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Black Coffee

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Everything posted by Black Coffee

  1. I find these basses gorgeous to look at but i cant get on with them. I owned a 4003FL, a 4004 laredo and a 4003 mapleglo. The FL had a dodgy pickup, the laredo had a truss rod issue and by the time i got the other 4003 mapleglo I was scunnered. Would love to nibble the RIC again but dont have £2,000 to drop on one when half of that would buy me a quality bass of another make.
  2. My curiousity is up now. Need to find a time this week to go back and play this. Thanks for the input. Will report back my findings. 👍🏻
  3. Not a joke - even though it sounds unreal ive seen it in the flesh and its sound Not a mark on it. Im a passive pup player and just not sure if i will hate the sound or not. Maybe need to go and invest time in playing on it for a bit.
  4. Thanks guys. Is £200 for a brand new one a steal or what ?
  5. Anyone any info on these ? Theres a cheap one of these going for sale locally and it nearly seems too good to be true sound ? Finish ? value ? cheers
  6. That is a beautiful looking bass. Owned a CIJ at one stage (awesome) and would love this but a bridge too far at the minute. GLWTS
  7. I owned one of these some years ago. Ultimate swiss army knife of basses. With ballsy sound you will love. GLWTS
  8. Played one of these today in a branch of dawsons music. Lovely bass. Solid build quality and sounds as a P should. GLWTS
  9. These are the mutts nutts. Simply awesome basses. Loved mine, but dont play four stringers so had to let it go. GLWTS
  10. These are simply awesome basses. Better sound than the full-fat stingray imho cant believe this hasnt been snapped up GLWTS
  11. That is gorgeous. Health to enjoy .....
  12. Dingwall z3 Fender steve harris - sparkly blue sig - in new condition My ACG J bass that i had built and had to sell due to having a large unexpected bill land in on me
  13. I would sincerely enjoy the playing of this but due to being a bass pauper I will content myself with looking at the pictures. Lovely instrumemt, can't figure what would make you want to part with it. GLWTS
  14. Couple of nibbles on this but no bite. No love for the boss ?
  15. That's a beautiful instrument. Lovely colour The sklar sig is a bucket list bass for me, but I'm kinda coming up about £2,000 short. GLWTS
  16. Boss ME50b bass effects Does what it says on the tin. Hardly used, and comes with power supply. (You would think id have learnt by now that i dont need to use effects as i buy and sell them that often) Includes post to UK only.
  17. ACG are quality basses. Love be the look of this, but I don't need another one at the minute. GLWTS
  18. That is a lovely specimen. Always wanted one of these, but the bank balance aint healthy enough at the minute to do more than covet it. GLWTS
  19. Thats mighty nice. Love the colour. Id like my old J acg to come up for sale again. Id be tempted to buy it back but seeing this one makes me hover over the buy button. GLWTS
  20. Oh man that is just about perfect. Couldnt even contemplate ever affording that though. 🙄
  21. These are fantastic basses. My usa SUB5 sounded better than all of the stingrays i ever owned. Bargain here. Have a bump and GLWTS
  22. The all black thing really works here. Love the neck binding on these. Gorgeous sample, wish I hadn't sold my sunburst CIJ
  23. Mmm that's a lovely Warwick. Really nice fretboard. Im about £2,500 short though.
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