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Everything posted by thisnameistaken

  1. I remember those old Marlin guitars - they were total dogs.
  2. I'd look at Yamaha. The cheap Peaveys are apparently nice too but the look doesn't do it for me.
  3. [quote name='Lee-Man' post='255320' date='Aug 5 2008, 12:52 PM']I had my SR4, Incase and protools stolen 18 months ago, gutting experiance and as it's how I make my living really difficult while the insurance paid out.[/quote] I hope you don't mean the SR4 I bought off you!
  4. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='253911' date='Aug 3 2008, 08:36 PM']Does The Count mind..? Bwahahah![/quote] I read it as "The drummer, the mouthy ****".
  5. [quote name='bobbassguy' post='250572' date='Jul 29 2008, 04:50 PM']I've read that if your fingers get cut during live playing, throw in some salt. It'll probably hurt like a bastard for a few minutes but it helps to cauterize the cuts enough for your digits to survive the show.[/quote] Slices of lemon will probably be easier to find at most gigs. [quote name='acidbass' post='250997' date='Jul 30 2008, 04:25 AM']Always get your drummer to count into a song, be it on sticks or just in the air with mimed numbers.[/quote] It's rare we play any mimed numbers. [quote name='SteveK' post='253674' date='Aug 3 2008, 11:30 AM']... During the soundcheck we decided to change the ending of a song (it needed a more elaborate ending to do the song justice). We played it a couple of times...no problem! During the gig we came to the end of that song... total disaster!!! There's Steve Lukather and his band; The Hooters, all at the side of the stage looking on...not to mention several thousand punters. After much hilarity on stage and the singer explaining to the audience that we need the practice, we played the ending again... the audience thought it was a riot [/quote] In one of my old bands we had a little gimmick where we would offer the audience either the "normal ending" or the "Stars In Their Ending" for our songs. We had a good laugh with that.
  6. [quote name='BassManKev' post='253364' date='Aug 2 2008, 04:13 PM']just too much money[/quote] Well... The signal chain is all analogue and the effect order is at least partially reconfigurable, you get their awesome gated fuzz, their seemingly-awesome filter, octave doubling, waveform synth, beat-locked modulation on the synth waveforms, portamento, it's programmable with an SD card expansion slot, and it's a tuner. And they're saying that firmware updates via the SD card could bring improvements in the future. If you don't need half of that then it's expensive. But if the tracking's any good and you do use all those effects (like I do), and the effects themselves all sound good then it's cheap, and having them all in one small box would be extremely convenient. The only downside is the lack of expression pedal control over the various params.
  7. Bah! In the pub tonight I caught a glimpse of someone wearing a T-shirt with a slogan that ended "But I'm in a band", and practically rushed over to see if he was a drummer. He wasn't. There are only 3 drummers in York.
  8. [quote name='basstard' post='251510' date='Jul 30 2008, 06:05 PM']Check out this baby... [url="http://www.chunksystems.com/os.htm"]http://www.chunksystems.com/os.htm[/url] The ultimate envelope filter/synth? Should be in the UK at the end of August according to the manufacturer...[/quote] It won't be in the UK at all - they don't have a UK distributor. If you want one you'll have to order it from Godlyke in the USA.
  9. IMO the cheapest way to get a really good synth sound is the EHX Bass Micro Synth. You can pick them up used for about £100 if you can find one. I don't think you'll get much for £60.
  10. [quote name='cheddatom' post='249731' date='Jul 28 2008, 04:16 PM']It depends what you want. Some people love the OC-2 because of the cool was it "glitches" in the lower registers.[/quote] I think most people like the OC-2 for its sound. With the -1 Oct soloed it's sweet. And of course they're dirt cheap, so that helps. Sticking with cheap, the Digitech Bass Synth Wah does a decent octave down. Getting pricier, the EBS Octabass is supposed to be pretty good but I've never tried one. The EHX Micro POG has very clever tracking but the tone isn't that great IMO. And the Foxrox Octron sounds good but it's a bit pricey.
  11. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KQsdfnbOevM"]Asian Dub Foundation[/url] You can't not be pumped listening to their stuff.
  12. [quote name='Master blaster' post='242789' date='Jul 18 2008, 03:16 PM']Jimi Jazz. He plays for G-love and special sauce. I saw them support Jack Johnson. Didnt think much of JJ's bassist, he did the whole root and 5th things all the way through every song. Yeh Jimi Jazz is an amazing upright bass player. Everyone should check him out.[/quote] I've got their first CD (had some others - don't any more, don't miss them!) and it's great. Some really funky stuff going on, nice airy-sounding recordings. Win. Funnily enough I recommended them to someone who was listening to Jack Johnson a year or two ago. Here are their [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=x6kGSN0P8HA"]two[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mUH4zPdpbug"]hits[/url].
  13. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='245293' date='Jul 22 2008, 12:43 PM']I watch that show a fair bit. That little Greek bloke irritates me for some reason.[/quote] He reminds me of a berk I went to school with. That was in Wakefield actually - he might remind you of the same berk!
