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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I've never had any problems with the lids coming off, I have two tubs, one which I've had for years but couldn't find so I bought another, it then turned up at the bottom of a case that contains all my spare leads, strings, tools etc, still had the lid on . I use it before playing to 'slippy up' those strings but don't bother afterwards, can't say it brightens my strings at all so used that way would probably suit 'tedmanzie'. That's all I want, lube not brightness.
  2. I'll be watching this with interest. I haven't got my Bass VI yet, end of Feb , but I'm pretty certain I'll be wanting some flats or at least heavier rounds but the LaBella flats are pricey. Aren't the LaBella rounds a bit cheaper, £35ish, I'm sure a heavier gauge than the Fenders.
  3. Thanks for the info guys, especially that link ikay . I'm going to try some nylon tapewounds and I'll let you know how it goes. The strings on it are definitely dull anyway so it may well be very similar. My next question, as the Fender nylons were my first set of nylons apart from doublebass strings, is, are all nylon tapewounds roundwound strings with a nylon wrap? I assumed (never a good idea ) based on doublebass experience, that they would be like flats, only nylon wrapped but the Fender ones are definitely roundwounds with a nylon tape wrap, which obviously retains a degree of zing, they're like worn in rounds out of the packet but a lot smoother to play. I keep hearing very good things about the Rotosound Trubass 88's but wondered if they are wrapped rounds like the Fenders or wrapped flats. Anyone know? Also what gauge they are available in? I prefer a chunkier string.
  4. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1388263739' post='2320245'] Anyone know what's in this stuff? [/quote] The sweat from John Entwistles ballbag, Geezer Butlers moustache trimmings and Sid Vicious' spit, mixed up and sieved through the gap in Fleas front teeth, but I couldn't say what the ratios are, it's a closely guarded secret .
  5. Right enough is enough!! How do the Trubass 88s compared to Fender 58-110 nylon tapewounds? I've got the Fenders on a fretless and love the feel and was going to get another set for my main bass but the 88s seem to get a lot of love. I don't know if this is allowed but I asked a string question in 'Accessories and misc' but it's like going down the pub and trying to order a pint in the bog, so I'm going to link it here as it vaguely related to my question here, I hope no one minds [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/225608-will-strings-change-the-tone-with-under-saddle-pus/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/225608-will-strings-change-the-tone-with-under-saddle-pus/[/url] Anyway back on topic, why put clanky rounds on a fancy bass?
  6. I can't imagine finding an original lefty Fender Bass VI in a comparative price bracket to the Squier. Surely being tuned E to E in the bass range makes it a bass, I thought tuning it between bass and standard guitar made it a Baritone ie, A to A, B to B or C to C etc.
  7. As the title says really. I use a Variax primarily and really like the playability and variety of sounds, (I play in a covers band) the strings are quite possibly the original strings, I bought it s/h and haven't felt the need to change them, I like dead strings anyway, but I do love the feel of flats or nylon tapewounds. I have Chromes on a P bass and Fender nylon tapes on a fretless P and really like the feel of the tapes, I thought about putting a set on the Variax but wouldn't want lose the roundwound grind on the brighter sounding models. My gut instinct tells me with rounds on it the circuitry can dull that sound to emulate flats but may not be able to emulate rounds with flats on it. But who knows? Then I started thinking would new strings even change the tone of it as it uses under saddle P/U's? What most gives a string it's characteristic sound, the vibration at the bridge or the way it oscillates in the P/Us magnetic field? I will probably get a set a nylon tapes for it anyway and if they do affect the sound too much then I'll just put them on my acoustic but it just got me wondering. Any theories anyone?
  8. It's not bass related but along the lines of silly bids I did once get eleven double glazed windows (none broken all good nick) for 99p. It was a bit embarrassing when I collected them so I let him keep the penny change
  9. Just been browsing ebay and came across this little lot. Yes it's all cheapy stuff but even so, a P bass, a strat, an amp and bags and stands for £50. Might be of use to someone. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electric-guitar-and-bass-amp-stands-and-bags-/151195122494?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2333ee7b3e"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electric-guitar-and-bass-amp-stands-and-bags-/151195122494?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2333ee7b3e[/url]
  10. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1387874416' post='2316597'] never even seen a Farida but my vote goes to a Aria STB...if they are all like mine for under 120 sheets? [/quote] +1 on the Aria STB series, I picked up the P version for £40, put a SPB-3 pick up in it and a set of Chromes and it is absolutely awesome. The original PU was good but I fancied the Duncan one. If I'd have just kept the neck and binned the rest it would still be a bargain, lovely neck.
  11. They do look good . Is that black Yam the four string version of my BBG5S, awesome bass if it is, I need to sell mine as I don't use 5's anymore, I haven't played it in 3 or 4 years
  12. [quote name='Jonesy64' timestamp='1388158724' post='2318992'] I bought a set of dots for my little lads acoustic after reading this topic. I ordered through EBay on 19th and the package arrived today. I think that is excellent service from him. [/quote] Can't grumble at that. I've just ordered two sets of Jazz blocks, hopefully won't be too long then, sometimes orders from Japan take forever.
