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Everything posted by JohnFitzgerald

  1. If you recognise all of this and the rest of them don't then I'm afraid you're far too good to stay there. Bands work best when the members are approaching being equals. Your band doesn't sound at all like that. As I said up the thread, you're not a million miles down the road from me being in Carluke and there are plenty of bands in this area looking for decent players.
  2. £64 that TNT sold for That buys a brand new cardboard box combo thingy which is no use to anyone. What a bargain that was.
  3. We appear to be in the same part of the world. Ish. I'm in Cumbernauld. There's certainly more gigs than there are players in this area for pub bands. AM Rehearsals in cumbernauld are forever posting 'bass player wanted' ads. Incidentally, we seem to have mutual friends according to FB. It's not that bad, get out and into a gigging band that's up to scratch.
  4. [quote name='bob_pickard' timestamp='1355491829' post='1899129'] I've just bought a new Hartke head so will be moving my Ashdown ABM Evo II 500W on when I can be bothered if you're interested? [/quote] Pukka amp there. Plenty meaty enough for the job paired with a nice matching Ashdown cab.
  5. I would have called that cab an 1818x. Am I wrong ?
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355478185' post='1898805'] Its you is it! [/quote] Guilty. Let me flip it round though. I've recently sold 3 items, all on BIN with offers. All of them I set to automatically accept offers within £20 of the BIN price and sell. Two of the items, I got very quick offers within a tenner of asking price and they sold at that point. The third item, the offer was £20 less than the asking price so accepted too. Had they all offered a wee bit less, they'd probably have been accepted. It's a strange world is buying and selling and I think you have to somewhat turn off normal sensibility before entering.
  7. I had mine about 5 years. Cost me £45, sold for £45. Karma and all that. Weighed slightly more than the moon, but just worked. Occasionally needed a bit of a warm up after a cold night, like an old diesel engine, but always got there. Nobody buys them because they're cool, but nobody ever regretted buying one either.
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355477559' post='1898793'] You are never going to lose on that little baby, looks good too. Could be a collectable rig one day, you know how these things are with nostalgia and many of us either having similar when new or sometimes more importantly wishing they could of then but can afford as a toy later in life. Look after it I say [/quote] Well it is a matching set from 'back in the day'.... Does this mean I should keep it at home and gig with an old TNT130 ? I do get your point about keeping it nice.
  9. My own perspective on buying and selling is very simple. If I'm selling I want market value or very close to it. I'll do my research and then price the item accordingly. I'll expect the buyer to have done likewise and recognise my price for what it is. If I decide I'm selling, I won't want it hanging about. I want it away, so I'll go for the type of price where I need to be thinking about postage or couriers within a couple of days at the most. Priced keenly but fairly and away it goes. Everybody's happy. If I bought cheap, I'll sell cheap. See my recent OLP sale as an example. If I'm buying, I'll want to find a seller that thinks like I do above. If he's price realistically and I can afford it then we'll have a deal. Easy peasy and nobody's offended. If I'm looking on ebay and it's BIN with offers, I'll ALWAYS offer half the asking price. It usually gets refused, but very often the seller comes back with a keen counter offer and we might have a deal. Buying and selling is about being mature enough to understand the rules of engagement and not taking it personally.
  10. Pete I'm known for having a keen eye for a proper bargain. The cabs were on the money, but I'm more than aware that I got the head for about half the usual S/H price.
  11. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1355474453' post='1898726'] Ah John, So it's you that's altered the gravitational pull in Cumbernauld [/quote] I took that pic lying on the floor, for effect. In reality, it's no more than up to chest height. Ideal for blokes of a certain age. You can hear the top speaker / don't have to bend down to tweak it. I'm sure there are many many proper Rigs Of Doom in here. This is a pretender to that particular throne.
