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Everything posted by Lynottfan

  1. Portnoy will never be a true SMF, sad day for metal the passing of AJ, and I believe the band have now decided to do one last tour and then knock it on the head.
  2. For me the song and the melody are king, if your bass line acts as a groove to the drums and flirts with the melody (vocal to) it will be very catchy, one thing I find nice is one of the bands I was in has got back together, without me, no grief there, but people are still humming the bass lines, much to both of my successors annoyance, as I created them, and the fans still know it as Melody is worth its weight in gold, the bass is a guitar that has its own melodic abilities, good luck mate.
  3. Benjamin Orr of the Cars and Tony Wall of King and from the good old hair days Juan Croucier of Ratt.
  4. I have no problem with Steve being named say most influential metal bass player, and he certainly has been responsible for some great stuff, I have been and remain a fan of the band and the Man since the start, but worlds greatest, NO, But these type of lists generally are a bit......., there is no such thing as world greatest as there are so many different styles, tastes and most important, opinions. No Trujillo, No Marcel Jacob, I could add so many to the list..... No Phil !!!!
  5. His solo albums are a little hit or miss, but when they hit, there are some heat tunes on them, I was never was overly struck on the stuff with the "soul" band, but again it does show Phil's diversity.
  6. Very happy with the EBS gear, I must admit one of the best rigs I have ever used was 2 Roland bass (1 100 watt and 1 120xl watt) cubes ran in stereo via a yamaha rack compressor, one was handling all the bass the other set for all the treble, the sound of that was mighty, real fat and warm but plenty of highs when required, also rather light weight to, superb rig.
  7. they do look damn fine, them and the new SBMM spy v spy Ray34 damn expensive year beckons.
  8. When your band gets fans cherish the adulation, treat them good, it may never last long. My last couple of bands had decent followings, its great to hear a big crowd applaud you.
  9. The biggest problem within the band from Chinatown onwards was sadly Phil himself and the abuse that was taking its toll, I would add that Scott to was well on his way and his input was sadly lacking as well, this issues combined, brought Lizzy to brink. I do think that Phil changed his style some what, as for the "metal" of T&L the harder edge never bothered me, just as the punkier attitude of Alibi or Get outta here from Black Rose never bothered me, Phil always kept himself in touch with the way music was moving at the time, its was a part of what made Lizzy special for me.
  10. Just finished Black Rose, its now on to China Town, I do miss the smooth warm sound that Phil had, a lot of rock players seem to just have loads of "clank" and no note definition, but not Phil. I do miss the man.
  11. Isolated bass tracks can sometimes be a can of worms, lol Here Mr Deacon reminds me of how its (for me anyway) great to hear a bass player lay down the groove and play off the vocal melody, a dying art imho. The one thing Twincam are you not happy with your sound because it doesn't sound like A)you want it to or maybe how you influences sound (I used to fall in to this trap). Also do you use just fingers or pick, maybe a bit of polishing is required to your overall technique, also do you get a better sound with certain effects? Good luck mate.
  12. Pulp Fiction, Desperado, La Bamba, Back to the Future and The great rock n roll swindle (lol)
  13. It would be great to see Larry do something with Greg Errico again, those two together are amazing.
  14. I use Waiting for an alibi, bad reputation and dancing in the moonlight as my warm up tunes every day, My main man. To combine the ROCK of Phil with groove of Bernard Edwards is my goal!
  15. Love it, Love Larry, all ways have, so many say that bass should only do this or bass should not do that, I say tosh, listen to Brother Larry and learn.
  16. Another thing that often get's overlooked when auditioning singers, see which ones turn up with their own gear, (unless you have stated otherwise). A singer that does not have even his own mike is a bad sign to me, imho.
  17. A little harsh I feel, I will chip in here and defend the EBMM forum, yes I am a Ray man, yes I am fairly active on the EBMM forum which in the main is a great place to go, they do have their rules, some may find them harsh, but they are clearly stated.
  18. Its a one off, because its a knock off. NOT an SBMM there. close escape indeed.
  19. Best colour for a P bass (tobacco burst and no pick guard??) Black with a mirror scratch plate any one (I'll get me coat...)
  20. The Hoot was dull, dull and then a bit more dull. Joss Stone, a good voice but just doesn't do enough, Paloma, fair play to her, but she def went to the cameron diaz school of dancing. The rest was mainly plod, the same tempo throughout out, if I wanted to stay up this would put you to sleep, can artists not rock any more! Wilko, fair play to him with all that he has been through, shame Roger was the singer for this as others have said, but hey to see NWR grooving is always a treat (the Shoreline gold Jazz is his Faith and grace replica not his original jazz). All ways happy to see musicians playing live though, but come on Jool's, lets rock it up a bit and lets see the new year in with a bit more "effort" in it.
  21. Meeting the man, real class act and was a true gent, one of the finest bass players that has ever been, as for his music moment, like many, the intro run down the neck on the G string to No more heroes, still can give me goose bumps.
  22. A guy who I have really noticed of late is the bass player in Bruno Mars band, he is paying some great lines with a very tasty sound.
  23. New band, after having to take some time out due to personal issues and accident recovery the bug is back big time, and not playing live for me hurts! look out 2015 Lynottfan is BACK!
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