  13. I use it as more of a lubricant before playing rather than as a cleaner afterwards, particularly when I first put Chromes on as they felt 'tacky'.
  14. The cheapest I've seen are Puretones, I don't know who makes them, it just says made in China on the packet. Nickel rounds, 45-105, a local shop sells them for £4.49, always got a couple of sets as spares. They are surprisingly alright as well, I prefer dead strings and these did take an annoyingly long time to lose their bright new sound.
  15. In Yamaha Bex 4 Squier VM Bass vi Digitech BSW Gedo hybrid double bass The parts to make a UBass Out My outbox is empty
  16. I know it shouldn't matter but it is nice to look and feel the part, so as the OP is looking to play Beatles songs then surely a Hofner violin or look-a-likey would be best. Lightweight, that classic sound and (yes PM played other basses but this is the one most identified with him) that classic look.
  17. My Hohner fretless P has chrome tuners but black ferules ............ i know .......... crazy!! The problem I have is that I don't feel I'm good enough to play a 'look at me' bass.
  18. I'll be ordering a set of these for a Variax refinish. Thank you. I've never liked the look of my Variax but it plays and sounds so good, and so versatile that it defo a keeper, so it's time to refinish it to something perdy
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1387629378' post='2313955'] Which Van-Damme ethernet cable do you have as they make lots of different ones? I've just had VDC make me up two 10 metre leads with normal shrouded RJ45 connectors and Tourcat STP Flexible cable. It gets it's first proper gig outing tonight, so I'll report back on how robust it is but the cable itself on first inspection and home use set up seems to meet all my requirements with none of the issues with the covering rotating so far. [/quote] In all honesty I'm not sure without looking, and it's in our rehearsal room. Tourcat does seems to ring a bell, it was one from an ebay seller about a year ago and there only appeared to be one seller doing about three different lengths. The cable works fine but it is thinner than an average guitar cable and you can sort of see the inner wires twisting slightly through the outer sheath, it's probably nothing to worry about but I do worry because the inner wires are so thin. I am careful with my gear but as we all know there only so much care you can put in under gigging conditions, doing the old 'flicking the cable behind you' dance for half the evening seems to be what's twisting it.
  20. I don't mean to hijack this thread but it seems you've researched the ethernet cable a bit. I'm currently using a Variax bass through a Bass Pod X3 Live, both have the EtherCON connectors and I use a VanDamme cable but I don't like the cable itself, the outer covering rotates on the inner ethernet cable and it doesn't seem very strong. My question is, does anyone else make a heavier duty cable with EtherCON connectors I could use? It doesn't have to be massively long, a 10' would be plenty. Or does anyone know of a company that would make one up?
  21. My favourite for feel at the moment are a set of Fender .058-.110 nylon tapewounds I put on my fretless P. Soundwise they are somewhere between flats and rounds and although they have texture like a roundwound they feel very smooth to play. Not smooth as in flat but your fingers just glide over them, very nice.
  22. [quote name='still-young' timestamp='1387368968' post='2311112'] Where abouts did you order it from? That's a tempting idea. [/quote] I ordered mine when I was in GAK in Brighton at the weekend, I found them really helpful, just give them a ring and they'll sort you out. The deposit isn't refundable but is transferable until the bass comes in, so if you do change your mind or find a second hand one then you could just use your deposit for a strap or a couple of cables or something. The white and sunburst ones will be end of Feb at the earliest but I'm sure he said the black ones could be available earlier as they're not as popular.
  23. Doesn't Stefan from Placebo use his bass vi for lead lines and play the bass lines with foot pedals? I ordered my bass vi at the weekend and have no money anyway, just paid a £23 deposit and will sort the £250 balance when it comes in, it won't be until the end of Feb at the earliest, now I must sell some others
  24. The stool turned up at work today at 10:00am, less than 24hrs after the little mishap being sorted by GAK. My arse is now firmly parked on it as I type.
  25. Nothing too major to say but you only seem to hear about bad service these days so I thought I'd let you all know of my good service. The wife and I went up to Brighton for a long weekend this weekend for a well earned break away from the kids and a spot of Christmas shopping. I had rung GAK and put a deposit on a Digitech Bass Synth Wah as they are doing them for £35, rather than post it I could pick it up. We went in on Saturday and picked up the pedal, had a little play with it to make sure all was well and they let me use whatever bass and amp I wanted to test it. I also put a deposit down on a Squier Bass VI while I was there. As we were leaving my wife mentioned how nice the stools were that were dotted around and, if they sold them, would I like one for Christmas? We enquired and ended up ordering one of our choice, I won't go into detail but nothing seemed too much trouble. The stool should be in store with the morning delivery on Monday, perfect as we were leaving for home around lunchtime on Monday, we'll pick it up and be on our merry way. Turned up to collect the stool and the wrong one had been sent, no big deal as they would send the correct one and it will be with me the next day, no postage charge. They also gave me a 20' Venom cable free as an apology for ordering the wrong stool. I left a very happy chap! I'm not associated with GAK in any way but thought I'd share that there are still some good places out there, thanks GAK .
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