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Everything posted by thisnameistaken

  1. [quote name='steve-soar' post='288706' date='Sep 21 2008, 07:50 PM']I bought it for £1100 but it in fact cost me £1200 in cash and trades, so I'm not making any money on this.[/quote] How long have you had it? What sort of wear and tear has it been through in that time? I'm willing to take your word that you somehow paid £1200 for it while actually only paying £1100 (I'm sure your accountant is smarter than I am) but why do you think it's still worth what you paid for it, given that it's now older and has been worked more?
  2. Make sure you do some good warm-up exercises before you try any disco octaves.
  3. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='287643' date='Sep 19 2008, 08:34 PM']And the owner was?[/quote] Oh nobody, just some drunk bloke who came to my gig. I called the guy who'd given me the bass and he explained it'd been owned by pretty much everybody in town at some point, and he was happy for me to hand it off to this guy. It must've been his though - he was really ****ing annoyed to find some child gigging it in his local! He wasn't at all contented by the fact that I'd made it playable in the meantime.
  4. I've snipped the parts of your posts which made it clear which side of the fence you were on - I'm sorry - I'm just responding to the hypothetical questions you posed because I liked them, I am aware of the point you were making even if I've obliterated it. [quote name='ironside1966' post='287695' date='Sep 19 2008, 09:43 PM']Just because bass player A is up on the theory side of things does not mean that he or she is automatically a better bass player then player B who knows nothing about theory.[/quote] True. But if both were equal on natural talent then the one with theory to back it up would piss all over the other one. [quote name='ironside1966' post='287695' date='Sep 19 2008, 09:43 PM']one of the best guitarist I have seen and had the pleasure to work had no understanding of theory at all.[/quote] This sort of example has occurred throughout this thread - the whole "I don't know any theory and I'm ace" mindset. But all that does for me is raise "what if" questions.
  5. If I wasn't shopping for a five I'd have this just to make my best mate green with envy. Lovely guitar.
  6. I remember hearing about Mark King's Status Matrix getting stolen back when it happened (and laughing about how anybody was ever going to shift it). I'd love to hear what the conclusion was plz.
  7. [quote name='7string' post='286366' date='Sep 18 2008, 12:36 AM']I had a Fender Urge Mk1 and really loved it's 32" scale as well as it's awesome electronics.[/quote] A friend of mine had one of those and I couldn't get over the scale length, it felt like a toy bass. That's the only short scale bass I've played, apart from a weird perspex-bodied, Ampeg-necked fretless thing I was given by a friend, which I spent time lovingly restoring before discovering who the actual owner was on the first time I took it out to a gig.
  8. If it's anything like my old 1995 USA Std. Jazz in lake placid blue, it's worth approximately nothing. Does it have the faulty bridge, noisy pickups and warping neck that mine had? Judging by my experience '95 wasn't a great vintage for Fender, but others might have other opinions.
  9. You'd (and we'd) be better off contributing to the sound clips of the Effects section of the talkbass.com wiki, just because they've already got something like that going on.
  10. If I could lug this up and down my stairs on my own I'd be all over it. These things are mint.
  11. Those 210 combos are alright - I used one at our rehearsal space tonight, didn't have to do much from flat to make it sound nice, kept up with a bloody loud drummer (who we're not hiring, which is a shame because he was a top bloke, just not an ideal drummer) without breaking a sweat. Can't comment on the 15 extension cab.
  12. I'm pretty happy with my '91 Thumb tbh. If I could find a 5-er from the same year I'd be marginally happier - I know the old 5s were nice from playing them back in the day. I'd also like a sunburst Jazz with tort guard, rosewood board and mop block inlays. My first bass was a copy in the same style but it was horribly awfully sh*t. I'd like one that isn't. I did later have a US Jazz but that was sh*t too. Maybe I'm being unreasonable in my pursuit of a bass that looks nice but I probably won't like...
  13. BUMP just to say it's beautiful and you should keep it as furniture if nothing else. S'funny I know if I ever want to buy an upright my girlfriend won't say a word because it will look so sweet in our dining room.