  12. You'll find what you need in the for sale sections in here. Far better value than S/H in the shops or ebay for that matter. You just need to get into the habit of checking all the time. My budget these days is not at all dissimilar to yours. Would you believe that the stack you see here cost just a little bit more than that ? £80 for the 1153, £80 for the 2102 and £80 for the AH150-7. £240 for a mini stack of doom which I can break down into bite sized chunks. Way better than whatever you can buy new. This is definitely NOT for sale, but just pointing out what can be available if you're resourceful. Incidentally there's a matching pair of these cabs for sale on here right now for very similar money. If I could find another amp head, I'd be tempted.
  13. Better pics of mine. Forgot to add this previously. It really doesn't like having its picture taken indoors and works far better in daylight. [attachment=125093:IMG_0756.JPG] [attachment=125094:IMG_0759.JPG]
  14. Yay !! All the bits in one place at one time. AH150-7 2012 1153 All matching. [attachment=124910:IM000781.JPG] [attachment=124911:IM000780.JPG]
  15. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1355272453' post='1896350'] Horizontal dispersion is inversely proportional to the width of the source, so having the two tens vertical will double the dispersion angle compared to having them horizontal. [/quote] Bill Might this explain the logic behind the slot opening in the old Trace BLX combos ? P.S. Thanks for your's and others' input. I was always going for vertical stacking, just didn't want to miss out on something else obvious.
  16. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1355256512' post='1896092'] Takes up less floor space but still the cabs are squat enough to be stable, gets the speakers closer to your ears, you get a little benefit in terms of mid-range dispersion, AND the TE badges are the right way up! What's not to like about the vertical stack? If you got a second set of cabs, then 1. It wouldn't be technically ideal to have them side-by-side but 2. It's hard to see how to do it otherwise and 3. You probably wouldn't notice or care about the sonic difference [/quote] I could have a stack either side of the drummer. He'd love that.... Not. And yes, you're right, I wouldn't notice or care about the sonic difference. It's all just furniture after a certain point.
  17. To be 100% honest, I was already minded to have it vertically stacked, purely for audibility. Not a fan of ankleblaster cabinets. having said that, there's every chance it'll go through the PA too. It's not likely that I'll have it blasting*, just enough to hear it. * I can't make any promises though.
  18. If someone has already posted Norman Watt Roy with The Blockheads then I must have missed it. Come on people, what are you thinking of ?
  19. The cabs are designed to be used either way and have rubber feet on the long and short sides. My matching Trace head is exactly the same width as the short side too, so vertical stacking is not using the cabs in a way the designer hadn't intended. I take all of your points on board though.
  20. I've yet to wheel out the newly acquired trace cabs (1153 and 2102) and have it in mind that I'll be going for vertical orientation. Primarily so the top 10" speaker on the 2102 is at lughole height, or as close as is practical given the actual size of the cabs. It seems to be the preferred way for the likes of TC Electronics and their cabs. So, what's it to be ? [attachment=124791:post-16213-1304256474.jpg] [size=6]Or.[/size] [attachment=124792:Trace Elliot Cabs and Head (2).JPG] There will be those of you with an ability to give a scientific reason why one or the other would be better. Last questions. Were I to be stupid enough to liberate a bit of funds and pick up the other two matching cabs currently for sale on here, would it cause issues to have them side by side, i.e a pair of matching stacks. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Shove yer wee light cabs up yer a**e.
  21. No problem, just adding that in, just in case it helped in any way. P.S. You don't actually need a box as such. You just need enough cardboard and enough packing tape. The cabinet works as a pretty good former to build the box around.
  22. You should consider offering courier on these. I moved one cab out and two cabs in within the last month. Heaviest was a monster heavy Peavey 410tx which cost less than £20 to ship. Did it through Parcelmonkey and it was shipped by Night Freight. You'll get them moved on in no time. It cost me £14.68 to ship one of these.
  23. This cab is now sitting in front of me in my living room waiting to be introduced to its 1153 stablemate. On that basis, I would say that it's now pretty much SOLD.
  24. I very recently bought Jason's Trace Elliot 2 x 10 cab. Very agreeable transaction with excellent communications and a definite willingness to be helpful with the sale. The cab was absolutely as described and I would have no hesitation in recommending dealing with Jason. Top notch :-)
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