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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Bought a gig bag from Martyn, shipped at cost, delivered well packaged and in excellent condition. Cheers!
  2. I thought so too. CIJs have the s/n by the heel. Strange!
  3. JapanAxe

    Conora ?

    Bit hard to read but does Geoff's not say Satellite on the headstock?
  4. I can't remember where I got this from but it's not my original idea: When you practise, are you doing so in Convergent mode or in Divergent mode? Let me explain. [u]Convergent activity[/u] This is focused on achieving a particular goal. You might follow a single path, e.g. practising a piece until you can play it comfortably at a certain tempo; or multiple paths, e.g. the main sections of a song, key riffs, the vocals, presentation. You may or may not have a fixed time frame, depending on whether you are preparing for a specific event, or just doing it for your own satisfaction. [u]Divergent activity[/u] There is no particular goal in mind, and rarely any fixed time frame. You explore whatever takes your interest or brings you pleasure, dipping in and out of things as they take your fancy. You might play along to a track just for fun, or try out alternative tunings or effects. In a group setting, a jam would be an example of this. These modes are obviously good for different things. I tend to spend most of my time in Convergent mode, making sure I am fully prepared for my next gig or rehearsal. I always have in mind some Divergent activity that I can pick up for fun when I have the time, yet I rarely do, despite having more free time than most people I know. Have you ever thought about your own practice time in this way? What is your experience?
  5. I sight read but i could do with improving so I have just downloaded Sight Reading Machine to our iPad - what a brilliant app!
  6. Just bought a strap from Ted, no messing, sent to me as soon as I had paid him.
  7. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1384077665' post='2272413'] Good luck with it! I've managed to avoid the expenditure and stress by not having a band. First I'd be far too groomzilla about it, second wedding band fees are better spent elsewhere. And I've not seen a cliché-free wedding band setlist in forever. [/quote] People expect the clichés! OK - hat in the ring time: My band ChartBeat - stripped down 3-piece playing mainstream pop covers. The formula is big hits that you can dance to, from Elvis to Take That, so no Steely Dan album tracks! Demo [url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32485154/ChartBeat/ChartBeat_Demo.mp3"]here[/url]. We have all played plenty of weddings, but not yet in this band format. If interested, PM me for competitive quote and availability.
  8. I wipe the guitar neck at the end of each set. I use a grey microfibre cloth from... Poundland. I keep a separate bar towel for drying my hands.
  9. [quote name='cytania' timestamp='1384075373' post='2272392'] If basses gain more low end gravitas over the decades ... [/quote] Do they really though? Vintage basses are now getting played through more efficient modern kit with a wider range of tonal adjustment, and it's hard to hold a sound in your head for a few minutes, let alone 40 years, so can we really make an objective comparison?
  10. I had an Ashdown speaker go, and it turned out that one of the braided leads that runs from the terminals to the voice coil had come unsoldered. 10 minute fix.
  11. [b] In Ear Monitors. What do you have in yours?[/b] A nasty build-up of wax.
  12. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1384029945' post='2272183'] Personally, I have put GHS Boomers rounds on mine as the last thing a PSM needs is more thud. Just my opinion of course. [/quote] Good point. Tried one today in Wunjo's bass shop and tbh the rounds weren't really a problem, whereas on the Eastwood EUB-clone I tried straight afterwards, they most definitely were. Guess I'll acquire first and then think about tweaks later. Mrs Axe made encouraging mention of the imminent Yuletide festivities, although her preference is for red with white stripes, mine is for white with (or preferably without!) blue stripes.
  13. Standard balanced mic cable ( XLR male to female) should do it.
  14. I can vouch for the quality and reliability of these DAWs. I am still using my DPS16 and getting great results.
  15. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1384016430' post='2271970'] I use LaBellas strung through on a Fender P. No issue for 3 years. [/quote] Cheers. Nice facial hair too!
  16. I know this has been aired before, because I recall reading the thread, but the search terms bring up zillions of unrelated hits! I am once again GASing for a Pawn Shop Mustang, but I favour flats and the Mustang's bridge is through-body only. I have read in various posts that: (1) this is bad news for flats and causes the windings to separate if the break angle is too large; (2) some people do this anyway and don't have a problem; (3) there are some brands of flats that don't seem to mind or at least are less susceptible to such problems; and (4) some string manufacturers make through-body flats to order. The truth is out there, and it's most likely to be found here on Basschat
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1383996950' post='2271645'] On a gig, trying to sound exactly like your favourite bass player on record is a mugs game. [/quote] The question I ask myself about my live sound is: Is it bitchin' ? That's what I'm shooting for. Oops, hijacking my own thread!
  18. It's often the way - the sound you hear when trying kit in a shop is no guide as to what it will be like in a live or recorded mix. And how many people would opt for a big semi-solid to play on a disco or funk track, but it worked for Gary King.
  19. Never had this happen on any guitar or bass I have owned.
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