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Everything posted by barneyg42

  1. A photoshoot when I was younger and fitter, just keep this image in your head and you'll be smiling all day!!
  2. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1442653873' post='2868457'] That's my mate Kris, he is indeed the manager of a funeral parlour. That's not me on bass in the video though, I'd left by the time they got round to doing their own songs.... [/quote] Hate Hades himself!!! Very nice guy, unfortunately the only times I've had to deal with him have been funerals (Mum/Aunt). I don't live up there so not had a chance to see them play classics like Coalville Girls or MILF!!! Will have to combine a trip to see mums old mates with a gig!
  3. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1441963040' post='2863250'] Coalville Girls by my old band Iron Python.... You probably have to be from or near Coalville to appreciate the lyrics though.... http://youtu.be/AJOvkq7V4do Failing that, Bunsen Burner by John Otway, which also features Basschatter Seymourfluid ..... [/quote] When my mum passed away I dealt with a funeral parlour in Loughborough and got chatting to the chap in there about bands, yup, he is the lead singer in Iron Python! Funeral director by day, wig and make up screaming lead singer by night!!! A right piss take by the looks of it!!
  4. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1441825332' post='2862140'] Huge Harley Davidson Rally gig last Saturday. Thousands in attendance even for our 11:00am time slot. Huge stage,top shelf sound and lights. Plus private green room with food and drink. Big time pay too. The kind of gig I love. Were a bar band, however, in the Summer we play our share of fairs and festivals. It's a refreshing change. Blue [/quote] Nice one Blue!!
  5. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1441531295' post='2859472'] I'd rather watch Brian Cox playing a synth [/quote] How Dare you say that!!!
  6. WARNING!!! Over 5 minutes long!! http://youtu.be/9BWByvs_ITQ
  7. We have a gig like this where the dance floor is the route out and they have decks going after the band has finished. You strangely pray for a quiet night so you can get out unharmed!!!
  8. [quote name='chrisplum' timestamp='1440015938' post='2847669'] Put my bass on Gumtree today and very quickly Heloise Rehman wanted to snap it up at the asking price - would send money to my PayPal account and arrange a courier to collect as Heloise has hearing problems and recent heart surgery , apparently buying the 'guitar' for his cousin - pretty sure it's a scam so please be wary. [/quote] Girls name I thought!!???
  9. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Are we human or are we dancer??
  10. We have a regular NYE gig that is a notoriously low payer during the year, so much so that we try and restrict how many we do in a year. We're one of his and the locals favourites, not surprisingly as we tend to fill the pub. It's a fun gig and we treat it as such and also try out new material on them. We NEVER get as much as a free beer, soft drink or get a pot put round! Absolutely nothing! He charges for soda water so I tend to bring my own drink as does my GF hidden in her handbag. Only good thing financially is that the gig is only ten minutes drive from her gaff so minimal fuel used. If we want to stay on NYE we have to pay, we do get food from the buffet, but our other halves have to pay the entrance fee for the night!!! Nice touch that! The pay is ok for NYE but with the GF having to pay entrance and the low pay from the gigs in the rest of the year it can leave a bad taste in the mouth! Just ONE free drink, or free soft drinks would go a long way to getting rid of that taste. Unfortunately if nothing else comes in we tend to default to this gig, yes it's a hobby of sorts but we're also not in it to be exploited. Spend thousands on gear, hours on rehearsal, transport, fuel and late nights......and the landlord can't even stretch to a few diet cokes???? Like I say, after a couple of years we wised up and cut the gigs down and try to use them to our advantage!!
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1439140048' post='2840346'] A bit tacky going after a dep job when the guy isn't well. I think that tells them a lot about the type of guy wanting to join... hopefully they'll knock it back If you were fully fit and they wanted to upgrade that is another story, but the only reason it is factor is because you can't play atm.. Yep..band sounds a decent prospect if lots of guys are chasing it [/quote] We've been together for six years! The only changes have been the drummer (usual Spinal Tap sh*t) so my position is more than secure. I wouldn't mind but all the singer did was punt around for a dep and mention online and at the gig that I was ill! Bloody vultures I tell you!
  12. I'm not well so my lot had to get a dep in pretty sharpish for last night! Cut forward and my singer is being inundated with bass players wanting my job!!!!! In the words of Arnie " I'll be back"!!
  13. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1438766248' post='2836964'] Shame, that in a thread titled "Cilla Black RIP" you felt the need to post the above! Disappointing! RIP Cilla [/quote] SSDD!
  14. [quote name='Chaos Daveo' timestamp='1438465518' post='2834762'] So debating wether to go for a wireless setup as I've never had one.I'm quite poor at present but heard good things about the g30 line 6 setup.first gig with the new band is friday...i have no idea if its worth it.Opinions good people [/quote] I have a g30 and its a great little unit for the price. Small receiver not much bigger than a packet of ciggys that sits on my amp, batteries (Duracell procells) usually last two gigs + (2x1 hour sets+). Only issue I find is that the transmitter battery cover doesn't sit well so I wrap a cable tie (hundreds bought in bulk for about a fiver) around it to secure it! Very rarely get dropouts, maybe one note lost per ten gigs or so! Plenty of channels so not much chance of interference. It does tend to knock out wifi in the immediate area, I was checking my kit at my gfs and her son came bowling out of his room thinking everyone was online and messing his gaming about! Switched to cable and all good! I'm a clumsy bugger so it's ideal, doesn't colour the sound and of course is a good pose if you get out in the crowd!! Here's me playing to my godson at a festival, my rig is to the far right of the trailer so good range!!!
  15. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1438096751' post='2831605'] I look at it this way.[list=1] [*]I'm not doing this for a living, just for enjoyment. So I can afford to be picky about where I play. [*]I do not want to play dives, toilets, drug-dens or sh*t-holes. [*]So I don't. [/list] [/quote] This!!!!
  16. Me me me me me!!!! Status 5 string S2 Classic (green LEDs) Status Series 1 5 string.....sort of post box red with mucho mojo!! TC BH500 into BC210 and 212!!
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