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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I put a deposit down on one in GAK at the weekend, end of February at the earliest, still I'm on the list now at least .
  2. If you are thinking about a Digitech BSW then GAK have them for £35 new, suckers are still paying more than that for second hand ones on ebay.
  3. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1387112524' post='2308253'] Get a used behringer BDI21 and a lomenzo hyperdrive. If you're lucky you can get them with a combined cost of around £70. You will have a lot of versatility and an incredible sound! [/quote] This exactly! I was going to say either one for your cost, preferably the hyperdrive, but both would be awesome.
  4. Cheapest solution, get a pair of rechargeable batteries. One for 'normal' use and the other to go on charge overnight before a gig.
  5. There's something special about a bass you've made yourself, for yourself. Even if it's only fitting a collection of pre bought parts together it will always be nicer than a complete second hand one you've bought because it will be exactly what you want from a bass rather than someone else's ideas.
  6. You certainly can. I put some whackers on my HB and and a clicky and it sounds good, really good. I've bypassed the original onboard pre amp and wired the pickup straight to the output jack and it's loads better, lots more bottom end thump, which coupled with a clicky works nicely. Swap the tone control for another volume pot and run the clicky through it and you have one volume for the clicky and one for the main pickup. As has been said it will sound very similar to your bass. My HB has slightly less definition than my acoustic bass (Gedo hybrid with Rockabillys) but that's probably just down to the whackers on it, which too be honest are too floppy for my liking but really sound good with the rigidness of a EUB, my theory is that the very low tension strings offset the rigidity of the EUB and make it sound more DB-esque than having high tension steel strings.
  7. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1379080454' post='2208474'] I had a Unibass for a while, it worked as described and tracked well etc. Just sounded a bit synthetic, better when I ran it through the PA and and outboard amp sim pedal, but still not great. [/quote] I used to use Unibass for this too, I didn't bother with the distortion setting on the pedal as I didn't like it but used a guitar amp to get my drive instead. Embarrassing rig confession time, I ran the dry bass through a bi-amped rig with the highs going through a 4x12 and the lows through a 2x15, and the octave up plus 5th above setting on the Unibass through a Line 6 head running a 4x12. Absolute overkill but for Sabbathesque power chords it was fantastic. My back now hurts me nearly as much as my ears .
  8. I used the Titebond liquid hide glue to glue the fingerboard back on my bass, really easy to use straight from the bottle and was only about a tenner for 2 16oz bottles on Amazon.
  9. All this nit picking is a bit petty really, so some folks get it wrong, I could care less! You f**king what? I could care less! I COULD CARE LESS!!!! Arrrghhh!!! I couldn't care less, think about it, WTF does 'I could care less' mean? The exact opposite of what you are trying to say you dumb sh*t! This one annoys me somewhat
  10. Suggest he learns 'These boots are made for walking' in readiness for the next rehearsal.
  11. I'm just surprised that you found a shop in Cornwall that stocked five basses worthy of trying
  12. Before I ditched individual pedals for my X3 Live I used to use two BDI21s, one always on for 'my sound' and the other to kick in more dirt, they're brilliant. Unfortunately one will only run on batteries now and the other has packed up completely, but they did get used a lot.
  13. I used to use the Akai Unibass, it does octave up with two outputs, one for dry and one for wet, or you can mix them out of one output, you can also add a fifth etc and distortion for faux power chords on the octave up, it tracked quite well but got a little confused up the dusty end. With the dry into my bass rig and the wet into a guitar amp it was awesome for massive Sabbath-esque riffs.
  14. Can I have a P please Bob. I never used to like them because, as stupid as it may seem now, when I started as a youngster all the cheap packages you used to get with bass, amp, strap and a set of pitch pipes, you know the deal, were always a P bass copy, usually black or red with a nasty white pickguard. I just associated P basses with cheapness. There were so many other types of bass around that I didn't go near a P for years, and then I got an urge, and now I love 'em ................ still no white plates though please .
  15. Sounds like a cool pickup. Does the choice of one, two or three coils make a lot of difference compared to placement (ie bridge or neck) or does it just get more aggresive, if you know what I mean?
