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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I used to be really bad at learning lyrics, but fine at remembering music. Then I started to front my own band and didn't want a music stand in front of me, so I had to learn how to learn lyrics. Now I know the words for at least 80 songs!
  2. I didn't laugh till I read the asking price. You could get an excellent bass for that money. Or 2 perfectly good ones.
  3. Don't suppose you'll want a country act as your opener then!
  4. Nah those amps are rubbish. Only joking! If you have time, perhaps you could add a review [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/26110-genz-benz-shuttle-60/"]here[/url]?
  5. Perhaps I should have used the word 'study' rather than 'practice'. Thus Convergent study would take in practice towards a goal, whereas Divergent study would include things like trying out different techniques, playing along with tracks.
  6. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1384982312' post='2283197'] Maybe this looking-down on Divergent practice comes from the thinking of the music teachers of playing classical instruments/music, where it may be thought that the only pieces worth playing are those in print. By definition isn't playing bass a lot about noodling to develop a skill of being able to hear the band playing something and filling in with what seems a good harmonious bass line? Or is this just me being a noob? [/quote] Yup. I mean you're right, can't comment on the noob thing.
  7. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1384802734' post='2280942'] Hear what you say, but try a [u]MADE IN USA[/u] Ampeg V4BH 100W head. You'll have to go second hand but with an Ampeg[u] MADE IN USA[/u] 15" cab, you won't go far wrong. Been using this set up (substituting a [u]MADE IN USA[/u] Ampeg 4x10 Classic for big gigs) for years with no problems at all. [/quote] Any preference on country of origin for an Ampeg?
  8. I think we're all used to Convergent practice - 'today I will learn to play this from memory' for example. Divergent [i]absolutely[/i] includes noodling and exploring. Some people have a down on Divergent activity, because it does not take you measurably closer to whatever your goal might be. However, it can take you to new places, broaden your outlook, and help you discover new sounds and techniques. It's all good!
  9. Advertising on here is excellent VFM!
  10. Just bought a compressor from Alan. Alan emailed me once he'd sent it and it arrived promptly and well packaged. Cheers!
  11. Except that the pic is roughly a Precision!
  12. Congrats Gareth! Wouldn't mind the 30W head to go with my BF speakers Have you gigged it yet?
  13. I found Elite flats to sound good on a fretless 4, not too dear, but that really is the full extent of my experience of strings on a fretless! There will be dozens of people along in a minute, have no fear...
  14. I liked the song, put me in mind of PiL. They have their sound and arrangement very well sorted. And yes I thought the singer was a fella, but my excuse is that I was watching on the embedded YouTube window, with the quality set to 240 to avoid buffering delays. Honest.
  15. Also Pangbourne I believe. All these basses had a pre-amp of some kind and/or an impedance transformer, to drive the low impedance balanced output.
  16. [quote name='mr pablo' timestamp='1384618038' post='2278808'] These would be my dream basses.... better get saving [/quote] Suggest you buy a non-relic'd one and gig the hell out of it. I won't be selling mine in a hurry: [attachment=148551:VM4Front.jpg]
  17. You should definitely try a German-built Sandberg! You pays yer money, you takes yer choice...
  18. Albert King - Born Under A Bad Sign: Basically, AK backed by the Stax house band! EDIT - and anything by the Meters.
  19. [quote name='Cestrian' timestamp='1384597254' post='2278467'] Stagg Amp - clearly I know nothing about amps [/quote] Welcome Cestrian! Get yourself down to the Basschat Marketplace - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/20-amps-and-cabs-for-sale/"]Amps and Cabs For Sale[/url]
  20. I have had good experience of Bare Knuckle [i]guitar[/i] pickups - they live up to the descriptions on the website.
  21. Briefly, the head honcho at Rickenbacker threw a wobbly every time a copy or Ric-derived bass appeared for sale, threatening dire legal consequences. In the end the bods who run the site took the decision to prohibit the sale of Rics and/or copies across the board. Hence [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209819-this-is-a-rickenbacker-free-marketplace/"]this[/url]. There is no problem with discussing Rics though, or lusting after photos of them if that's your thing.
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