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Everything posted by jimmyb625

  1. "We don't need no education" I think you'll find that some understanding of a double-negative would be quite useful, unless of course you are calling for education.
  2. I've got one, still with the film on the pickguard and the barcode label on the back. I keep it at the theatre I'm involved with, just in case I get bored during a show where there's not much to do. It's great as a backup and doesn't sound that bad.
  3. I can't see it being viable for bands to play inside. The report I've just seen on the news says that people won't be allowed to stand and drink inside. You could play outside, but my guess would be that most places would want the space for punters.
  4. You just being really negative. They can do it because they've got such an effective tracing app. Oh, bugger...
  5. i'm missing it. We were due to play Middlewich FAB today. 😔
  6. Have you approached UNE (ft Mark Radcliffe)? I know they've done stuff for similar and they have a couple of live recordings from a recent stream.
  7. Yes, for "The Wall" tour. They joked in the past that he was the only one who made any money from the tour, such was the cost of production.
  8. Yes, if they have a reason to suspect you're trying to import without paying duty etc. Years ago, my Dad used to carry out jewellery valuations on things that had been brought in. In one consignment, the cheapest item was a £10k Rolex!
  9. This is from a while back and relates to the US, not Europe, but it's an interesting read: http://www.promenademusic.co.uk/importing-guitars-from-america As far as bringing something in and claiming you already owned it and took it out with you, it's a strategy that could work, but there is a risk. As Chrisb states above, it becomes your problem to provide proof of ownership. However, as this is about deals in Europe, for the short term at least, there's no problem.
  10. Jewellery certainly used to be siezed for examination and valuation, I would think it still is. Depending on what is brought in and by whom, customs will sieze and either destroy, or charge import duty.
  11. I think it's a good idea, however, as all of his emails seem to start off with "Hey Groove-hackers" I very rarely get to read the content.
  12. I don't think that's entirely the case.
  13. Maybe he does, but his criticism of Polly will guarantee that he'll never have any mention now on the official Pink Floyd sites.
  14. I fought the good fight for as long as I could, however there will be something winging its way to me shortly. Sorry for letting the side down, I will slink off shame-faced into the night...
  15. Not surprising unfortunately. They went through a restructure/change of ownership last year, which saw a number of stores (3 I think, including the original Warrington one) closing. It's a shame to see it happening.
  16. Our little theatre seats 100. If we had to go by the 2m social distancing requirements, I'd estimate we could have 10 in there. It wouldn't cover the production cost (licence is around £70 minimum per performance, although it varies greatly).
  17. I suppose it will come down to the financial viability of opening, whilst having a reduced occupancy.
  18. I think cinemas and theatres will be the last places to return to normality. I'm on the committee of a small, amateur theatre and we can't see any way of staging productions until this thing has gone. There is no viable way that we can have an audience and still maintain any form of distancing (unless we stream it). We're in a fortunate position in that we own the building and have some money in reserve and also that we don't have staff wages to pay, but I'd imagine that some smaller, pro venues will fall.
  19. Ha! Yep, I did exactly the same thing with my relic Vintage P Bass. It was quite a surprise at first to find that some of the "bare" wood was actually a colour. It's still a great bass for the money though.
  20. I *think* what may have happened is that the original price Thomann used (discussed on another thread where it was found that they'd now priced everything in £) was based on the exchange rate in Feb. This was approx €0.84 to £1. In mid-March, this went to €0.94 to £1and at the start of this week went to €0.88 to £1, so if they're calculating the prices manually, this would explain the difference. It's one of those times where the exchange rate is working against importing to the UK and I agree with your reasoning why.
  21. That's really good to know. Thanks.
  22. Hmmm, well the rockbass version was £899 on Monday and £915 on Tuesday...
  23. Does anyone have any experience with these? After watching his series of YouTube play-along's I've found myself quite tempted by one. So far, I can only find them on Thomann, who conveniently raised the price the other day.
  24. You're still running cables though, whether they're mains feeds plus signal, or speaker cables.
  25. I've been debating breaking my gear abstinence and was watching a bass on the site. Yesterday (27th April) it was £899, today (28th) it's £915. The exchange rate has actually improved in our favour over the last month, albeit only slightly, so I can only presume that the pricing is manual. I'd also make a guess that it isn't a fast-moving item, so I wouldn't think their cost price has changed. Oh well.
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