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Everything posted by Len_derby

  1. Nice one Stew. Do you now add GAS Engineer to your cv?
  2. I use a PJ Bass Cub combo for practise and small gigs. Quality gear, in my opinion.
  3. There’s some good suggestions here but in my experience I’d say don’t be reluctant to leave things just as they are. Let the change in dynamics and sonic space work for you. When I hear a bass player suddenly getting busy or stamping on effects pedals during a solo I often think it shows a lack of confidence in themselves or the material they’re playing.
  4. I’d forgotten I’d even gone one, let alone use it. So, I’ll agree on that one! 😂
  5. What did you think of the re-interpretations? The band sounded on the money but some of the vocals sounded a bit wobbly to me. No auto-tune/pitch correction going on there! But fair play to them for having a crack at one of the best albums of all time. Did you catch the Sandi Shaw cover of Sympathy for the Devil? Scary stuff!
  6. It’ll be good to meet you if you do Dave. It’s a heck of a distance! That’ll be a great addition to the ‘where I walked today’ thread! 😂
  7. Yes, I’m a regular listen to Craig Charles’ Funk and Soul show and today’s programme sounds extra-special.
  8. The covers band I’m in have been asked to play at one of our regular pubs on Saturday 29th May. I think we need to check out what and where the landlord is expecting before we say yes. On a related but side-issue, almost every pub I follow on Facebook, either because they’re a music pub or I go there anyway, are advertising for bar and/or kitchen staff. It looks like a big proportion of experienced bar staff have left the industry.
  9. Is it for visual effect or are they saying the quality of what you’ve got isn’t good enough? I think when you audition for a band or form one the ‘look’ of the respective instruments is pretty easy to work out. Is there a mismatch, (eg something pointy in a country band) or is someone being ar$ey?
  10. If you’re adamant that you want an 80s band you may have to put your foot down as band leader. After all, that’s what you advertised for. Alternatively, if you’re willing to accept mission-creep a solution along the lines of Dad’s suggestion might be best. Just how much potential has this lineup got? Do you have any other bands existing or in the pipeline? My experience is that it’s almost always better to be in an imperfect band than no band. Good luck!
  11. I guess it’s the privilege/burden of headlining a multi-band event! Similar to @Steve Browning I’m fairly relaxed about people using my gear. Not least because when I was young and starting out I often relied on the generosity of others.
  12. For a paid gig I’ll always take a back-up bass. My bare-minimum, for something like a casual jam or open-mic, is strings, battery and small Leatherman. Once I start gigging again (looks like it could be May 29th) I shall take my lockdown acquired Harley Benton short scale Precision as spare. Nice and small and perfectly gig-able. With an acoustic blues band I play with I take my bass ukulele as back-up.
  13. Ever since I @Andyjr1515 made me a wonderful custom bass I’ve switched over to a flask of tea and a sandwich in grease-proof paper for refreshments 😋.
  14. Len_derby

    Band PA

    A few points to think about from my experience. Where and how are you going to store it and consequently transport it? This may affect your purchasing decisions if space is tight in a vehicle or house/flat. If you’re working to a budget don’t forget to factor in mics, stands, cables, power extensions etc. The bill can get big very quickly. Who’s going to run the PA when it’s in use? I think, in a rock/pop setting, getting a good sound out of a PA is as much a skill as playing one of the instruments. Someone has to be interested, learn how to do it (if they don’t know already) and take control of the mixer. There are lots of good bargains around in used gear. Good luck!
  15. I had a very similar experience with Robert Cray at the Leicester de Montfort about seven years ago. Lounge-suited blues lite. It was a big disappointment as I’d seen him on what might have been his first UK tour in 1985 and then he and the band were really cookin’.
  16. I find the trickiest situation is when I dep or play with an established band and they play a song I know well ‘differently’, maybe to my ears wrongly. I’ve learned over the years to be diplomatic, say nothing and learn their version. That way I get called back.
  17. Good to hear from you. Wishing you all the best for the next few weeks.
  18. I think the venue and type of music you play will be factors. For example, playing blues in a real ale pub would tend to suggest middle-aged to older males.
  19. Really? Charlie Drake, ‘my boomerang won’t come back’ and ‘please Mr Custer, I don’t want to go’ among other great hits. I loved him, but for some reason he always made my little brother cry.
  20. This is why I like listening to the radio. I get to hear things I’d never know about otherwise. In these days of cookies stored on our devices and playlists it’s difficult to ‘listen without prejudice’. Like Owen in the OP I was snooty about music as a youngster. Now I’m old I’ve come to the belief that there’s no good music or bad music. There’s just music we like and music we don’t like.
  21. I’ll come along and bring my Swift Lite bass, made by our own @Andyjr1515, plus my Harley Benton short-scale P bass.
  22. “Yeah, but they do on the live version on YouTube “...... And so it goes on.....🙄😂
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