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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. I own one and having owned scores of jazz basses from Fender and the other usual suspects it is admitedly probably my favourite 'Feelwise' ... however, it is rough in places. The pickup rout on the bridge pickup is sloppy and oversized (about 4mm too wide on the underside), the neck pocket vould be a tad tighter and the plugged in sound is definitely on the dark side (which I never anticipated from a bass endorsed by Flea!) Overall, a flawed, but very good copy (in spirit) of a 60s jazz.
  2. I found the newtone strings to be far too high tension for me. Sounded good though
  3. Agree with all that has been said ... stunning bass. A classsic era Eagle is one of my 'things to do before I die' - but brexit means brexit (and nobody knows what that means other than it's going to be bad!)
  4. I recall that my Rickenbacker basses had soft frets (low grade?) Roto's ate the frets on my 4001's up ... yet my jazz bass (strung the same) was largely unaffected. Not sure if the modern Ricks are likewise.
  5. Beautiful! That bass has the ACG flagship filter pre fitted (the 01) ... best descibed as 'Wal on steroids'.
  6. I love following the occaisional YouTube fly on the wall posts about Doug by Carl Moreton... hilarious and insightful! Great Luthier.
  7. I am lucky enough to own both a 5 string Shuker longhorn and an ACG Recurve. The Shuker is a truly superb instrument; the fit, finish and overall craftsmanship are truly excellent in every way ... but in my opinion the ACG is better. Don't be too quick to dismiss the ACG without at least getting hands on one. The woodworking/finish/filter pre is staggering with Alan's instruments (and he under charges imho).
  8. I have just bought an ACG Recurve from Ben - his communications, postage and packaging were of the highest calibre. An absolute gentleman and thoroughly recommended. Fantastic seller, wholly trustworthy, honest and reliable. BIG thumbs up!!!!
  9. I think the answer - along with pickup spacing - is "yes."
  10. Amazing basses... abnd they do come up for sale once every thousand years or so!
  11. Jeff's pickups are custom wound by bartolini. To my ears he has a very distinct 'mid' tone. Of course, passive basses with just a dash of chorus have also always been Jeff's thing.
  12. Thanks for your reply. Love filter eq's ... might have to move some stuff on in an attempt to fund raise!
  13. Does this have a filter pre? Lovely bass!
  14. You mean your six-pack doesn't hold them up? Dear oh dear 😃
  15. A mainly male online community often equals testosterone fuelled keyboard rattling 🤣
  16. Don't wear a belt. I've never wore one and not put a single scratch on the back of any bass in 36 yrs of playing.
  17. The fact that someone considers this impossible makes me feel good because, despite being really good, I don't hear/see anything particularly out there!
  18. I consider him as one of the all time great prog bassists. His bass work on 'Selling England by the pound', and many others, ('Eleventh Earl of Mar' anyone?) Is par excellence.
  19. Interesting ... but that aside, LOVE two band Stingrays. Sweet bass!
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