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Everything posted by EliasMooseblaster

  1. [quote name='Sercet' timestamp='1403200198' post='2480781'] Can you clarify something for me? All the specifications on the web says this has a DI, but the amp only version doesn't, and I can't see a DI in any photographs? [/quote] [s]It's on the back! (At least, on my LB30 head it is...I presume the combo is the same)[/s] Edit: sorry, got confused and forgot it was a CTM-15 head in this one. But I seem to remember that also had a DI at the back...
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1403190999' post='2480663'] Flutes and trumpets generally don't sound like an elephant being rogered with a chainsaw. [/quote] Brilliant, sir. Considered yourself immortalised in the quotes thread.
  3. No dealings myself, but you may want to have a gander at this thread: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/235450-has-anyone-got-a-current-contact-number-for-jon-letts-of-lettsbass/page__hl__letts - a fair few angry customers; unfortunately it sounds like the business has recently had a number of personal and financial problems which have set them back quite badly. I've no idea what the current situation is, but this may provide some insight. (Edit: link fixed)
  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1403011715' post='2478819'] ...but that's not to say I know what 'Alternative Rock' really means! I know it's meant to be alternative to mainstream rock, but I think alt-rock has [i]become[/i] mainstream rock, so I have no idea where that leaves us. But I'm no longer a teenage dirtbag, so I don't care [/quote] [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1403008215' post='2478756'] ^ this. The early 90's "alternative" were an alternative to Motley Crue, Van Halen , Bon Jovi etc that were the big " mainstream" rock bands, and even Maiden and Metallica who were mainstream metal, the new bands were a bit more punky ,and raw sounding, until they then got popular and became the new mainstream!! That's what I remember anyway..... [/quote] Is this perhaps the crux of the problem? The very word "alternative" is a relative term, i.e., the thing you are describing is an alternative to something else. Logically, now that a lot of "alternative" rock is gaining mainstream acceptance, one of two must happen: either somebody comes up with something sufficiently unique or different from the mainstream that they will then take the title of being the "alternative" to normal rock...or, more likely, a much more bog-standard rehash of rock starts to be considered as an "alternative" to the formerly alternative rock that has now become quite mainstream. Edit to say I meant to include some kind of snarky remark about post-rock being unidentifiable from rock except for the fact it turns up two weeks late a in dented package...
  5. That's absolutely unbelievable - what kind of MONSTER puts up a bass with such a flagrantly mismatched D-string?
  6. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1402538573' post='2474619'] "Electric Lady" showed up today. [/quote] That is one beautiful specimen!
  7. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1402496434' post='2474135'] Jammy git! Great stuff though mate, have a blast and make sure you take lots of photos and post 'em here! [/quote] +1 - never has the phrase "POIDH" (Pics Or It Didn't Happen) seemed more appropriate!
  8. I will also +1 the Squier CV series - I was sorely tempted by both the '50s and '60s model. Both played really well for what were nominally "budget" instruments. That said, I came even closer to pulling the trigger on a MIA Precision (2012 model, I think), even though it had three or four times the price tag on it! Bear in mind that you could always pop a better pickup into the Squier without too much risk of massive heartbreak, or too much risk of breaking the bank. But try both.
  9. I will admit, I found somebody's Real-Book-on-an-iPad very useful at a jazz jam. Other than that, I can only presume they're using them to take selfies during those moments when they're not playing.
  10. Another Model T owner here - I haven't tried the Jazz but if it's anything like Schecter's other Fender-alikes it's probably a great instrument. The Model T, for me, was like a halfway step between wanting something better than a MIM Fender but not being able to afford a MIA one!
  11. I'd be very boring and go for a P body with a P neck - it's just the way I like 'em. The colour is the tricky one - probably CA Red as a first choice, 2-tone sunburst as a second.
  12. Probably not ticking many of the right boxes as I shall now tout a London-based band who are not, strictly, prog*. Nonetheless, we'd be interested in working on gigs generally (we still need to break into the Midlands and the North), and I really like the sound of what you guys are doing. Give us a shout if you fancy working together on something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n4I0qYrdXo&feature=youtu.be *Well, we have some prog and psychedelic leanings, and the new material is drifting towards the deep end...
  13. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1402257958' post='2471467'] By the way, I thought Surbiton was a made up town, where Mr Bean and Frank Spencer lived. I didn't realise it actually existed in reality. [/quote] Funny you should say that: I grew up in Surbiton, and you'd be amazed how often I have to explain to people that it is a real town!
