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Everything posted by BB2000

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='102270' date='Dec 10 2007, 05:48 PM']'Hi everyone, thanks for taking a look at one of my auctions, and rest assured you can have confidence in buying from an established seller with a good reputation.' ...who also makes up crap on the spot. Now.. is the seller being misleading, or genuinely misguided? I dunno. Is the bass worth £280 in today's market, given full, accurate info? Nope.[/quote] It's ebay WoT. Caveat Emptor. The buyer had the opportunity to check the serial number. An earlier poster says it's an 88/89 (I haven't bothered to check) so it might be 19 years 11 1/2 months old instead of over 20 years - big deal. I suspect that it's the fact that it's a korean rather than a Japanese model that's getting under the OP's skin. If he wants a bass to play he may as well buy it. If he wants a bass that's also probably going to increase in value fairly quickly then he should probably have a discussion with the seller. It's not something that I would have advised someone to buy.
  2. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='102252' date='Dec 10 2007, 05:24 PM']Obviously not in this case, he has his doubts, hence the thread This isn't about economic theory, it's about whether the Item was mis-described. The bass very probably isn't over 20 years old, and really isn't 'very rare' either. So I'd say it's not worth what the buyer was prepared to pay for it.[/quote] Well, as ebay auction descriptions go (especially for older Fenders) the swingometer points more towards the accurate end of the scale for this one. IMO the OP should pay up, or at the very least ask if he can pull out - so that the seller can reclaim the listing fee.
  3. [quote name='paul, the' post='101987' date='Dec 10 2007, 03:17 AM']I've seen a few similar threads now where people aren't completely certain of what they're buying and what it's worth and often in relation to Fe*der. I think it would be great if we had a progressive stickied thread that has some values, links to serial dating sites and things to look out for scams wise etc. The thread would be a focused place to put presumed scams in too. I would love to do this myself. However, I think someone with vast Fender knowledge, a cynical eye and an excellent grasp of ebay would do a much better job [/quote] There are plenty of Fender guitar sites on the web. Each instrument is worth exactly what a buyer is prepared to pay for it. This Fender appears to be worth £280 to the original poster. If he now thinks he's paid to much - perhaps he should have thought a bit more before hitting the BIN. FWIW it will probably play and sound as well as any other Fender jazz (IMO).
  4. Well it looks like the bottom of the range basswood bodied instrument going by the tuners. Doesn't look like a bargain to me.
  5. [quote name='bassjamm' post='99913' date='Dec 5 2007, 11:27 PM']Certainly have Chris!!! Does anyone know if a jazz bass neck will fit in a P Bass neck pocket? And in turn, if the J Bass string spacing on the P bass would be ok...with pickups etc?[/quote] I'll throw in a leftball - how about a G&L SB-2 (with tone control added)?
  6. Tuners arrived Chris - very pleased with them, they could pass as new.
  7. If I can just butt in - just in case any potential buyer reading Derek's advert thinks that the amp can't do 'old skool' rest assured it can. I've never been that much of a fan of starved plate valve pre-amps but this design is better than most, although if your PUP's are weak it can be difficult to drive the valve into heavy distortion. I've tried pretty much all the smaller heads over the years and this has been the only one I've kept. I think it's the best lightweight head for electric bass - bar none - on the market (for acoustic I'd give the nod to AI - but only because of the AI's variable high pass filter). The power specification is also accurate (I've measured it) unlike some vendors (EA comes to mind ...). Of course, all IMO.
  8. [quote name='goobernuts' post='98129' date='Dec 3 2007, 02:06 PM']If there's anyone interested in buying it or anyone who knows enough about them to give a guide price I'd be very happy.[/quote] They'll go from between £150 to about £600. If there's no marks on the bass or case, and tarnishing is minimal, look for over £500. The BB5000 basses are quite sought after, so I'd advise you to advertise it out-with this website.
