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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Sorry but nothing there for me to like. Except humbuckers.
  2. [quote name='steviedee' timestamp='1385398897' post='2287753'] Got round to buying some bigger rubber feet for my Streamliner so it can get over the handle of my barefaced midget. The feet are huge, however with big feet comes a big hole for a big screw. I imagine a washer will work at one end but is there any way I can fill the remainder hole? Maybe jam in the content of couple of boxes of matches? [/quote] I fitted doorstops to the bottom of my Streamliner for the exact same reason. I put 2 or 3 small washers in each hole before fitting the bolts. I did this mainly so that the bolts did not protrude too far into the chassis, as it could be pretty catastrophic if they contacted a circuit board or mangled a component.
  3. Bleeagh! It's just about tolerable on the Pawn Shop Mustang, but these are rank [size=1](imo)[/size]:
  4. Shame! The Precision often gets overlooked when it comes to 5-string and fretless basses - maybe it is considered too meat-and-potatoes compared to the Jazz?
  5. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1385384788' post='2287537'] Actually, the BEST advice I could give you is to post one of the tracks up here. There are some very experienced musicians on this site and as a collective I think Basschat would be able to offer very constuctive advice on what may be wrong, be it groove, your tone, etc. that would be far more informative than simply suggesting reverb. I can understand if you didn't want to however. [/quote] This. We promise to be gentle with you. *crosses fingers behind back* A DI'd bass can sound kind of naked and raw. On the vexed subject of reverb, there are a couple of 'room ambience' settings on my Korg Pandora (I think they're called 'wet' and 'dry') that are great for de-sterilising a bass sound. I'm sure there are equivalents on various studio units and plug-ins - just enough short reverb to suggest a small ambient space, not washes of cathedral spaciousness!
  6. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1385320764' post='2286910'] Keep the foam rubber in mind [/quote] I rarely think of anything else... sigh...
  7. [quote name='Chooglin stu' timestamp='1385320443' post='2286901'] Wel am 28 and av been playing from the age of 15 ... I can't read any music and if you asked me to play a scale I wouldn't know where the hell to start lol but there's nothing I can't play ! I just need to hear a song and I pick it out and I always play the songs properly and miss nothing , my brothers the same , he plays guitar and together we play in a David bowie tribute band , so in my opinion you just need to have a good ear to be a good musician [/quote] If you are lucky enough to have a 'good ear' from the off, fair enough, but I have found that knowing and understanding scales has helped my musical ear no end. BTW which Bowie tribute are you in? I'm a huge Bowie fan.
  8. I don't even know if there [i]are[/i] springs under the pickup. It's more likely a loose base plate. I'm going to fix it after I've tidied my sock drawer.
  9. Although I carry spares of the pre-amp, power amp, and rectifier valves for my guitar amp, as well as all the relevant fuses, in reality if it died on a gig I would plug into the PA and make the best of it.
  10. Always good to engage every 'no sound' device when you leave the stage - wall socket, power switch, mute switch, master volume, gain, volume control on bass... Very entertaining watching someone failing to get a sound out of your rig.
  11. My USA G&L has a pickup that would be microphonic if I hadn't screwed it right down into the cavity. One day I will get round to fixing it properly. With glue like.
  12. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1385318900' post='2286857'] I found these demos having the same annoying noise: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT4AP58jC5o[/media] @ 1:30 - 1:35 [/quote] No, that annoying noise is called 'slapping'.
  13. Get thee unto the [url="http://www.configurator.sandberg-guitars.de/"]Sandberg configurator[/url]
  14. [size=4][font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]My pet hate - people calling a riff a 'rift'.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]Riff - [color=#333333]a[/color][color=#333333] [/color][color=#333333]melodic[/color][color=#333333] [/color][color=#333333]phrase,[/color][color=#333333] [/color][color=#333333]often[/color][color=#333333] [/color][color=#333333]constantly[/color][color=#333333] [/color][color=#333333]repeated,[/color][color=#333333] [/color][color=#333333]forming[/color][color=#333333] (part of) [/color][color=#333333]an[/color][color=#333333] [/color][color=#333333]accompaniment[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]Rift - an opening made by splitting, cleaving etc[/font][/size] [font="trebuchet ms, helvetica, sans-serif"]Also a drummer I know refers to a dep (abbreviation of deputy, i.e stand-in) as a 'deb' (abbreviation of debutante, i.e. young lady making her entrance into society).[/font]
  15. I just 'advise' them to place a bid - if they're right, nobody else will bid and they'll get a bargain.
  16. The red(-ish) binding and black hardware suggest Washburn.
  17. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1385233316' post='2285970'] The Sandberg Basic with one MM pickup will get close, but those with the MM at the bridge + another p/up in the neck have the MM p/up sounding more like a very ballsy J pickup. Very flexible instruments though and much lighter than MMs. [/quote] +1
  18. Not a clue but that is a truly hideous bass in so many ways!
  19. The batwing headstock puts me in mind of a burns, another Brit maker. The neck plate is quite a practical shape, allowing the body edge to be chamfered away by the neck joint.
  20. Not sure what CK has against major thirds. Jamerson used them plenty.
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