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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1372152739' post='2122153'] Great looking, loads of space and fun to drive, sure - but do you really get that mileage? I think I'm doing well if I get 40 on a long run and 30 around the doors... Is your a diesel? [/quote] Yeah go for the diesel (currently averaging 52 mpg across a full tank of diesel and at 25000 miles it's not even run in yet)
  2. Another vote for the Octavia VRS hatchback, I can get a TC Electronic 2x12 cab, Mark Bass 2x10 cab, 2 amp heads, pedal board, leads case, 2 bass guitars (even in hard cases) Mike stand, guitar stands and 2 par cans all in the boot of mine with the parcel shelf still place and I can still get all three of my fan club on the rear seats! And it's a great fun car to drive, I get loads of comments on how good it looks and driven sensibly it will turn 50+ mpg
  3. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1371802936' post='2118223'] Hi Paddy, welcome over the only shop I know in Kent is the American Guitar Centre in Tonbridge, he has a lot on ebay too, [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Musicman-Stingray-4-HH-Bass-Sunburst-/170902905306?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27ca9b61da"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item27ca9b61da[/url] Edit: Must type faster ^ [/quote] I brought a 1986 Greco Les Paul Custom from this seller on Ebay, cracking guitar exactly as described, great service
  4. No Foxton Pino Norman Watt Roy JJ Burnel No point really
  5. Much the same as other posts on here, I don't think I have ever opened up an ad on a forum, I may be interested in a few bass related ad's on here but if they started getting intrusive apparantly you can get an ad blocker.....now why didn't I know about this sooner and does it work on the tele
  6. We have just taken to covering "You Spin Me Round" Dead or Alive, it goes down pretty well
  7. My Precision is supposed to be ex Paul Simmonen (absolutely no provenence whatsoever and was priced accordingly to be fair) I brought it from a London shop near Oxford Circus some years back that was selling a couple of ex Joe Strummer guitars and was told my bass came from the same souce as the guitars. Mine is a bog standard 78/79 White on Black with a maple board and at a little over 10 1/2 lbs was probably not a stage favourite if it was ever was Mr Simmonen's bass
  8. Pino Bruce Foxton Norman Watt Roy JJ Burnel Stuart Morrow (early New Model Army) Nathan Watts Paul Simmonen John Taylor Peter Hook Donald Duck Dunn
  9. With the writing project I have been involved with for the last year or so we have recorded the songs as a live rehearsal on a number of occassions, now we are all pretty familiar with the songs it is time to get them into a studio and see what we can create in that enviroment, when that's done hopefully it will help develop how we play it live. I will call it a chicken omlette situation
  10. I met Go West's bass player in Wales many years ago, we got chatting about Pino because apparently they shared a flat together in London at some point, he said "don't worry that you can't play like Pino, no one can he is just a bass playing machine" propably good advice because some 20 years later I still can't play like Pino
  11. Some of the Pogues songs from Rum Soddemy and the Lash would still go down well, as would songs like Useta Love Her, The Saw Doctors? Some of the Levellers songs like The Road and Fifteen Years may also fit the bill
  12. Not wantng to appear teachers pet or anything but lan·yard /ˈlanyərd/ Noun 1.A rope used to adjust the tension in the rigging of a sailing vessel. 2.A cord passed around the neck, shoulder, or wrist for holding a knife, whistle, or similar object. It's not like I didn't know what one was of course!
  13. Definately not genuine judging by the the truss rod adjuster, can't believe it has been bid up to £205.00 the photos are not hiding its true identity
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1370802735' post='2105786'] LOL! [/quote] I have been waiting for this oppertunity since seeing Bill Bailey the other week, the required response to LOL is now NELI
  15. Punk has massively influenced my life and I owe the movement a great debt of gratitude but musically I don't think it was anymore than just a period in time. I don't think it is possible to pinpoint a start or end point for punk as so much contributed to the punk sound, the Beatles contributed to the Buzzcocks pop punk ethos, the Who influenced a lot of the punk bands and sported the punk "smash it up" attitude long before punk came along, Bowie was another big influence to many of the early punk musicians. Post punk....well we're still post punk now and you can still hear the influence of many punk songs in bands like the Vaccines. If punk was anything to me it was bringing political awareness to a youth culture that was totally detached beforehand, to me musically we find ourselves back in the pre-punk dark ages again nowdays with the possible exception of some of the rap acts that still deliver politically cutting messages in their music
  16. That is as packed as our gig was last night!......No I am not exagerating, we played to the barstaff only...how I love the soullessness of a covers band
  17. Thanks guys, I have a bit more of a play with it today, "deoxed" the pots, switch and jack socket, I also found that the output trim control was turned down to minimum, I have turned it up to match the output of the Precision Lyte and it has vastly improved the sound, now that I have adjusted the trussrod set the action and put new strings on, it has completely transformed the bass. I feel really sorry for the guy that had the bass before me, I don't think he was a very experienced player and really didn't get to see just how good this bass could have been once set up correctly.
