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Huge Hands

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Everything posted by Huge Hands

  1. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1387368363' post='2311103'] Its a funny band though my brother & the singer are thick as thieves where i actually feel like an outsider sometimes. [/quote] I played drums in a band during my teens with my brother (keyboards) who is six years older than me. He always treated me as the "kid brother" as the rest of the band were his age, which meant not updating me of changes and then shouting at me mid gig when I obviously got that wrong, and treating me like c**p the rest of the time when the other band members were around. I don't think he wanted his annoying little brother in his band, but he didn't know any other drummers! I moved away at 18 and have not really played more than the odd gig with him since, but I would imagine it would still be the same now even though I'm approaching 40.... I reckon you might be suffering from a similar thing? Just a thought? P.S. I wasn't intending to slag off our kid by the way. For all I've said, I love the sod to bits and actually think the treatment toughened me up a bit and kept me on my game at the time as I can be a lazy b*****d at times. When we locked in together it could be great! I wouldn't recommend his approach for everyone though.... I guess in summary what I was trying to say was, you probably need to make the decsion as to whether you stay to keep up the relationship with your brother, or branch out on your own and join a band that makes you happy. Tough call sometimes....
  2. I was once asked to go and see my mate's band as they were getting regular complaints. I explained after the gig that if it hadn't been for the three rows of people in front of me acting as a bit of a baffle, I would have left as the guitarist was almost making me feel sick as his amp was so loud and cutting in such a small pub. They asked me to go to a rehearsal and try and talk to him as they were all scared of dealing with him (he was a bit of a prodigy and it was his band). I suggested he turn his amp around and use it as a front facing wedge (he had a Fender Deville or Twin that had the side stands on it). Halfway through the song he threw his guitar across the room and stropped "it sounds s**t, I'm getting a headache". "Now you know how your punters feel" was all I had to say.....
  3. I'm currently running EAD as flats and G as a round after I'd forgotten the old set of flats I tried to put on my JV were from an old 2+2 headed guitar and the chopped G string wouldn't reach to the tuning peg. I haven't noticed a volume difference, but in my brain it feels like the zingier G string helps with the definition of the high notes for the specific work I'm using it for without having to make the bass brighter in tone overall (which I personally don't like). It makes sense to me, and one day when I've saved up for another full set, it will be flats all the way!
  4. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1386842695' post='2305149'] Do you find hand/feet independence easier to develop than hand/hand indepence? [/quote] I must admit, I've never tried it. Not something that I'm really too fussed about trying, as I find it all a bit gimmicky if I'm honest. I include my own kick hats thing in that statement too - but that is mainly done out of necessity.
  5. Not with hands, but when our drummer (regularly) shows up late to a rehearsal, I will play kick and hats with my feet whilst playing bass. I have a mate who does that and sings for his gigs whilst playing with a guitarist.
  6. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1386597286' post='2301915'] What, and with it being such an important part of Fenders history, being a prototype/sample of their rarest bass, and played/owned by a famous musician, they decided to put any old decal on it? Sorry, not buying that. [/quote] Rick, FYI - if you click on Simon's link on the first page of this thread, it has more pics and has a go at explaining the history (and kind of still doesn't believe it) - something about George Harrison's tech replacing the decal? I'm not disagreeing with you, not at all, just pointing out that there is more explanation, whether feasible or not. I'd love to know the truth for sure - I'm hooked!
  7. [quote name='henry norton' timestamp='1386229514' post='2297362'] Well like I said, if it's ply then you can use just about any glue - if you fixed the peg box in the past you shouldn't have any problem with re-gluing a joint. Have a go!!! [/quote] My cautionary word on this is: My cheapo originally split down the back seam and I used Evo wood glue as I read up on hide glue and couldn't be bothered with melting in a pan etc I thought it was being inferred that luthiers only used hide glue because it was easier to get off again if future repairs needed to be done and as this was a cheapo, I didn't think it was worth the bother.. This repair worked really well until my boy pushed it over and the neck came off the body. Since then me and my mate have tried No More Nails, Evo glue and various others, but due to the stresses on the bass once the strings are up to tension, the body would just "pop" open down various seams at random times. It has certainly taught me to stick with the recommended hide/rabbit glue. It really does dry hard, and so far, so good! However, I still sit there expecting a "twang!" at any moment as something splits again! Again, I'm no expert on the subject, just experience talking.
  8. Just as a point - I have a really cheap chinese DB and it has split open more times than my trousers, and then the final straw was the neck snapping off when my boy knocked it over! A mate of mine repaired it for me (he is a keen amateur, not a luthier of any sort) but after we naively tried "no more nails" type stuff to no avail, he spoke to some instrument repair people and was advised to use rabbit glue instead of hide glue. I believe the process (heating etc) is the same as hide glue though. He did it without me present, but I have to say it sets like rock hard plastic - I doubt it will go again!