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383510708' post='2265348'] Interesting tuner configuration. [/quote] Yeah, there's definitely some 'interesting' mods on it. I still can't believe someone would stick an oversized fretboard on a neck, that overhang must be horrible to play with. Although it does imply a guitarist did the mods so maybe not so strange after all
  17. I was just watching this on ebay as it's only just down the road from me, it was at £19 with less than a minute to go and I thought it might be a fun project. The price jumped up at the last minute and I didn't really want to spend that much (although it may well be worth it) so left it. But as I have little to no knowledge of these Aria 'law suit' basses I was wondering if any of you could enlighten me as to what it is, was or should be? The name suggests a Precision copy but it's a jazz, albeit with a strangely fitted P sized fretboard. Is it just that or do you think it's just the neck and neck plate which are original? If I could have got it for £50 I wouldn't have worried anyway but I'm just curious. I think it would've looked awesome with a maple fretboard fitted, a black pickguard and just cleaned up enough not to be a health hazard . Here it is [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aria-Pro-Bass-/281196519164?autorefresh=true&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=DUbpb%252Bvta2iK0Qcx5moLBDWqTxU%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aria-Pro-Bass-/281196519164?autorefresh=true&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=DUbpb%252Bvta2iK0Qcx5moLBDWqTxU%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc[/url] BTW, was it anyone on here that got it?
  18. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1383496684' post='2265038'] I buy CDs, immediately rip them to my PC then put the CD in a box in the attic. I figure that if I sell them or give them away then I no longer have any right to listen to them because that would be effectively the same as just copying them for free. Since my hard drive can easily store all my music and my attic can easily store all my CDs then there's little point wasting my time by sorting through my collection to throw out stuff I rarely listen to, so I don't. [/quote] I'm currently in the middle of ripping all my CDs to my hard drive and will be putting all the discs in the loft, I wouldn't want to sell in case my hard drive went pear shaped and I couldn't retrieve them all. It's great fun finding all those CDs I haven't seen for years
  19. I was trying to decide if that bridge looked warped as well. Not sure if it's the angle and light or it's warped forwards, hopefully an optical illusion.
  20. Personally I have no advice to offer but I'd like to say good luck with this, I'd love to be able to do similar .
  21. The floor! I'd like to get a good stand but they all look a bit unsafe to me so for now it's the floor or facing inwards in a corner. I'd like to hear which stands are rock solid though because the floor at pub gigs worries me as well.
  22. Could you not put a P neck on your jazz if money is very tight, or do you just not like the J? I bought an Aria STB series P for £40, put some 1/4 pounders and a set of Chromes on it and I think it's awesome, very light and well balanced and the Aria necks are superb. There's the Jazz version on ebay atm for £50ish, I'm sure they use the same P sized neck for both.
  23. I joke about this subject but in all honesty I could buy whatever I wanted and she'd be ok (ish), but sometimes it's hard to justify another bass when the money could be better used on the house. Right now we have a half finished kitchen and after that an extension needs to built, we don't have masses of money and to not buy all the new worktops this month because you saw a bass on here for sale can annoy the most patient spouse.
  24. Shh, can't reply at the mo, the wife's in the room .
  25. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382231037' post='2249607'] You would be surprised about how many things there are kicking around my house that I can plug my bass into, none of them happen to be a computer. Lol. [/quote] Well there's my solution then . . . . . . . . . . I'm coming to live with you!! Out of the bundle I bought, I will use the Steinberg MI2 interface into my computer and the Behringer (see if that gets past the swear filter) Ms40 monitors out of it. They both have enough ins and outs to make whatever I need doable, if there's any latency issues then my bass can go straight to monitors while the PC pipes in whatever I want to play along with, there's two volumes on the monitors so PC on one and bass on the other to balance the sound. I don't need the PC that came with it so I should easily be able to flog that for £50 (maybe more, it is tower, monitor, mouse and a decent keyboard) and I'm only out of pocket £30 for the interface, monitors and a carrier bag jam packed full of every type of lead I could possibly need. It'll all stay wired up so I can just plug a bass in, which live in a rack next to the PC, whenever I've got some spare time. My Line6 X3 can stay in the rehearsal room with the amp and it all leads to not carrying gear around and setting up all the time. Job jobbed .
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