  18. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ampeg-Big-Stud-1970s-Bass-Guitar-In-Very-Nice-Condition-With-Case-/350811258420?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item51adfafe34"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ampeg-Big-Stud-1970s-Bass-Guitar-In-Very-Nice-Condition-With-Case-/350811258420?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item51adfafe34[/url] Looks interesting, but heavy! I have to admit I don't know anything about these but it has got to be pretty unusual
  19. Hi guys and gals I have just picked up a cheap (ish) Bass Collection SB330 with twin SCG soapbar pickups, it is 2 band active, pickup blend control, master volume and active / passive switch. I used it as my backup bass last night as when I soundchecked with it I was entirely underwhelmed with the sound in both actice and passive mode and I am not entirely sure the actives are 100% at the moment as I was getting a loud pop when switching between passive and active. I really like the way it plays and my back really likes the weight of the bass so potentially it's a keeper but I will need to greatly improve its sound Now I was wondering about ripping all the electronics out of it and upgrading to something of better quality but I have a few questions / concerns. Is it worth swapping the pickups to something like Seymour Duncan Basslines or similar or should I just be looking to swap the preamp and if so will I be able to get one that will a) fit into the existing control layout and still offer the active / passive option. Any recommendations welcomed Cheers
  20. I always loved Bruce Foxton's live sound when he was with Stiff Little Fingers, a pure classic set up of Precision into an Ampeg SVT and the Ampeg 8x10 cab and plenty of technique as well. My best sound was similar to Foxton's (in weight if nothing else!) a 1970 Precision into a Trace Elliot Twin Valve head powering a Mesa Boogie 1516 just a wonderful full punchy sound and I wish I could recreate that sound nowdays but without the unmanageable weight. The closest I seem to be able to get nowdays is with my Precision Lyte and when I kick in my Tech 21 Bass VT pedal, my sound just seems to come to life
  21. [quote name='borisbrain' timestamp='1370554020' post='2102781'] Your ten cents, good sir. It is indeed a digital recording plug-in for the likes of ProTools or Logic Pro (computer-based music recording/mixing software). Once your bassline is digitally recorded, it can be sent to this adjustable Ampeg emulator. It's one of many amp emulator plug-ins around - they don't affect your original recording, they just add emulation effects in the mix. Having said that, there's nothing to stop you using it as an in-line effect on stage, via a laptop or iPad, or iPad-hybrid stomp box. It means you can emulate the Ampeg sound (amp and speakers) through a lesser rig. Quite handy if you don't want to carry around an 8x10 Ampeg cabinet that feels like it's full of bricks... Hope this helps, BB [/quote] Wow, thank you, I like to sound of it even more now.
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  23. Right.....time for spot the technophobe !! I don't understand, full stop, how do these things work, what are they trying to achieve, is the idea that I plug my bass into a laptop, output the laptop into a power amp and then on to a "lightweight" Ampeg 8x10 cab if that the idea doesn't the weight of the 8x10 cab somewhat outweigh (if you'll pardon the pun) the saving of not carrying the genuine head to the gig? Is this just a recording tool, in which case I can understand its usage? Spare a dime for the technophobe guv!!
  24. I have trashed my back over the years with heavy guitars / basses, PA systems and stupidly large (but fantastic sounding) amps, unfortunately I really am paying for it now and may well be facing surgery in a few years time and if not probably a lifetime of pain killers. Sadly even middle weight stuff (9 to 10 lbs) is taking its toll nowdays so if anyone has a balsawood bass with a killer tone I need to know about it I am about to have a total clearout, most of what I have got is now too heavy for me to gig with, like another member said, my Precision Lyte is my gigging bass now, weight is everything when looking for a new bass nowdays sadly
  25. I already do a tiny bit of backing vocals on a couple of songs (real complex stuff like the chorus for Teenage Kicks and If You Wanna) I really would like to do some more but I am really struggling to sing, maintain timing and remembering to breathe especially when playing fingers stylie, any tips out there for how best to try and develop my massive singing talents Our set requires a mix of pick and finger styles Most of the basslines are practiced to the point where I don't get them wrong, I know the words I need to be singing but put them together and it quickly becomes a train wreck. Come on all you multi taskers out there what's the secret?
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