  14. Glad you got it. It was one of the first "funk" basslines I learned when I was... 17? Luckily when I was 17 Gilles Peterson was telling everybody to listen to people like Roy Ayers so it was easy to find classic grooves like that one.
  15. [code]g|-------3--555---|----------------| d|-----35-------54|3---11---------0| a|3---6-----------|-------3--1-----| e|----------------|------------3---| g|-------3--555---|----------------| d|-----35-------54|333-11---------0| a|3---6-----------|-------3-x1---1-| e|----------------|------------3---|[/code] The x is a mute note. Sometimes he only plays the one high 'C' rather than three of them, etc. I've spaced it so if you count the empty beats as semiquaver rests it should be easy to get the timing right. Just don't get confused thinking the bar line in the middle is a chord at the first fret.
  16. [quote name='Rasta' post='286426' date='Sep 18 2008, 08:47 AM']Yeah...thats the tune....well funky...but how d'ya play it????? [/quote] Are you wanting tab for it or something? I could probably do that for you, but it's really easy to work out from listening to the intro. If you're officially giving up, say so and I'll knock up a tab.
  17. I remember I went to see them when that album came out. I wasn't a fan particularly, I just went to see any band that came within range, but anyway yeah me and my girlfriend went along to see Rancid and the venue was full of 13-year-olds with their parents. So we left again. I think we ended up catching G Love & Special Sauce at a place just down the street so it wasn't so bad.
  18. Expansions is all in a C blues scale. You should be able to cop it from the record easily enough - there's plenty of bass up front in the intro.
  19. It seems there's a whole pile of "X Year Old Plays X" videos on the you tubes. What I want to see is the video of all the pushy parents having a punch-up.
  20. [quote name='TheDarkReaver' post='285028' date='Sep 16 2008, 02:07 PM']Is it just me or is he always slightly off time? I mean good for a 9 year old, and I'm sure he'll become a great player, but he doesn't seem as prodigious as other young musicians I've seen.[/quote] He didn't seem like he was really digging the tunes. My money's on that little three-year-old dude on YouTube who can't play a note yet but has oodles of groove.
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='284354' date='Sep 15 2008, 04:46 PM']There was a transition period of about a year (88-89ish) where you got the predominantly wenge necks (ie thick wenge and skinny maple stringers) with 2 piece bridges, they take some finding but generally prices on these early Warwick Streamers isn't influenced by what wood and/or whether they had 1 or 2 piece bridges (or pup choice for that matter).[/quote] Nice to know they do exist. I've seen a few of these old Streamers go and they've all had the older style bridge, I didn't think I'd ever see one with the older neck laminates and the newer bridge. Must keep looking! Thanks for the info.
  22. [quote name='BassManKev' post='284335' date='Sep 15 2008, 04:15 PM']i actually want a Bongo [/quote] People will see you playing it. Bear that in mind.
  23. I love the look of these old "racing stripe" Streamers. Wish they'd had the two-piece bridge on them though. I'm tempted but I only have another fretless 4 for trade, and currently no gear cash.
  24. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='284118' date='Sep 15 2008, 11:28 AM']I recommend learning piano yourself, if you can find the time. Not virtuoso stuff, just arrangers piano. Opens up a whole new world and makes you listen differently![/quote] I tend to write using keys rather than guitar or bass, partly because I don't really know what I'm doing on keys. So I find the notes in my head and try to find the chords I need and sometimes find I've got that wrong when I do pick up a bass, etc. But it means I have to do all the writing, there's no falling back on what my hands know. Of course one day when I've done this often enough I'm going to find I've learned to play keys and maybe I'll need a different instrument to write on, but hopefully I'll have learned enough about harmony by then to be able to write songs more easily. One downside of this process is when you then have to go to your guitarist and say "Yeah it's E minor 9, then B augmented... Yeah. Augmented. Yeah. I just found it on a keyboard. No you can't just play B..."
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