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Born 2B Mild

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Everything posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. I've sourced a fretted Godin A5 which is on its way to me. I want to play an acoustic bass in my blues/americana band and chose the Godin as I don't want it looking folkie if you know what I mean. Plus I want a slim bass to be ergonomically similar to a solid body bass. It has black sides and back and headstock but has the traditional spruce front. If I get on with it and becomes a 'keeper', it would be great to have the body front painted black, or black with some cool art on it. Is this a practical wish or should I forget it?
  2. Sorry, I'm not now bringing a Barefaced Compact. I'm bringing TWO Barefaced Compacts One's now mine (ALL Mine, I tell you, my Precioussssss) and t'other is the one on tour. Dunno who takes the tour one home on Sunday though? Is there a suggestion that makes it fair 'n all that?
  3. Tom traded a Barefaced Compact for my GS112s. He came to my house and we had a nice chat and some trying out of gear. If I had a daughter, she could marry him with my blessing
  4. seems like a perfect excuse to get a status streamline to me :
  5. Our 16 year-old finds he uses his Vox VT30 most of the time, so he wants to sell his VT100 which he bought when he thought was going to do live gigs (which don't appear to be on the horizon). Will get a picture up shortly, but I think it's in very good order and you might consider it as decent Christmas present for you or your young'uns. He hasn't said a price but you're welcome to start the ball rolling with an offer.
  6. [quote name='alexharvay' post='660127' date='Nov 20 2009, 01:40 PM']Hope you don't mind me sticking this in your thread. My sister is in Canada at the moment and there's a bass in her house that keeps cropping up in pictures but I don't know what it is and it's starting to bug me. This is the best picture I have of it: I've done a bit of digging and it looks a bit like the sort of thing that was being produced in the USSR / Eastern Europe in the 70's. Does anyone know what this is?[/quote] Did it need inflating?
  7. I might've bought it if it wasn't headless :snob:
  8. [quote name='MythSte' post='658227' date='Nov 18 2009, 03:48 PM']Oh an also, there will be a Vintage on the Basschat stand at bassday this coming sunday, a bit of a homage to alex's success through the site (not only the site like, but its helped!)[/quote] Great. I probably don't need selling on its sonic performance but hopefully you'll let me see how it feels to lift, Steve.
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  10. I can pick up from Bradford on my way to Bass Day, then take the Compact up to the Bash.
  11. I'm hoping there'll be some Barefaced specimens at this here Blaydon Basses Bash. If anyone particularly wants me to bring owt from the list below, do say. Otherwise it'll be just me and my ear defenders.
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='654428' date='Nov 14 2009, 01:01 PM']Any idea what you are likely to be replacing them with? [/quote] Definitely 15" and most likely Barefaced ...if only I could work out which!
  13. They're great, but I just fancy something different to try. The carpet covering is it a bit bobbled, but eveything works ...too bloody well sometimes - last night I turned the tweeters right down because of the pub's dodgy wiring noise was being audibly broadcast. The two together combine nicely and can reproduce the bottom end really well. They're 8 ohms each and have been in the Basschat community for a while, as I got them NiceGuyHomer who I think got them from Flanker. Although I won't post them, there's scope for handovers as I am driving to the Manchester Bass Day and the following week to 'see the Blaydon Basses' bash in Newcastle. Edited to add photo
  14. I don't know the actual weight, but my Ibanez SR505 is my lightest fiver. Using it for tonight's gig above my other (bigger budget) basses for no other reason than I really like it! Should be relatively easy to find one to try out too. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110455194969&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]This one's like mine[/url]
  15. One more string and I'd have biten yer hand off matey
  16. A nice 5-string electro acoustic with a fast neck. Then after Christmas, I'd like as any smokers as possible to make a New Year's resolution to give the habit up.
  17. Is there a way of excluding[b] For Sale[/b] topics from the View New Posts window? PLEASE
  18. Addicts don't need disposable wedge ...and that's where the problems start
  19. On Saturday, it will have been four weeks which has been the longest stretch since mid summer. My band no longer even roll their eyes when I introduce "this week's bass". ...but I have posted a [i]Wanted [/i] on BC yesterday (for a 5-string electro-acoustic)
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  21. Just imagine, if Alex could build a Compact or Midget that had a slot to slide a Shuttle 3.0 in to! Lighter than a Mr Kipling sponge!
  22. Maybe in a parrallel universe, on [i]drumchat.co.uk[/i], there's a thread that goes "Where is drumming?"
  23. Good thread. Basschat is better for when debates get going on meaningful stuff.
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  25. Hardly went kicking and screaming, but I went to a work-related party with colleagues three years ago, and I don’t usually like going to these things but feel I have to go to some of them. It was full of Z-list celebs as it was put on by OK Magazine. I had to get someone to ID most for me (reality TV and soaps aren’t my thing). The host of the party was the boss of Express newspapers, Richard Desmond, and he plays drums (quite well as it turns out) and so as it was his party he had a band on stage which he played with. He calls the band [i]RD Crusaders[/i] and they raise money for children’s charities (£14 million so far, apparently). The bass player introduced a song that he wrote called “Lucky Man”. Yes, it was Greg Lake. A guitarist I recognised ...Russ Ballard, but I found out through the introductions that it was Pete Townsend’s brother on another guitar, Zoot Money on keys and a chap from the Storys on BV. Then there were a few guest singers including Lulu and Rodger Daltry who did [i]Won’t Get Fooled Again[/i]. Well, at least the food and drink were free
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