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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Everything posted by Jean-Luc Pickguard

  1. I have the magazine - Willie's playing on the Donny Hathaway live album is great. I love the solo on everything is everything. I'll should be able to get a pdf of the transcription over the weekend. PM me your email address & I'll send it on to you.
  2. [quote name='bigd1' post='49675' date='Aug 23 2007, 05:07 PM']It seems that all that is on this forum of late is "what is best" kind of topics. Good god enough man !. We used to have really good topics not just pointless crap like this. BIGd grumpy old git coz it's tttttttttttttttttttttttooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt.[/quote] Yes have more "quality" threads are needed about the standard of topics.
  3. Have to tried running the EMGs from two batteries to get 18v rather than just the one? I'm guessing that you'll be getting less of the "sound of wood" with EMGs. I didn't really get on with the one I had in my precision for a while.
  4. I can't see what the problem is. Just go for it! No matter what level you're at now, joining a band is bound to improve your playing.
  5. Is it this? bassidol.com I wonder if its like the (now defunct) local shop's battle of the bands where instead of getting sponsorship bands were charged to enter and tickets for punters were £7. Finalists got to play an unpaid gig that the promoters were making money on. It smells like a money making scheme. I wonder why Gibson & Roland got involved...
  6. I took my new Beyerdynamic DT-150s to the recording studio last week to focus in on individual sounds and the engineer liked them so much he's going to try to get the studio to buy some sets. I like to mix on headphones, but always listen on decent monitors as well.
  7. [quote name='Buzz' post='48657' date='Aug 22 2007, 12:15 AM']Dunno, 70's would be a nitro finish wouldn't it?[/quote] I think they stopped using nitro around '68 and went over to polyester. I'm sure someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. If you got credit from a shop you WILL be treated like a mug. Your best bet is to first workout how much you can afford to pay a month and set up a savings account. Set up a standing order to transfer that amount from your bank account into this new savings account. Then apply for a credit card with 12 month interest free period offer on purchases - halifax currently offer this, I'm sure there are others as well. When you get the card just use it once to buy the bass (after shopping around and haggling over the price) then put the card away don't get tempted to run up a higher debt. Pay the minimum amount off each week from the savings account, then just before the interest free-period ends pay the outstanding amount off and cancel the card. If you receive any credit card cheques or loan offers from the bank in the meantime shred them immediately, they want people to borrow more than they can afford and if you do you'll regret it almost immediately.
  9. I wish I'd known about this stuff last time I had to strip the paint off a 70s fender (most had already been sanded off by the previous owner). Even Nitromors could hardly touch it.
  10. [quote name='beerdragon' post='48241' date='Aug 21 2007, 12:02 PM']but you would'nt want to play one [/quote] I would for £100,000 a week
  11. I thought the first one was aesthetically challenged but the atum-re on the link just looks scrotal to me. Just my honest opinion. maybe I'm too conservative. (with a small "c")
  12. [quote name='E_MaN' post='47437' date='Aug 19 2007, 04:47 PM']buy the bass that inspires you to play[/quote] E_MaN speaks the truth. You already have a Carvin, which is probably a very nice bass but doesn't sound like it particularly inspires you. Its much better to have a bass that you want to pick up and play every time you walk into the room. You can safely ignore your friend's opinion about the Hoppus - as the saying goes "opinions are like a******s: everyone has one and most of them stink" )
  13. Cool idea, but it seems kind of expensive for something that looks like it can easily be made for next to nothing.
  14. [quote name='Crazyforkillua' post='47265' date='Aug 19 2007, 01:52 AM']Yea, pop punk. I want a Mark Hoppus bass, but my friend says they're a load of crap [/quote] Did your friend give a reason for his opinion. Has he played a Hoppus? I see no reason why a Hoppus would be a load of crap. I'm not keen on the styling, but I doubt it would be much difference between it and any other MIM precision apart from the jazz body and it has a great Pickup. Mexican Jazzes & Precisions are consistently very nice instruments these days. Have you seen the MIM Mike Dirnt Bass?
  15. For Punk I'd go with a US Fender Highway 1 Precision or a Fender japan 70s Precision reissue. The highway 1 will get nicely mojoed up from playing wear over time. Sorry I couldn't resist - no offence intended:
  16. It was designed to emulate the sound of an acoustic upright. I'm not sure if its more or less easy to adapt to a 43" scale
  17. A sign hung near the stage like this helps: "All song requests must be submitted on a fifty pound note. The band reserves the right to substitute any requested song for one with some of the same notes in it."
  18. I don't think I play any better after a drink, but I probably care less about any flubs in my playing.
  19. I must admit I find it uglier than an EBMM bongo, so in theory it should be even more comfy to play and sound better than a bongo. Rightly ot wrongly that shape looks like the main design criteria was to be different, rather than look aesthetically pleasing. - It looks like it could have been designed by committee. It should be designed as a unique bass model in its own right not as a scaled-up version of an existing guitar.
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='44893' date='Aug 13 2007, 04:44 PM']Left thumb on top is fine and automatic, right thumb on top feels deeply weird. I've been totally right-handed all my life in every (and I mean [i]every[/i]) activity.[/quote] Same for me.
  21. My EMG P pickup sounded a bit weak with 9v compared to to the mighty punch you get running it on 18v by connecting a pair of betteries in series. I've gone back to the stock fender pickup since though.
  22. It sounds like the guitarist is just trying to push your buttons - don't bother going down to his level. If it winds you up tell him he's an idiot and find another guitarist - there are ten a penny after all.
  23. That sounds great but why's she playing the bass line from "Ice Ice Baby"? I was a big Bowie fan up until the early 80s but I couldn't stand the original version with Queen.
  24. I use an H4 to record rehearsals & gigs. It works great on a cheap camera tripod from currys. I get plenty of recording time going straight to CD quality WAVs from a pair of 2700mAh NiHm AAs and a 2Gb card. I have Cubase studio 4 on my laptop, so I haven't used the cubase LE that comes with it, but I always use Magix Audio Cleaning lab to edit down the Files from the H4 to CD which works very well.
  25. I used to be on the lookout for such a thing, but since I started using a cheapo planet waves SOS strobe tuner, I no longer use my korg tuner, behringer pedal tuner, the one built into my GT-6B or the one that clips onto the headstock. If my amp did have a tuner built in I wouldn't it. I find the SOS to be the quickest & easiest to use of all I have owned or tried. I have managed to loose it a few times though. ( Its also handy to have when trying out basses in shops.
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