'll have a P please Bob[/quote] +1.
  25. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='732903' date='Feb 2 2010, 01:29 PM']I don't think anyone is saying you can't HAVE them, its more a case of some of us not being ABLE to have them. Our differences are not aesthetic but economic. If I could afford a Fodera, I would have one. In truth, I could afford one but only if a LOT of other things go by the wayside and I am not convinced that the extra benefits of a Fodera would justify the expense as it relates to MY circumstances at this time. If money was no object, I would have one in a shot. And I prefered LP covers too. I actually don't read cd covers because they are mostly too hard to read (print is too small). And cover art on a 5"x5" square lacks something![/quote] As you say, it can also be about whether you choose to be able to afford something like a Fodera. Ok, some people will never be able to afford one given low (if any) wages, heavy commitments etc, but some of us who actually could afford one - maybe at a real push, as per your example - just can't/won't justify the expense. However I used that argument on myself for 20-odd years; I can't afford a custom Alembic. Then I hit 40, thought "well at this rate I may be dead before I ever get to own one", weighed it up against the fact that most people own a car (I don't) which would cost at least as much, and went for it. I had to sell 2 other basses (one my Alembic SC Deluxe which I got for a bargain price, 1 a Rick 8 string) and it still took me roughly 3 years to pay off, but I wanted one enough to make that worthwhile. The ironic part is if I'd got it years before when my back was up to it I'd have been able to gig it in anger and I'd also probably have saved over its cost on basses which I bought working my way up. I would now love another custom Alembic (a smaller, lighter one!) but I now can't afford it, or certainly can't justify it. To afford it I'd have to sell the 3 basses I have left (2 vintage Ricks and a Sei) and I just don't think I'm prepared to do that, even though it would undoubtedly be a staggering bass. Without letting my '72 go I'd have no chance, and my '72 will have to be prised from my cold, dead hands! I know what you mean about cd covers. My close vision is excellent (unlike my distance!) but I just can't be bothered. The art always suffers and I hate the fact the inserts are often printed on really poor quality paper and appear a real afterthought. Oh, and where are my posters and stickers?! Ah, the joy of opening Wish You Were Here for the first time, tearing my way through the black plastic....
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