  14. Edit to add: facetious web-comic answers aside, even in a conventional face-to-face conversation, with all the nuances of tone and expression that accompany the spoken word, it's possible for one person around the table to misinterpret what has been said, or for the person speaking to not realise they've just put their foot in it. Sometimes it can lead to arguments and altercations, but most of the time, reasonable people will realise that it's down to a misunderstanding, and things are cleared up quickly. Transpose this into a purely written format, and you lose a lot of the subtleties of expression. It's much easier to get the wrong end of the stick, or be slightly affronted by a throwaway comment, when you can't tell whether the last poster was joking. There will also be regional differences in mannerisms and humour - head over to Talkbass, make a cheeky sarcastic joke in reply to a post and watch it fly straight over most of their heads, for example! It's good that the Mods discourage politics, religion, etc on here - I've been on forums with no such restrictions, and I've seen some people get really quite nasty over some fairly petty things!
  15. In theory, moving the pole pieces should allow you to adjust the output for individual strings - I had to do this on my guitar a while ago as the G seemed to be noticeably quieter than the other strings. Raising the pole seems to have fixed the problem!
  16. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1402305154' post='2471777'] I think it keeps moving the song along in what would otherwise be far more of a dirge, it's the only really lively bit when you listen to the arrangement. Without such a busy bassline it'd be quite different in mood, though the brass section at the end also reflects the movement of the bass. [/quote] +1 - he's definitely the most imaginative player in the core of the group, at least on this recording.
  17. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1401985659' post='2468949'] Impressive work [/quote] +1 - really enjoyed that!
  18. With the MU? If I've understood the policy correctly, it's a sort of blanket cover for any gear you own - the drawback being you can't claim more than £2,000. I certainly haven't registered any specific instruments with them.
  19. I hear good things about Allianz - I think our guitarist has his Les Paul insured with them. I'll second Roland's recommendation of the MU - up to £2,000 of gear insurance included with the membership fee, and I don't think it costs too much more to insure any particularly expensive items on top of that. (Thankfully) I've never had to file a claim with them though, so I can't comment on how good the service is when you actually need it!
  20. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1401748673' post='2466577'] I would have a 24 fret Precision bass, built with the same neck profile, pick ups, finish and natural wear and tear as my non-24 four fret 1970s Precision bass. That or a 24 fret Rickenbacker, the walnut, maple neck one. Why 24 frets? Just in case. [/quote] I quite like this idea - my Schecter Model T is basically a 22-fret Precision, so why not pop a couple more on the end? I'm sure it wouldn't ruin the look if you cut away the treble side just an inch or two more!
  21. Is there anybody in particular that you're trying to sound like - anybody who comes close to "that" tone you're after, give or take a few tweaks of the EQ? Personally, even though I can see you're experimenting with plenty of much higher-end amps, I've always been a fan of Laney cabs because they seem to have a certain brightness and clarity to them - running an Ashdown LB30 into one, I'm quite happy with my tone. But of course, what I hear as "clarity" and "punch" could always sound like "brittleness" and "fizz" to your own ears!
  22. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1401466073' post='2463939'] Nice looking bass - you don't see that many sunburst Warwicks about. How does it play? [/quote] It's a little hard for me to judge, as it's my first fretless. I decided to leave all my normal prejudices at the door when I went in, having decided I'm very much a 4-string-low-action-passive-rounds-neck-or-middle-pickup kind of chap when it comes to fretted basses. The action is a tad higher than I'd normally have it, and the flats feel rather different. The active sound isn't as off-putting as I feared it might be. Most importantly I like the tone; compared with the VM Squiers, it just had a much more expressive sound. As I say, hard for me to judge, but I really do like the way it plays!
  23. aka "Because blaming Jack is easier than accepting my own lack of self-discipline" I went back to Denmark St to give the VM Squier Jazz another go. Turned out they also had a VM Fretless P as well, which was quite nice. But the second-hand Warwick still hadn't been sold, and when the nice chap offered to cut the price a bit, I had to admit it was a nicer instrument. [attachment=163916:Warwick1.jpg] (Shallow as ever, I had to admit the unlined board looked better as well!) [attachment=163915:Warwick3.jpg] [attachment=163914:Warwick2.jpg] For the first time since I started naming my basses...I have no idea what to call her. Any suggestions?
  24. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1401450154' post='2463738'] Assuming that you were famous enough to be offered a signature model and you would not benefit financially from it, would you want one? [/quote] Yeah, I probably would...shallow as it sounds, I think the recognition and massage-of-ego would be enough motivation for me. Whether Gibson would be willing to make the odd SG/Thunderbird hybrid I have in mind is a different matter!
  25. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1401448769' post='2463712'] The idea is ripe for April Fools though. Imagine worst possible mismatches between pop musicians and brands... [/quote] Peter Andre advertising bananas? Edit: and/or Brian Harvey endorsing a driving school
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