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Everything posted by Chienmortbb

  1. Heft is an unmeasurable parameter only present in Valve Amps. It is proportional to weight and the real subtlety of heft comes from the light of the valve heaters.
  2. The only way a pickup can go "wrong" is open circuit, that is no sound at all, or short circuit where the signal would be reduced to some degree. Clearly both those problems would affect all strings. Having written this though I have thought that is the pickup is ceramic or another bar magnet and it has broken, with part falling away from the pickup. Them the poles would be come demagnetised and the volume level of those strings would be much lower. So go ahead restrung so that the strings seed opposite to the way you normally have them. This will tell you wether the PUPs are at fault,
  3. I would guess that that uses one of the NXP, Texas or ST chips. I cannot see a discrete circuit being that compact. Of course that does not answerr the question.
  4. Find out the spec of the fan, voltage and airflow. It is usually printed on the fan. Then find a new fan to relaxed the one you have. If you can get a Panaflo fan NOS use that otherwise a Papst or some of the better Sunon fans would be OK. One other technique is to use an overrated fan. Cloud do this in their PA amps. Running a 24 volt fan on 12v will mean it runs slower and quieter and lasts a Lot longer. One thing to beware of. Do not go above the maximum voltage as fans are easy to burn out if you do.
  5. Thunder 1A is a weapon of mass destruction when used actively.
  6. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1455868887' post='2983037'] a 6sl7 preamp? [/quote]Thst went over my head Luke (as the actress said to the bishop).
  7. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1455549253' post='2980080'] will it make women touch me cock? [/quote]No but I am working on one of those the moment. Looking for names working title is Neo (babe magnet)? Jokes aside it is a better name than Monique.
  8. A lot of respected poeple say that the valve sound comes from the power section. However even Ampeg use solid state in the SVT 3 series and In their pre amps they used real inductors for the tone and maybe that was what people rave about. In my opinion all these bits are components and it is in the lap of the gods and the skill of the designer that determines what sounds good.
  9. Phil is it the usual 250W into 8 or 500W into 4 with an extension cab?
  10. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1455651857' post='2981209'] No doubt. The things some people will believe defies explanation or logic. Donald Trump as President, for instance. [/quote]Don't joke Bill, that is too frightening to joke about.
  11. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1455649490' post='2981166'] There's a guy on another forum who claims he can hear the difference in his hifi depending on whether the IEC power cable is straight or curved. [/quote] My brother has the same psychiatrist as him and I believe the same medication.
  12. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1453586936' post='2960914'] But the signal can be processed with much more expensive eq kit than we tend to have in our amps, by the time it hits the monitors the flub and wasted power that we feed our bass cabs can be removed giving a monster bass tone right in your face. [/quote]This leads on to another hobby horse of mine. if the Sound tech takes out the sub 30-35Hz crap that many bass amps put out that will be one of the reasons the Floor monitor sounds better. It is an HPF and they should be fitted to all bass amps. However most will be less than ideal for bass. As for IEMs, it makes sense for vocals but not for bass. Remember that your back line is a part of your instrument, like the body on an acoustic guitar.
  13. Yes I saw something about new Blackstar Bass offerings.
  14. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1455711784' post='2981662'] yep, my rumble is the same, I always have my input gain turned all the way up (passive bass), it's a mild input gain which really is the way it should be, they're meant to level out signals from the bass not act as a volume control [/quote]Got it in a nutshell. it is like a variable active/passive switch or hi/low. Input sockets. It is not designed to cut volume to zero but to the optimum for your sound and bass.
  15. There is a list of BC members that will help other BC members will setup and small repairs at the top of the Repairs And Technical forum. OBBM in Farnham seems to be your nearest or you can check the list for your self. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277468-bcers-prepared-to-help-fix-a-bass/
  16. If you are up for some DIY the pre EB Music Man Pte amp is hard to beat and the batteries go on forever, A lot of the two bands sold by the pick up manufacturers are based on or are direct copies of that Music Man design. David at Retrovibe sells them for £40 at http://www.retrovibe.co.uk/stinger.html fully assembled. The only problem is that the stingray pre was designed for a single pup so you can either connect it after your current passive wiring or fit an M law blend pot, then feed the preamp.
  17. I lovingly strike my transistors whenever I think of the problems with valves.
  18. I would have thought the bass would be fine. I cannot see how adding a second cab would lose bass, quite the opposite. The overall effect of adding a second identical cab stacked vertically is close to 6 db overall and a bit more for the low end.
  19. Opened both fine. Thank you for that. Will there be a cutting list?
  20. Vintage pots will be carbon track as said before. They often go noisy before the crap out completely. The US made basses and guitars were fitted with CTS pots as they were the cheapest US made pots at the time. So you have a number of options. 1. Try to get the current pot repaired. Do you have a picture of it from the front and back? Sometimes you can readjust the wiper contacts to avoid bad portions of the track. I will be happy to look at it for you, but as I am in hospital at the moment I cannot promise when it would be done. 2. Fit a new pot. If you are keeping the bass go conductive plastic. Be aware that there are two sizes of pot spindle. 6mm or 1/4". Now 1/4" is only 6.35 mm but that 0.35mm makes all the difference. Make sure you get the right one. Also some are straight and some are splined. If the knob is wobbly that will be s bigger no no than a mom original pot. 3. Spray inside with Deoxit. It is expensive for just one pot but often works.
  21. Those are Wilkinsons new range. I called JHS about those as, like many of the new range, they are described as Active. Still waiting for a response after 4 weeks. However on eBay, Vanson say they are passive not active with a DC resistance of 12.5K, far too high for EMG type active pickup. http://vi.raptor.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemDescV4&item=111820804932&category=33034&pm=1&ds=0&t=1455457431971 Do you have a multimeter?
  22. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1446813499' post='2902535'] I only have one in my signal chain at a time but have quite a few around Zoom B3 Zoom G3 Zoom MS-60B Korg AX3000B Korg AX1500G Two or three Tanglewood tuners (I like these but they're obsolete now) Three or four cheapo tuners so I can stick one in every case One clip-on, good for use with the Variax guitar but an epic fail on the headless Sei [/quote]Tauzero are we the only AX3000B owners on Basschat?
  23. I suspect the protection circuits on the D800's 700W IcePower module would kick In way before any damage to the amp or cabs.
  24. I was a guitard and changed to bass. Played a few different 4s squire, Westone, then went to a Washburn 5. It wasn't a dear one ( Taurus 5) but it was neck through. It played like a dream out of the box but I never quite got a 5. I sold it and bought an Aerodyne Jass and was at home. I think a Washburn Taurus 4 would have done just as well though. It was not the "thumb over the neck" thing with me as I always have my thumb in the right position. Maybe I was too old to change. Oh and about 5 & 6 strings looking cool, a 5 looks cool but if I want a cool 6 it's a Strat, Tele or Les Paul. Thinking about it my Aerodyne looks likes Strat so maybe I am a Guitard at heart!
  25. I am in Dorset so Andy would probably be closer to be honest and far better than me. Why is the aerodyne so special? Firstly the looks. They are all stunning. All have very thin linden bodies withe the trademark cream binding. The necks are similar to a modern jazz and play. Beautifully. The whole bass is light although a little neck heavy with this whopping great machine heads. I have some lighter Gotohs for mine that will be fitted once I leave hospital. I would love another one of theses as it is the only bass that blew me away with its looks and lived up to it when played. They really are a talking point though. The final thing is they sound great acoustically that has to be a good thing.
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