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Everything posted by SICbass

  1. Be up front. Always be up front. Otherwise, this will come back and bite you on the bum.
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1450988294' post='2937722'] I always raise an eye brow to the guy whose wife never shows up to even 1 gig. Blue [/quote] My wife comes to almost none of my gigs. She's seen most acts once and then that's enough. It's not that she's critical of them, it's just that there are very few bands she'd watch twice. Just for the record, I believe I may have the coolest wife in the known universe. (And no, she doesn't read my posts ).
  3. [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1450871432' post='2936558'] I guess the other option for those of us who are short on space would be to sell some basses [/quote] How dare you? Young man, go and see Matron immediately and have her wash your mouth out with soap!
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1450794898' post='2935940'] I play with a pianist who was originally a bassist - so thought is given to how his left hand and myself work together. Sometimes unison lines, sometimes harmonised, sometimes no left hand bass on the piano at all. [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450795559' post='2935945'] No left hand bass on the piano at all is the one way I could work with keys. Your player is as rare beast. [/quote] Quite clearly a case of pianist envy there, I think.
  5. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1450879718' post='2936641'] Happy Christmas BC'ers, I've learned so much ab out gear and playing on this site, so much gear I'd never heard of that I.... [/quote] ....now have terminal GAS for. Yeah, thanks for that. A very Maruszczyk Christmas to you all . Seriously though, thanks for some cracking threads, laughs, insights, ideas and the openness and helpfulness which is always forthcoming. Merry Christmas to you all.
  6. Hey there jml, you'd have a better chance of selling this here http://basschat.co.uk/forum/21-other-musically-related-items-for-sale/ "Other Musically related items". All the best, Paul
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1450831719' post='2936357'] we wouldn't want that to continue any longer than necessary, would we..? [/quote] Oh Lord, noooooooooooo!
  8. By the look of things, you may have a bit of an Attitude problem Nice solution, well done.
  9. Based on the look of it, I'd say someone's already tried that a few times.
  10. [quote name='CyberBass' timestamp='1450610634' post='2934227'] Merry Christmas everyone 😀 [/quote] Merry Christmas to you too mate. Lovely binding 😉
  11. Based on the previous posts, plus owning a Kala Ubass fretless, I recommend getting a Kala fretless like the one you're currently borrowing. As I'm sure you've discovered yourself, the Kalas are surprisingly easy to play and stay in tune with. The extra control you have over the tuning gives you the flexibility to "iron out" any intonation problems that may crop up. With a fretted instrument, you're stuck with what you get tuning-wise.
  12. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1450528198' post='2933634'] There is a rumour (which I'm pretty sure I got from basschat) that Marcus Miller's Sire affiliate may be starting production on a pbass in the near future but I've no idea on the timescales on that. [/quote] Ooh, wouldn't that be nice 🙂 Preferably with a fretless option 😁
  13. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1448820285' post='2918387'] I was just about to pull the trigger when it sold, took me ten minutes to convince the wife it was a bargain!, http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=181943122655&globalID=EBAY-GB [/quote] Looks like it's a bunch if flowers for her indoors then 😄
  14. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1450205396' post='2930556'] there are only two types of music... [/quote] County AND Western [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1450208970' post='2930602'] Another alternative -- take songs from an entirely different genre and make punk/indie/alt versions of them. Yootoob is full of great examples of genre mashings, they can work brilliantly well and are a load of fun. It's a good way of getting punter-pleasing songs that everyone knows into your set whilst still fitting in with the rest of your stuff. [/quote] +1 This can be bags of fun. We did it with our gradually fading Disco band.
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