  9. I had the same with a low B on a 5 string - it was like a muted thump and wouldn't vibrate - lasted about 3 songs and then the inner string core snapped as someone has alluded to above.
  10. Unless you are planning to run the guitarist and keyboard player through the PA and not allow them any backline amps. no matter how good your shiny new PA is, it will still sound s**t as they'll still be turning their amps up against each other and over the PA. They are your fundamental problem and you may be better off investing your money in psychological help! I do have a story about this - A few years ago, I (as a former FOH engineer) was asked along to a mate's band's gig to give them pointers on their mix. I told them that to be honest, I was thinking of leaving halfway through because the guitarist's amp was giving me a headache. They went in a strop, and then came back to me a few weeks later admitting they'd been refused a few regular gigs at a couple of venues due to complaints and now thought that this might have been the reason why. They then asked me to go to a rehearsal. I let them play for a bit, and then asked the guitarist to lean his amp back like a wedge on front of him. They played the next song. and he stormed off halfway through saying "I can't have it like that, it's making me feel sick". My response was "Now you know how your audience feels". I understand he invested in a smaller amp the next day that gave him the sound but wasn't so loud, and could be mic'd for the PA. All was well that ended well on that one!
  11. I've had a soldered ground connection come off a pot in an active bass mid-gig which just cut everything out completely. No soldering iron to hand - had to wedge it back on using a couple of beermats. I've also had a string core snap on a new low B string (bad batch rather than my playing). Had to play the rest of the gig as a 4 string. Funnily enough, after all that, I still don't take a spare bass to gigs. I do keep a packet of spare strings now though.....
  12. Duf, Just a note of experience from me - I have the MAG 210 combo and 115T bin. I rarely do gigs where I need the rig to be that size, but when I have put it all together, I have always found the sound felt like it had a big hole in it when standing in front of the rig. Some of the very clever pro speaker guys on here often point out that you shouldn't really mix driver sizes as you will get comb filtering and phasing effects between them. I'm pretty certain that is what I was hearing. I just thought it might be worth you checking out your new rig before buying. Sorry for hijacking the for sale part of your thread....
  13. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1351701870' post='1854396'] what was someone doing behind your stack? [/quote] It was the keyboard player trying to find mains for his little world..... He'd had a few sherbets methinks.....
  14. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1351643144' post='1853797'] I would change everything to Speakon if it was me. Far more robust connections, and almost impossible to touch or short out the connections accidentally (and speaker voltages can be enough to make you jump a bit). [/quote] I used to agree with this until someone pointed out that if a drunken punter caught your lead and yanked it - might be better to have the plug just pull out of the socket (jack) that throw your stack across the room with a locked connector (Speakon). This happened to me once, so it definitely gave me food for thought....
  15. Sorry Stroopy21, I spoke to the person who was looking, but they're being a bit of a gear snob and are looking for something more upmarket. Good luck with the sale.
  16. I heard of someone was looking for one - I'm seeing them tonight - I'll ask if they're still looking.
  17. Thanks for this - I am a huge IH fan too. I had seen this clip before and have been looking for for ages on you tube. I think the bass player might be James Alexander - the only member of the Bar-Kays who survived as he didn't get on the plane with Otis Redding.... EDIT: Just read the wiki - apparently the wasn't the only survivor - the trumpet player actually on the plane survived the crash.
  18. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1350819383' post='1843744'] Of course, there's always this one to tempt you. . . [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TPP-Fender-Rawhide-Custom-Telecaster-Tele-Brazilian-Hide-top-Hardcase-/300784922702?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item46082db04e"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item46082db04e[/url] [/quote] I wonder how many Ewoks were killed to make that....
  19. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1350476117' post='1839344'] ...oh, you mean the [b]bass[/b]'s neck... [/quote] Ha ha
  20. I remember years ago watching a hired backline SWR rig lunch itself. Turned out the visiting bass player (wasn't his rig) was using some home made preamp device external to the guitar that appeared to be sending DC out of itself. Cue 8x10" drivers being pushed to excursion limit and being held there....and then the smoke started.....
  21. About a year ago, I left my double bass in the dining room with my 2 year old son......the neck is no longer attached to the body....
  22. Ha ha, although I'm at work, I just watched all 5 parts - loved it!
  23. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1350383405' post='1837993'] ...... but it sound very dull, muddy and lifeless. [/quote] i like that sound....
  24. I was just pointing out that they should do the job fine - he shouldn't really need to spend any cash on new mics, unless he's being really particular about it. If he is, then I'm sure 5im0n's choice will be very good. I'd happily use C1000's - as we've all said it's about placement just as much as anything else.
  25. I note you said this is the second amp you've had problems with - were they similar issues? I'm wondering if it's not your cab or bass that is causing the problems with the amps?
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