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Everything posted by BB2000

  1. Depends on whether you want a Jazz or Precision type bass. The BB1500 has a much better build quality than the new BB series. Personally I wouldn't bother about any dings as long as the neck and frets are in good condition (the BB1500 has been out of production for several years so you're unlikely to find one without a ding or two). I wouldn't bother about the lack of the active electronics either - I have a BB1500A and run it passive. FYI the original Yamaha PUPs are humbucking - I have compared them to Fender noiseless PUPs and they are very similar.
  2. [quote name='funkysimon' post='142951' date='Feb 19 2008, 11:16 AM']Nope, there's nothing but air in there. I guess you could wedge a bit of foam in if you wanted?[/quote] If you're interested in selling the tort guard seperate from the bass let me know! In fact I'm close to buying the bass - why was the string tree moved - is there a dead spot problem?
  3. Shuttle 6.0 arrived today, I'll have a good play with it at the weekend (hopefully) and post some more details, but first impressions are: 1/ Can't tell the difference between the shuttle and the neopak using the DI (preamp and eq seems to be exactly the same) 2/ Build quality doesn't seen to be up to the same standard as the neopak or the GBE750 3/ Volume wise I can't tell the difference between the GBE750 and the shuttle (into the same cabs)
  4. Hello Henning, The Yamaha preamp has been removed, and the bass rewired for VVT. These are not the original PUPs. [quote name='spannung' post='142742' date='Feb 18 2008, 08:58 PM']PICTURES! Here are 2 pictures of the pickups and the wiring. Hope theyre helpful! The red and black wires coming from the battery compartment do not lead anywhere but to a white connectionsocket. The bass works without the battery. Kind regards Henning Trollhattan Sweden[/quote]
  5. Bargain. The custom pickguard alone probably cost £45.
  6. Bet it sounds nice but damn it's fugly.
  7. [quote name='dub_junkie' post='137527' date='Feb 10 2008, 11:49 AM']for anyone interested,the Japanese made tribute models are halfway down the page [url="http://www.kurosawagakki.com/gl/glbass.html"]http://www.kurosawagakki.com/gl/glbass.html[/url][/quote] I guess they're still making them, then. Quite a price premium over the other tributes - seem to be more than twice the cost.
  8. I've a shuttle 6.0 in transit - I'll do a comparison with the Genz GBE750 and Neopak amps when I've had a good play with it.
  9. Just spotted this thread. Nobody has mentioned the Japanese tributes - are these still in production? They were made without the tribute legend on the bridge (before this change was made to all the tributes) and were available with painted headstocks. They've never been mentioned on the G&L site and seem to be pretty rare outside Japan.
  10. BB2000


    Nice collection. I never noticed before that the ASAT's have a thinner headstock - I guess this is an attempt to reduce neck dive?
  11. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='136935' date='Feb 9 2008, 12:13 AM']cheers, would you wait for a vintage p then?[/quote] If you want something that's appreciating in value quickly a Fullerton reissue is a good bet.
  12. [quote name='mcgraham' post='136086' date='Feb 7 2008, 09:38 PM']Ooo, that is such a quality bit of gear, at a phenomenal price too! I'm extremely tempted to snap this up but reason has prevailed, I have a series III Clarus, I don't need more than one channel and I certainly don't need that much power! May I ask why you're moving it on? I know you've said you're looking for something for recording and smaller gigs, is this just too much amp for all that? Mark[/quote] Mark, Glad you're happy with the Clarus. You may not be aware of it but if you're handy with a soldering iron and a drill you could upgrade this to the two channel version. They use the same circuit board for both amps but only load one channel on this version.
  13. A 66 reissue? Are you sure? Looks like the 75 to me. Only 66 reissue that I'm aware of is the Noel Redding jazz. Bullet truss rods weren't used until '71, and although Fender Japan don't get all the details correct I don't think they'd produce something like this as a 66.
  14. [quote name='Musky' post='130262' date='Jan 29 2008, 07:54 PM']As far as I'm aware supply voltage hasn't actually been changed in this country. The EU specified a range of voltages which encompassed those already in use across Europe. There's always some variation in supply voltage, and in practice the change in nominal supply voltage just meant UK suppliers had to keep more of an eye on the upper limit.[/quote] Yes, that's exactly what happened. We're still 240V.
  15. I've been keeping an eye on this. Have you any means at all of packaging for courier delivery? A large diameter plastic pipe or similar?
  16. Pretty slim I'd say. I sold a 4 string Scheff on here last year, because I'd found a 5'er, and it took me ages to find one. Funny thing is the 5'er came with a buggered neck, so at the end of the day I was Scheffless... [quote name='dmz' post='122387' date='Jan 17 2008, 07:08 PM']All you Lakland lovers out there....... What would be the chances of finding a 5-string Jerry Scheff these days. Armstrong stopped making the 5-string pick-ups - forcing Dan to stop making them - is that right ? I really am kicking myself for not getting one a couple of years ago. If anyone has one they may be letting go of in the near future please get in touch ! Bill[/quote]
  17. It's pretty bad form to make a profit on gear you buy here ...
  18. BB2000

    Lakky BG's

    I guess he was having an off day... In the grand plan it's no big deal, it's just that I was so looking forward to getting it. Hope the one for my 50's classic goes better. Tort on honey blonde - Hmmm!
  19. BB2000

    Lakky BG's

    Pretty disappointed with Jeannies ... Got the new red tort yesterday for my BG. Had a look at it and was surprised how poorly finished the edges were, where bits has broken off. For an $85 guard I thought the quality would have been better. Oh well, not worth the effort returning. Tried to fit it today only to find out that it's quite a bit different to the stock guard. The holes pretty much line up (bar one which is a bit off) - or at least they will if I file a bit of guard of next to the neck, but the PUP cut out is about 2-3mm off from the original. So, I can either move the PUP (but I do prefer it to be under the strings!) or end up with a large gap if I file out the hole. I was going to buy a few more guards if this one was OK but I think I'll try pickguardian instead. Or maybe try making one myself.
  20. I'm amazed that this is still here.
  21. Sold off-line - thanks to everyone who expressed an interest.
  22. M-Pulse 600, about 3 years old, scratches on top and side (from rack), everything works. Looking for £500. Having trouble with isp/bt/phoneline atm (am lucky if I can connect for 5 min - with speeds of about 3kb!) so will upload pics when I can, but no marks front or rear. In fact I'll throw in rack as well (plywood Aluminium thing from Thomman).
  23. You can pretty much ignore the fundamental for a bass, for example if you play an open E it'll generate much more O/P at it's 2nd harmonic (82) than 41Hz. In a band situation you want to have plenty of mid freq content, say 100-150 to a few hundred. Of course if you're into fingerboard gymnastics or bass soloing (or other bedroom stuff that nobody else wants to hear) then you might need a bit of high end to your sound.
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