  14. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='245149' date='Jul 22 2008, 10:38 AM']But I don't get why they invested so much having barely heard them![/quote] This was in the paper yesterday (they were giving away The Independent with bottles of water at the train station - weird...). Apparently they were in there for two and a half hours, and played a few tunes. I don't suppose the whole thing would've fit on your TV.
  15. [quote name='gilmour' post='242881' date='Jul 18 2008, 04:42 PM']Funny looks just like a G&L to me[/quote] Yeah that's what I was thinking. I really like the way L2000s play but I've only ever seen one that looked appealing to me, and somebody else had already bought it when I returned to the store the next day. Should've put a deposit on it!
  16. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fvEj5iZMEpU"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fvEj5iZMEpU[/url] I think it's an SH-101 but a nice easy starter bass line. Add a Boss OC-2 and you can totally cop it on bass guitar.
  17. I don't use one at the moment. Depends what you want it for, I suppose. I used to use a Boss LMB-3 just to flatten peaks from unruly pedals and it did a good job of it, also had a Compulator for a while which seemed to be a good all-round compressor and provided a noticeable sustain improvement too. Thinking about getting another one just to improve performance from octavers and other "tracking" effects.
  18. [quote name='Jase' post='242284' date='Jul 18 2008, 12:07 AM']The annoying thing about those sites is hardly anybody replies after the first contact, been looking myself lately and out of about 12 pm's and dozens of posts on the forums some of these sites have, I can honestly say, 3 bands/musicians have had the courtesy to actually get back and say, "no thanks" or "sorry we're sorted".....so many ignorant "musicians" around. Hard work I reckon![/quote] I've had good results from formingbands and bandmix. Actually my "main" band at the moment came from an initial contact at bandmix, and it turned out the girl who'd sent me the message lived about 100 yards away. I've also been in regular contact with another band that can't seem to keep bass players; they're a folk outfit and I keep telling them that I don't think I'd be suitable, but every six months or so after the next guy's quit they come back and say it "might be interesting" to have a nutcase with a huge pedalboard playing bass for them. It surely would be interesting for me, but I still don't think they'd dig it. And that's just the two gigs I've been interested in. Had lots of contacts from other bands, mostly cover bands or rockers or other samey-sounding stuff that I'm too old to bother with. I get regular contacts on both of them. Maybe I should write a thread about how to advertise yourself on musician dating sites.
  19. Biggest: Probably an MTV gig on the beach in Belmar, NJ, while they were covering Greekfest one year and putting on some volleyball tournament or other. Don't think we went out on the telly, but we were the local heroes so we had a huge and awesome crowd. Last tune I could barely play for being bumped by sluts in bikinis. Wish gigs in Yorkshire were like that... Smallest: Probably (what was) The Post Haste in Wakefield. Last time I saw it it was a gay bar and the stage was mostly host to drag queens (the one I saw was very good actually!), no idea whether it's even still open. We'd enlisted my mate Tosh to operate the smoke machine but he got pissed (true to form) and forgot to plug it in, so when he decided to let out some smoke all he achieved was squirting me in the back with nasty green slime. Ah, gigs.
  20. Sell your Thumb 6, buy a same-era Thumb 5. Job done and plenty of change left over for lemonade and ginger biscuits.
  21. I've seen two or three basses in the last couple of weeks that I would've bought if I could justify having them. Unfortunately I've got a holiday that isn't paid for yet and a tax bill to settle at the end of the month - July's always my weakest gear-buying month. I'm also torn between buying another 4-banger or buying an upright. I don't think an upright will fit in my car, but I need a new car anyway.
  22. No mods on mine at all, stock MEC pups, original 2-band MEC circuit. I wouldn't want to mess with the sound. I agree with the other comments about pre-'92 Thumbs. They are the best basses Warwick ever made - these are the basses that made their reputation after all - and I'll never shift mine. Except maybe to replace it with a 5 from the same year.
  23. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='240726' date='Jul 16 2008, 11:28 AM']About that Bespeco expression pedal, I was considering one myself, but have just ordered a Moog EP-2 pedal from Digital Village for £28.99. Looks a lot better quality and is still pretty cheap.[/quote] Yeah I had a look around to see what else was available but AFAIK the Moog is a 50Kohm pot, and the Meatball filter will close with around 20Kohm so the Bespeco is a better match. I imagine if I had the Moog only about half the pedal travel would do anything.
  24. [quote name='OldGit' post='240599' date='Jul 16 2008, 09:07 AM']The corollary to our topic, in the theatre, is the total (economic) domination of "pop song theme" musicals over real theatre.[/quote] My girlfriend's a drama teacher, and one of her colleagues (dance/PE teacher) is the thickest person I've ever met. Anyway, the other week the girlfriend was going to the theatre to see one of her students in a production of 1984, and Thick Dance Teacher said "Ooh, is that a music tribute thing?"
  25. [quote name='rayfw' post='240940' date='Jul 16 2008, 03:18 PM']Atmosfear - Dancing in outer space?[/quote] The only version of that I've ever heard is an instrumental. Does it have lyrics?
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