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Everything posted by BassTractor

  1. [quote name='simonc61' timestamp='1337926632' post='1667431'] (nice interests too btw, I also like the same ones) [/quote] The same interests? Wow, the lack of class is burning my eyes! b, b
  2. Hi Ash, Welcome to BC. That essay was a great read. best, bert
  3. Hi Simon (I presume), Welcome to BC! Old or not, you're sure to have a great time here. Enjoy! best, bert
  4. [quote name='The Saint' timestamp='1337871836' post='1666787'] Don't go away, plenty more questions coming....... [/quote] Don't go away! Keep those questions coming. I'm learning here.
  5. Polar Audio in West Sussex. http://www.polaraudio.co.uk/ Welcome, Matt! I hope you'll both enjoy and be able to exchange thoughts with bassists here. Great start! best, bert
  6. Hi Plunger, Welcome to BC from another noob. I hope and trust you'll enjoy this friendly forum. Quite eclectic list of artists you got there. Ain't it great to be diverse? best, bert
  7. Hi John, Welcome to BC! As another noob and old git, I learn a lot from the people here, so I'm confident that you will too. Can't recommend gaugeless strings highly enough! best, bert
  8. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1337814334' post='1666051'] Is it wrong I want. [/quote] Not wrong enough, at any rate, so I ordered it right away. Had promised myself just yesterday to buy a new one (my present one is near deceased), and now you post THIS. Thanks for doing so! 55 quid is a lot cheaper than what I'd have to pay in a shop here (prolly 120 to 150 quid) PLUS I get to proudly wear that logo. Boy, it's a long time since I bought the original "Pictures of Matchstick Men" single. I must be almost dying. best, bert
  9. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1337686002' post='1663898'] " Well put a f***ing Mic on it, and THEN turn it down!" [/quote] An instant classic! Thanks!
  10. Hey Gary, Welcome to BC - the ideal site to pose questions and get more bewildered after the answers. You DO remember that there are no stupid questions, right? There's only stupid people asking questions, dazzall. best, bert
  11. Hey Mark, Welcome to BC! I'm sure you will indeed enjoy. best, bert
  12. Hi Graham, Welcome to BC. It's nice to read from lurkers that they know what to expect and still want to enlist. Indeed, it's a larger-than-life instrument, innit? Me, I love the upright too much that I even dare to come close to one. I'm soo done carrying church organs and grand pianos to gigs (even their gig bags are more than heavy enough...), so now it's only small, lightweight things for me, like bass guitars and barefaced cabs. Enjoy! best, bert
  13. Ok, this time it's official: Welcome to BC, and enjoy your stay! As written before: I love your band. Great playing and great sound! best, bert
  14. Hi Tom, Welcome! Don't listen to Len. He's just kidding. In reality it's the Islay you're expected to pour. Enjoy the ride! best, bert
  15. Hi Pahaeno, Welcome! I too loved your vids ... and I'd love to be in a band like that. best, bert
  16. GAS is curable, and I'm pretty sure of this, but all the funds these days are going to what is considered more important medical research. So I think we must rather live _with_ it than against it. That aside, for me GAS is about curiosity, and a feeling of needing to know how different pups, necks, strings, pup placements, etc.etc. are. I feel I have to have experienced, thoroughly, some different necks dimensions, string spacings, materials used, etc. before settling for a tiny collection of gear I love more than the rest. I think the core of my GAS is a lack of knowledge. Also, for 300 quid, I can hang a print of an unknown artist on the wall, or a quite nice bass. A no-brainer. best, bert
  17. No good advice from me, but just a big hug and wishes for a good outcome. I may have missed some of the English in your OP, but have you pondered the question whether you want out of it at any rate, or would consider continuing if Dik says he wants to continue? That situation could easily come up, and I'd guess it would be something one had to have thought about beforehand, and not be taken aback by, as an emotional response easily could clutter everything up. Best of luck! bert
  18. Hi Rich, Welcome to BC. I hope you'll have agood time here. Friendly community. best, bert
  19. [quote name='FLoydElgar' timestamp='1337589854' post='1662242'] Why, Warwick basses are dope - Kenny higgins on bass, what a brother!! filthy groove... check it out [/quote] This is one of those optical things, yes? If you stare long enough at the vid, you might discover a bass in the background? best, bert
  20. Hey Gavgee, Welcome to BC. Enjoy the ride! best, bert
  21. Sigh! Here goes then. My ugly mug, pic taken at home / my shop: [attachment=108390:Bert 560.jpg]
  22. [b]Oh YES![/b] Most probably my next buy. Looks and feels great. Sounds more than adequate. I am sooo not buying the expensive Fender, and feel really lucky that the shop I normally use, just 10 miles away, stocks both the VM's, Warwicks and EBMM Bongos. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1337408699' post='1659396'] stacked V/V/T/T control set. [/quote] Does this mean a Tone for each pup, or what does it mean? Anyone care to explain please? best, bert
  23. Noobly and FWIW, the painted neck of the Bongo to me feels like the most balanced between "slide" and "hold" of any bass or guitar I've ever tried. To my hands, it feels so natural and secure - and it often reminds me of the reversed keyboards I used to love, with "white" keys in black wood. Always secure even with sweaty hands. I love all three of my basses, but feeling the Bongo is like coming home. As I said: noobly. best, bert
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