  9. [quote name='KING_string' post='97337' date='Dec 1 2007, 06:28 PM']Just to let you know I have a 1984 BB2000 Fretless bass, if anyone is interested, I may be inclined to sell this one.[/quote] I might be interested in this - can you PM details?
  10. Post a message on the pit to see if anyone near you has a set - there's bound to be some people using them in London. I wouldn't risk having a high end instrument or your favourite jazz routed for them until you've tried them out.
  11. If it's tight a bit of vaseline on the knob can certainly help Seriously though - don't force them, it sounds as if they could be the wrong ones.
  12. I use a little bit of the small cell bubblewrap rolled into a tube, and just shove it in front of the bridge. Sponges, socks etc. all work, but the bubblewrap is pretty consistent - so I'd suggest you 'roll' your own.
  13. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='96243' date='Nov 29 2007, 05:18 PM']I'm seriously considering buying a dual set of Dark Stars for my bass, because I wouldn't mind a deeper, darker sound from my Jazz. Any opinions on that?[/quote] If you're serious, I'd ask for advice on the dudepit. Only thing I know about them is that they aren't cheap ..
  14. [quote name='Beedster' post='96224' date='Nov 29 2007, 04:51 PM']Well if it's 'all IMHO', your first word was perhaps a little harsh.[/quote] Come on, no offence was meant to you personally, Chris, so don't pull a sour face. It is bollocks. It's similar to that oft cited 'fact' that only heavy basses give decent bass - or that `vintage' fenders are better than new ones. I've long ago learned that most of the 'folklore' concerning basses is just that. If the OP doesn't want to splash out on a second bass rewiring his PUPs is the most affective mod he can do. All IMHO.
  15. [quote name='Beedster' post='95465' date='Nov 28 2007, 08:18 AM']overtones. Also, PBass tone isn't just the PUPs, it's also about the big fat neck; put a Geddy Lee Jazz neck on an otherwise thumpy PBass and it will be significantly less thumpy.[/quote] Bollocks. I've put many a jazz neck on a P and you can never tell if it's going to increase or decrease the thump (or indeed make any difference at all). However, you can say with a pretty high level of confidence that if he wires his PUP's in series he's going to increase the mid range output and reduce the top end, which is going to get him closer to a P sound than the normal parallel configuration will. All IMHO.
  16. [quote name='markdavid' post='94479' date='Nov 26 2007, 12:19 PM']Thanks for the tip , any particular brand of superglue you would recommend using ?[/quote] Shouldn't matter, just get the low viscosity stuff.
  17. And it's back to the cupboard ...
  18. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='94420' date='Nov 26 2007, 10:05 AM']If you do sell it with the lollypop tuners I may be interested in the original tuners - do they have the same size backplate as the hipshots?[/quote] Yes, they're the same.
  19. [quote name='markdavid' post='94354' date='Nov 26 2007, 12:16 AM']On my main bass the nut is a little worn (grooves are a little wide for the strings) ,although its not causing a problem at the moment I can see that it may cause problems if I wanted to go with a lighter string gauge or different string type. As it approaching christmas i can't really afford to fork out £40 to have a pro fix it. What I was wondering is if there is anything i can use to fill the slots and then file them out to the correct thickness? Any ideas?[/quote] Clean up the slot, fill with baking soda and add super glue (the low viscosity kind). This is what a pro would do. (Some people advise adding ground plastic or bone to super glue and using that - whatever you do don't try that.)
  20. [quote name='Rumble' post='94036' date='Nov 25 2007, 08:54 AM']Which PUP's does this have? Are they the vintage US ones?[/quote] Yes, alder body, US vintage PUP's.
  21. BB2000

    Lakky BG's

    I remember that some of the DPLE's were on the heavy side (12lb +) so I'm glad to heat that's atypical. If it's as light as the seller says, and it sounds as good as my 50s classic I'll be delighted. Don't know if I'll ever get used to that bridge though ...
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